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fullcast after dark podcast

by Genoveva Dicki Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Le Batard & Friends, Shutdown Fullcast

Shutdown After Dark is the live online afterparty for college football, featuring the crew of the Shutdown Fullcast. It is a chaotic rundown of a chaotic day, focusing as much on the fans and surrounding hullabaloo of the sport as on the games themselves. It goes live when the last big game of the weekend wraps, and ends when we're done.

The Heisman Show, aka Charity in the Name of a Fictional Spider

The Fullcast After Dark crew are here to do a few things. One: Make fun of Urban Meyer, who may be his own source on all stories about how badly Urban Meyer is doing. Two: Watch the Heisman ceremony, and compliment strangers' fashion choices.

Championship Saturday and an Important Update On Monkey Law

With Jason and Holly both on injured reserve this week, Spencer and Ryan call in Jessica Smetana to review Championship Saturday’s games, not really feel bad for Georgia at all, investigate which playoff team’s fans will be the most unbearable, and review important new precedent in Monkey Law.

Ohio State, Utah and Willy Gronka

Welcome to Asskicking Saturday, where the Fullcast talks about teams like Ohio State and Utah wiping their opposition off the map, giants like Georgia’s Jordan Davis running for touchdowns out of single back sets, and all of the hellmouths Oregon’s loss opened for the poor PAC-12.

Week Eleven Recap, or Did You Hear Kansas beat Texas (again)

Welcome to our week eleven recap, also known as Rock Chalk Jay-HA-HA-HA-HA.

Week 10 College Football Recap: Taint Warning

Spencer, Holly, Jason, and Ryan review what teams are well past their expiration date, bring Michael Felder on to talk about the day's action before pitching a talk show where he fights his guests, discuss the most fearsome warnings for prescription medication, make the case for living more like Purdue fans, and Jason pronounces it an official Blood Week (for FCS, at least.).

Total Eclipse of the Arp, or How Georgia's Forever Starts Tonight

The crew discuss UGA becoming this amazingly good on defense forever, how Houston's coach living in hotels gave them the dirtbag genius advantage over SMU, Michigan State = fun (?!?!?), one team that got better after their coach/offensive coordinator was thrown out of the game and Pitt's Great Miami Screwjob.

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