Podcast FAQ

future of life institute podcast

by Mallie Connelly Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

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What is the Future of Life Institute?

The Future of Life Institute (FLI) is a nonprofit working to reduce global catastrophic and existential risk from powerful technologies. In particular, FLI focuses on risks from artificial intelligence (AI), biotechnology, nuclear weapons and climate change.

What is FLI research?

FLI catalyzes and supports research and initiatives for safeguarding life and developing optimistic visions of the future, including positive ways for humanity to steer its own course considering new technologies and challenges.

Who is Avi Loeb?

Avi Loeb, Professor of Science at Harvard University, joins us to discuss unidentified aerial phenomena and a recent US Government report assessing their existence and threat. Topics …

Who is Michael Klare?

Michael Klare, Five College Professor of Peace & World Security Studies, joins us to discuss the Pentagon's view of climate change, why it's distinctive, and how this all ultimately relates to the risks …

Rohin Shah on the State of AGI Safety Research in 2021

Rohin Shah, Research Scientist on DeepMind’s technical AGI safety team, joins us to discuss: AI value alignment; how an AI Researcher might decide whether to work on AI Safety; and why we don’t know that AI systems won’t lead to existential risk.

Filippa Lentzos on Global Catastrophic Biological Risks

Dr. Filippa Lentzos, Senior Lecturer in Science and International Security at King’s College London, joins us to discuss the most pressing issues in biosecurity, big data in biology and life sciences, and governance in biological risk.

Susan Solomon and Stephen Andersen on Saving the Ozone Layer

Susan Solomon, internationally recognized atmospheric chemist, and Stephen Andersen, leader of the Montreal Protocol, join us to tell the story of the ozone hole and their roles in helping to bring us back from the brink of disaster.

James Manyika on Global Economic and Technological Trends

James Manyika, Chairman and Director of the McKinsey Global Institute, joins us to discuss the rapidly evolving landscape of the modern global economy and the role of technology in it.

Nicolas Berggruen on the Dynamics of Power, Wisdom, and Ideas in the Age of AI

Nicolas Berggruen, investor and philanthropist, joins us to explore the dynamics of power, wisdom, and ideas in the 21st century.

Bart Selman on the Promises and Perils of Artificial Intelligence

Bart Selman, Professor of Computer Science at Cornell University, joins us to discuss a wide range of AI issues, from autonomous weapons and AI consciousness to international governance and the possibilities of superintelligence.

Jaan Tallinn on Avoiding Civilizational Pitfalls and Surviving the 21st Century

Jaan Tallinn, investor, programmer, and co-founder of the Future of Life Institute, joins us to discuss his perspective on AI, synthetic biology, unknown unknows, and what’s needed for mitigating existential risk in the 21st century.

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