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gary null podcast

by Mr. Christopher Cummings MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The Gary Null Show

Gary takes on the real issues that the mainstream media is afraid to tackle. Tune in to find out the latest about health news, healing, politics, and the economy.

New study calls into question the importance of meat eating in shaping our evolution

Quintessential human traits such as large brains first appear in Homo erectus nearly 2 million years ago. This evolutionary transition towards human-like traits is often linked to a major dietary shift involving greater meat consumption.

Eating More Plants May Keep Dementia From Flourishing

A recently published 12-year cohort study out of the University of Barcelona suggests that following a plant-based diet may help reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia in older age.

Supplement urolithin A appears to boost muscle, mitochondria health

An oral supplement intended to stimulate a natural body process appears to promote muscle endurance and mitochondrial health in humans. New research suggests that the supplement, urolithin A, may help improve or prolong muscle activity in people who are aging or who have diseases that make exercise difficult.

Step Up: walking may reduce Type 2 Diabetes risk for adults 65 and older

Walking regularly and at greater intensity may help prevent Type 2 diabetes among 70 and 80 year olds, according to one of the first studies measuring steps and pace among this population.

China Builds 27 Empty New York Cities

As of 2016, China ’s empty apartment units could house New York City 27 times over.

Antibodies from original strain COVID-19 infection don't bind to variants

People infected with the original strain of the virus that causes COVID-19 early in the pandemic produced a consistent antibody response, making two main groups of antibodies to bind to the spike protein on the virus's outer surface.

Who is Meryl Nass?

Meryl Nass is an internal medicine physician in Maine and activist who specializes in treating patients with Gulf War syndrome, adverse reactions from the anthrax vaccine and vaccine safety and efficacy in general. In the past she has testified on six separate occasions before Congress on behalf of veterans...

Who is Brian Hooker?

Some new information about William Thompson whistleblower confrontation with the CDC -- and a new study comparing adverse health conditions between vaccinated and unvaccinated children Dr. Brian Hooker is an Associate Professor of Biology at Simpson University in California, and a senior consultant for ARES Corporation, specializing in environmental restoration design. His analysis of the CDCs data about the Measle-Mumps-Rubella vaccine and autism was published in the Journal of American...

Who is the author of Wikipedia's assault on scientific progress?

Wikipedia’s Assault on Scientific Progress: The Case of Dr. Rupert Sheldrake Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network October 10, 2018 Wikipedia, the brainchild of Jimmy Wales, is supposed to be an objective source of knowledge.

Who is Dana Ullman?

Progressive Radio Network August 29, 2019 In 2014, Dana Ullman, who is regarded as America’s leading advocate for homeopathy and an author and publisher of over 35 books about this alternative medical system, bumped into [...]

Is Wikipedia a culture of editorial sadism?

Wikipedia’s Culture of Editorial Sadism. Wikipedia's Culture of Editorial Sadism Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, June 17, 2020 Perhaps the greatest farce in the modern history of technology is the perception of Wikipedia as a legitimate encyclopedia.


Gary takes on the real issues that the mainstream media is afraid to tackle. Tune in to find out the latest about health news, healing, politics, and the economy.


Higher vitamin D levels linked to longer telomeres: Study Harvard Medical School and University of Tromsoe (Norway), February 10, 2022 Increased levels of vitamin D are associated with longer telomeres, reported to be a marker of biological aging, says a new study. Every 10-nmol increase i…


Eating prunes may help protect against bone loss in older women Penn State University, February 9, 2022 It’s already well known that prunes are good for your gut, but new Penn State research suggests they may be good for bone health, too. In a research review, the researchers found that prunes ca…

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