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gcp podcast spanner

by Reta Larson Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do I learn Google Cloud Spanner?

Try Cloud Spanner tutorials, courses, and self-paced training from Google Cloud Skills Boost . These lectures, demos, and hands-on labs give you an overview of Google Cloud products and services so that you can learn the value of Google Cloud and how to incorporate cloud-based solutions into your business strategies.

What is Cloud Spanner documentation?

Cloud Spanner Documentation. Cloud Spanner is a fully managed, mission-critical, relational database service that offers transactional consistency at global scale, schemas, SQL (ANSI 2011 with extensions), and automatic, synchronous replication for high availability.

What is spanner for online games?

Spanner is a distributed, globally scalable SQL database service that decouples compute from storage, which makes it possible to scale processing resources separately from storage. This distributed scaling nature of Spanner’s architecture makes it an ideal solution for unpredictable workloads such as online games.


What is GCP spanner?

Google Cloud Spanner is a distributed relational database service that runs on Google Cloud. It is designed to support global online transaction processing deployments, SQL semantics, highly available horizontal scaling and transactional consistency.

Does Google use Cloud Spanner?

Cloud Spanner is built on Google's dedicated network that provides low-latency, security, and reliability for serving users across the globe.

What is the difference between Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner?

Cloud SQL can store up to 30 TB of data. Cloud Spanner is used to store more than 30 TB of data. It offers limited scalability as per the lesser load. It provides better scalability and SLOs.

Does Cloud Spanner support views?

In Cloud Spanner, views are read-only. Views can't be the target of an INSERT , UPDATE , or DELETE statement. This topic introduces and describes Cloud Spanner views and shows how to create and manage them.

Who uses Google spanner?

Who uses Google Cloud Spanner?CompanyWebsiteCompany SizeGannett Co, Inc.gannett.com>10000Davita Incdavita.com>10000Macy's Inc.macysinc.com>10000

Is spanner a relational database?

It's the first (and only) relational database service that is both globally consistent and horizontally scalable, able to handle the highest transactional workloads.

Why might a developer migrate an application from Cloud SQL to Cloud Spanner?

Many applications have availability requirements that make it impossible to keep the application offline for the time required to export and import your data. Therefore, while you are transferring your data to Spanner, your application continues to modify the existing database.

What is Hotspotting in Cloud Spanner?

The distributed architecture of Cloud Spanner lets you design your schema to avoid hotspots: structural flaws in tables that accidentally force their underlying servers to handle many similar requests alone, rather than distributing those requests across many servers in parallel.

What is pub/sub in GCP?

Google Cloud Pub/Sub provides messaging between applications. Cloud Pub/Sub is designed to provide reliable, many-to-many, asynchronous messaging between applications. Publisher applications can send messages to a "topic" and other applications can subscribe to that topic to receive the messages.

Which of the following are the features of cloud spanner?

Using Cloud Spanner as an OLTP solution with Online Analytical Processing supportData loading, Partitioning support and Indexes.Query and DML Performance.

Is spanner horizontally scalable?

Effortless horizontal upscaling and downscaling Spanner decouples compute resources from data storage, which makes it possible to increase, decrease, or reallocate the pool of processing resources without any changes to the underlying storage.

What is the cloud spanner emulator?

The gcloud CLI provides a local, in-memory emulator, which you can use to develop and test your applications for free without creating a GCP Project or a billing account. As the emulator stores data only in memory, all state, including data, schema, and configs, is lost on restart.

Key features

Everything you would expect from a relational database—schemas, SQL queries , and ACID transactions—battle tested and ready to scale globally.

What's new

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Learn how Spanner powers business-critical applications in retail, financial services, gaming, media and entertainment, technology, healthcare and more.


Pricing for Cloud Spanner is simple and predictable. You are only charged for the number of nodes in your instance, the amount of storage that your tables and secondary indexes use (not pre-provisioned), and the amount of network bandwidth used. Note that there is no additional charge for replication. See the pricing guide for more details.


Take advantage of our growing partner ecosystem to help you maximize value from Cloud Spanner.

Take the next step

Start building on Google Cloud with $300 in free credits and 20+ always free products.

Who is Gabe Weiss?

Gabe Weiss Gabe works on the Google Cloud Platform team ensuring that developers can make awesome things, both inside and outside of Google. Prior to Google he’s worked in virtual reality production and distribution, source control, the games industry and professional acting.

Who is Yuri Grinshteyn?

Now he’s back at Google, helping more companies do that. Yuri Grinshteyn Yuri works with Google Cloud Platform customers to help them design, architect, build, and operate reliable applications and services. He also advocates for SRE principles and practices on YouTube and elsewhere.

Training and tutorials

Try Cloud Spanner tutorials, courses, and self-paced training from Google Cloud Skills Boost .

Use cases

Discusses how to use Google Cloud to architect for disaster recovery (DR) to meet location-specific requirements.

Code samples

Dive into coding with examples that demonstrate how to use and connect Google Cloud services.

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