- “What do you wish you had known when you started out?”
- "What led you to this [insert project, profession, etc. here]?"
- "What do you think your unique skill (s) is that has helped you become successful?"
- What do you wish you had known 10 years ago?
- What is your biggest failure, and what did you learn from it?
- What advice would you give someone wanting to pursue a career similar to yours?
- What are the best resources that have helped you?
How to ask great podcast interview questions?
How to Prepare To Conduct An Amazing Podcast Interview
- Choose Interesting Guests. Some guest are, well… boring. ...
- Do Some Background Research on Your Subject. A podcast interview shouldn’t be your first exposure to your subject. ...
- Get to Know Your Interviewee’s Work. ...
- Write The Guest’s Bio For Them. ...
- Determine Where Your Subject Meets Your Audience. ...
- Prepare Your Questions In Advance. ...
How do people make great podcasts?
Part 1 of 3: Creating Interesting Content Download Article
- Listen to podcasts for ideas and inspiration. If you’re interested in making a podcast, you probably already like listening to them.
- Choose a podcast topic that you're passionate about. There’s no magic formula for making a hit podcast that draws in a huge audience.
- Determine which format suits your topic and style. ...
What are the best questions to ask?
The right questions to ask new colleagues and 2 other ways to succeed in a new remote job
- Network with co-workers. Building relationships with your colleagues takes more effort when you’re not running into them at the water cooler – but they can answer questions about your new ...
- Re-vamp your WFH set-up. ...
- Set clear goals. ...
What are the best business interview style podcasts?
These critical podcast structure elements include:
- The intro telling listeners what your show is about, and presents a hook to get them to continue listening.
- The content of the episode. ...
- The outro closing each episode, and including a call to action, a promise of what’s coming next in your show, and also, asking listeners to rate, review and subscribe to ...

What are some good podcast questions?
What are three movies you'd recommend to my audience and why? What are three other podcasts you'd recommend to my audience and why? What's one question you wish I'd asked you, and how would you have answered? Where can listeners find you online?
What are some fun interview questions?
Unique interview questions"If you had a choice between two superpowers, being invisible or flying, which would you choose?" ... "What was the last gift you gave someone?" ... "How many square feet of pizza are eaten in the U.S. each year?" ... "If you could compare yourself with any animal, which would it be and why?"More items...•
What's a good question to ask?
Break the ice and get to know people better by selecting several of these get-to-know-you questions.Who is your hero?If you could live anywhere, where would it be?What is your biggest fear?What is your favorite family vacation?What would you change about yourself if you could?What really makes you angry?More items...
How do you draft a podcast question?
Write down a list of things you'd like to personally know and learn from the guest. Think from the guest's perspective....Think from the guest's perspective.Write down your goal. ... Jot down top-of-mind questions. ... List down guest's interests. ... What do you want to learn? ... Change perspectives.
What are some unique questions?
Here are 5 interesting get to know you questions:Do you have any ridiculous goals in life? ... What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done? ... What cartoon do you still like to watch? ... What personality trait do you wish you had? ... What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone to get back at them?
What are good random questions?
And now...for the most random questions ever!If You Had Three Wishes, What Would You Wish For?What Would You Rather Throw Away: Love Or Money?What's The Most Beautiful Place You've Ever Seen?What Was Your Fondest Memory Of High School?What's Your Favorite TV Show?What's The Strangest Thing In Your Refrigerator?More items...•
What are 50 questions to ask?
“What's Your Favorite…” QuestionsWhat was your favorite food when you were a child?What's the #1 most played song on your iPod?What is one of your favorite quotes?What's your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?What chore do you absolutely hate doing?What is your favorite form of exercise?More items...
What are 10 questions to ask?
Here is a list of 10 questions to ask on the first date:“What Makes You Unique?” ... 2. ” What are some random fun facts about you?” ... “What's Something You Want to Learn or Wish You Were Better At?” ... “Would You Rather…?” ... “Know Any Good Jokes?” ... “What's Your Favorite Place on Earth?” ... “Who Are the Special People in Your Life?”More items...
What are some juicy 21 questions?
21 Questions ListWhat's the weirdest dream you've ever had?If you could travel to any year in a time machine, what year would you choose and why?If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?What's one of the most fun childhood memories you have?More items...•
What should I talk about on my podcast?
24 Podcast topic ideas to start with todaySpeak about some cool countries or cities.Tell biographical facts about famous people.Do book or film reviews.Make a coaching podcast and teach your audience something.Start series of interviews with intriguing guests.Tell about your daily chores.More items...•
What should my first podcast say?
How to structure your intro episodeAddress your audience, welcome them to the show.Introduce yourself as the host of the show. Include your name. ... Mention what inspired you to start your podcast. ... Talk about the release schedule. ... Explain the podcast's structure. ... Say goodbye and share where people can find more:
What do you say in a podcast?
The easiest intro to script follows this basic setup: “Welcome to [podcast name], the show that [brief podcast pitch or tagline]. I'm [host name] and today we're talking about [episode topic] with [guest name]. We also have a surprise guest for you at the end of the show, so make sure you listen all the way through.”
How to get a good interview?
1. Do Your Research. Don’t make the mistake of showing up to the interview without knowing basic information about your guest; it’ll come off as unprofessional and rude. But beyond that, learning about your interviewee’s life and achievements will likely spark more question ideas.
Is a remote interview good?
For many remote interview podcasts, the episode is only as good as the questions (and, of course, the audio quality ). Finding the right balance of informative and entertaining usually starts with the host’s ability to put their guests at ease, converse with them naturally, and spark intriguing, dynamic conversation.
1. What did your parents do for a living?
You’re probably thinking this is an odd question to ask. But that’s exactly the point. If your guest has done plenty of interviews before, they’ll be expecting you to kick off by asking something like “Could you tell me about your background and what you do?”. There’s nothing wrong with that question in principle.
3. What are you not very good at?
Again, your guests will be used to talking about their strengths and areas of expertise. By asking them about the things they struggle with, it can keep the conversation fresh and interesting. Their response will help paint a more complete and accurate picture of them as a person - making them more relatable for listeners.
4. What makes you feel inspired or motivated?
Inspiration comes in many forms. It’s an essential prerequisite to become truly successful at anything. And it often comes from places you wouldn’t expect. By asking guests what motivates or inspires them it’ll reveal what has kept their passion alive over the years. You’ll get a sense of why they kept going where others would have stopped.
5. What keeps you up at night?
We all have fears and anxieties we replay over and over in our minds. We can distract ourselves during the day. But those thoughts tend to surface when we’re in bed at night.
6. Tell me something you think is true that almost nobody agrees with you on?
Controversy usually makes great content. And this question can help you bring it to the fore in your interviews. Whatever the response is, your guest will likely have deeply entrenched reasons for holding that particular belief.
7. If you could have dinner with any 3 people dead or alive who would it be and why?
This is a fun question to throw in towards the end of your interviews. It puts guests on the spot and you’ll often get some pretty unusual or quirky names. Maybe they’d like to sit down for a sombre and philosophical debate with Neitzsche and Kierkegaard. Or maybe they’d opt for Elvis and The Elephant Man like Karl Pilkington in the video below:
10. Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?
Most guests typically do podcast interviews for a reason. They might have published a new book, they may be running an online course, or they may be the founder of a startup. Whatever it is, they’re giving up their time to speak with you to help spread the word about something.
What is the art of podcast interview?
The art of the podcast interview. It’s involved, takes a lot of practice, and has the potential to help make your podcast a success. But while so much of being a great interviewer has to do with the conversation, it also has to do with the podcast interview questions.
What is interview pre chat?
The interview pre-chat, which is the few minutes you have with your guest from the time you connect to the time you hit record, is a critical time. Learn more about the best podcast editing and recording software. For guests who might not be familiar with being interviewed, or who haven’t done podcasts before, ...
What is an icebreaker in an interview?
An icebreaker not only shares unique info about a topic or your guest so your audience can create a connection with them, but it typically allows there to be a lighter air around the interview.
Should interview questions be a guide?
But remember: people want to hear stories and a good conversation, so while interview questions can and should be a guide for your episode, never sacrifice quality of conversation just because you want to get through all of your questions. When it comes to how to ask a question on a podcast, keep these tips in mind.
How to answer podcast questions?
To glean authentic, helpful answers from your expert guests, remember these takeaways: 1 Use the list of 25 revealing podcast interview questions 2 Prepare for the interview with a pre-interview 3 Focus on asking POV questions and follow up with what/why/how questions
What is POV question?
A POV (Point of View) question is meant to draw out a distinct perspective from your guest. Its objective is to turn a high-level topic like ABM or content marketing into a unique conversation around the guest’s specific experiences.
10 Fun Conversation Starting Questions to Ask
There’s nothing more awkward than meeting someone new and panicking to find something to talk about.
10 Best Fun Questions to Ask
What are some fun questions to ask? Well, the best fun questions to ask all have a few things in common: they focus on positive ideas and memories, they are great segues for fun stories, and they show your interest in the person you’re speaking to.
5 Fun Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather questions are like the multiple choice section of a test. You still have to think about your answer, but you have options to choose from.
7 Incredibly Funny Questions to Ask
There’s something about funny people. They’re magnetic. They lift the moods of everyone around them. They make great first impressions.
10 Fun Questions to Ask a Girl
There is a time for deep questions, there is a time for serious discussions, but there is also a time for fun.
10 Fun Questions to Ask a Guy
Men’s minds work differently than women’s. We can argue whether or not that’s a good thing, but the truth is that we tend to think about different things in different ways.
9 Fun questions to ask a new friend
Asking questions to your new friend shouldn't feel like an interview. You should also have some fun questions to ask a new friend to give a more relaxed environment for your friend.
Here are 81 Funny Questions to Ask at Work
Playing Question of the Day is best way to have hilarious conversations with your friends, family or colleagues.
Do you like this list of fun questions to ask?
Asking questions fun questions is such a great way to lighten the mood and create a jubilant atmosphere. I hope you enjoyed this like of fun questions to ask, and if you do, then I've got a bonus below!
What are the stupidest questions?
Funny questions are great for generating a laugh and breaking the ice, and sometimes they can be downright silly. Here are a list of stupid questions that are actually brain teasers:
What's a deep question to ask a guy or girl?
Asking deep questions is an important way to get to know your friends or colleagues on a closer level. If you want to switch things up a bit, try asking some Deep Would You Rather Questions: