Podcast FAQ

good names for podcast

by Bennett Harber Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Following are the best music podcast name ideas you can consider:

  • Double Down Ace
  • Downtown Abby
  • Final Flight
  • Finish in Blue
  • Hot N Spicy
  • Hurricane Rose
  • Ice on the Road
  • Fire N Ice
  • Dragon Heart
  • Dream Spirit
  • Let’S Talk Numbers
  • The Kid Chatroom
  • Kid Whispers Podcast
  • Link Podcast
  • News Podcast
  • Bad News Podcast
  • Comedian Podcast
  • The Gossip Report Card

Catchy podcast name ideas
  • Griefcast With Cariad Lloyd.
  • WTF With Marc Maron.
  • Song Exploder.
  • Mike Birbiglia's Working It Out.
  • The Lazy Genius.
  • Dare to Lead with Brené Brown.
  • WE Well-Being Podcast.
  • Beautiful Anonymous.

Full Answer

How to choose the best podcast name?

How to Choose a Podcast Name: 5 Best Tips. 1. Keep It Simple. A simple name rids you of unnecessary words that would be detrimental to your SEO rankings. Plus, it will be easier to remember your podcast. Succinct podcast names usually have only three to four words and a maximum of 20 characters. Preferably, embody the general concept in the ...

What are some good podcast names?

Some shows featured on those roundups remain in my weekly rotation, including news podcast The Daily, parenting podcast Mom and Dad Are Fighting, The FiveThirtyEight Politics Podcast, movie ...

What are some of your favorite podcasts?

  • My Dad Wrote A Porno. A comedy podcast. A guy and his two friends read out each chapter of a really bad porn novel written by his father. ...
  • No Such Thing As A Fish. The researchers of QI (the QI Elves) sit around discussing their favorite facts. This podcast is entertaining and funny. ...
  • IRL by Mozilla: The In Real

What should I name my podcast?

When it comes to naming your podcast, the most important considerations are:

  • Does the name clearly and immediately communicate what your podcast is about?
  • Will this name resonate with your ideal listener?
  • Is it short enough? ...
  • Is the URL available? ...
  • Is it easy to speak the name, and will it be easy for others to remember and look up?
  • Remember: you can always leverage your tagline to add even more clarity and detail


What should I name my podcast?

In short, here are some guidelines for picking a great podcast name:Aim for 4 words or less.Choose a name that aligns with your content.Keep it succinct and intriguing.Try to avoid the words “The” and “Podcast.”Avoid special characters, misspellings, abbreviations, and punctuation.More items...•

Is my podcast name taken?

Double check to see if your show name isn't already taken by doing a search online with your show name idea. Branding is relatively important as well, as you'll want to have a social media presence on sites like Twitter and Facebook. A service like NameChk.com will search over 100 services to see if a name is taken.

How should I name my podcast episodes?

Keep your podcast title succinct to ensure your title isn't cut off in directories. Generally speaking, aim for 5 words or less with a maximum of 60 characters. Many directories do allow for longer episode names, but it is best to be succinct so your titles appear perfectly in all directories.

Can 2 podcasts have the same name?

Podcast names don't work the same as domain names so technically you can have multiple podcasts out there with the same name but it's not a smart strategy if you want to grow your audience.

Can you copy a podcast name?

Generally, the law treats words or phrases that sound similar to the same trademark as infringing of that trademark. This means that you cannot have the same podcast name as someone else but spell it slightly differently, thinking that your brand will be protected.

How do I protect my podcast?

Legally Protecting Your Podcast You should always check whether the name of your podcast is in use by anyone else, or if it's already been trademarked. If it hasn't, you'll want to trademark your name yourself. Doing this prevents brand dilution, which is important as you grow an audience and expand your reach.

Should I use my real name on my podcast?

Now Jeff, to answer your question, whether or not you should use your real name or sort of a pen name sorts, it's really up to you. It's really an internal decision that you have to make.

Are podcast names copyrighted?

In the U.S., you do gain certain legal rights just from using your brand name in public (these are referred to as “Common Law Trademark Rights”). So just because you haven't registered your podcast name with the USPTO doesn't mean you have no legal recourse if someone rips off your podcast name.

What makes a podcast unique?

Podcasts are a unique form of media because people use them both to learn and to be entertained, according to The Canadian Podcast Listener 2020, which has released a sneak preview of some of its findings. The research says that the attentive, lean-in audience for podcasts is great for advertisers.

Do podcasters make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

Can I copyright my podcast?

Using any portion of copyrighted material for a podcast without permission may be copyright infringement if an exception or limitation on the copyright owner's rights does not apply. Fair use is one such limitation and discussed further below. It would be wise to secure the rights before using any copyrighted material.

Can you get sued for a podcast name?

If you created it on your own and it is your original work, your podcast and your feed is an intellectual property asset that you own and you created, so you can sell as much of it as you want. Your last choice, which is not really a good one for anyone, is to get into a legal dispute as to who owns the name.

Why are descriptive podcast names so easy to find?

Descriptive podcast names are immediately identifiable to their target audience. And they're easier to find because they perform better in searches.

What happens when a listener searches for a term or keyword in a podcast directory?

When a listener searches for a term or keyword in a podcast directory, they'll be presented with a “ranked” number of options. Most podcast directories (including iTunes/Apple Podcasts, which is comfortably bigger than all the rest combined) won't search through your shownotes, subtitles, etc.

Can you put podcast in your name?

Using the Word “Podcast” in Your Name. There's no harm in putting the word “podcast” in your show title. But it can be a little redundant. When someone is searching a podcast directory for new content, every result they get is a podcast. Of course, a name like “The [your topic] Podcast” can still work really well.

Is it bad to call a podcast a preexisting podcast?

Even using a very similar name to a pre-existing podcast can be a bad call, regardless of whether that show's still active or not.

1. Brainstorm Ideas

Make a list of all the business names that are popping up in your mind. Write them down. Add some of the business names from the above lists.

2. Keep it short and simple

If you look at the most successful business names in history, you will see that more than ninety percent of these were short and simple. Look at the example of Google, Facebook, and Apple. All of them are short and simple. But still, they are the world’s three largest businesses at the moment.

3. Register your domain

If you are starting a business in 2020 and you are not aware of the online world, I suggest you learn this first. Without the internet and website, it is quite hard for you to promote your business online for free. It would not take much time to learn all this. You can also hire someone for that if you want.

4. Check the availability of the business name

If you have selected your business name from the above lists, make sure to check its availability. Depending on the city and country from where you are reading this. Your government must have a trademark center, where you will need to apply for that business name and trademark it.

5. Finalize your business name

Once you are done with shortlisting and checking the availability of your business name online, it is time to finalize your business name. Make sure to get feedback from your family and teammates on the name you are going to finalize. You can also create a Facebook poll to get reviews from your friends there.

Why is choosing the perfect podcast name so important?

Creating a podcast is a lot like starting a business. You need to have an idea of what you’ll sell—and in the case of podcasts, what your listeners can expect from tuning in.

How to name your podcast

We’ve put together 6 templates for naming your podcast. Each of these templates is flexible and up to your creativity, as you’ll see in the examples we give. Don’t worry about fitting your name perfectly into the template. Just focus on brainstorming how to make your name most appealing for your ideal listener.

You don't need to choose a podcast name overnight

Try brainstorming a few different potential names for each formula (depending on its relevance to your content). Once you have a list of ten or so names, figure out which name best suits the goal you have for your podcast—and which name you like best.

How To Name Your Podcast?

In this section, we will tell you the points you should consider before finalizing your name.

1. Check For Duplicates

Before finalizing your name. You should check either someone is already using it or not. You can quickly check it on Google by searching the following query <your name> + “Podcast”.

2. Check For Domain Name Availability

Always check for the domain name availability. As you will need a website for your podcast. This will help your audience to find you on search engines like Google.

3. Use Idioms & Synonyms

If you are not getting the exact word you are looking for. Then search for idioms and synonyms. This will give you a lot of ideas. And will make it easy for you to come up with a catchy name.

4. Get Name Ideas From Podcast In Your Niche

Another great way is to search in the podcast directories. That are related to your niche. This will give you a lot of ideas.

What should a podcast name be?

It’s important to think about what your podcast is about before picking a name. There are a few things you should consider. First, the name should be catchy . Second, it should also be unique. You don’t want it to be like everyone else’s podcast. Finally, the name should make sense for the show itself.

Why is it important to come up with a podcast name?

When you decide to create a brand, it is important to come up with a catchy name. Podcasts are an interesting way to showcase yourself as a writer or entrepreneur. The best thing about these shows is that you can have a voice and reach out to a variety of people. It’s important to think about what your podcast is about before picking a name.

What are some examples of podcasts?

Some examples of this can be seen in popular podcasts like: 1 Dissect – Dissect is a music podcast whose host breaks down the musical theory and inspirations behind popular music. A typical episode length is 45 mins to an hour, using the word ‘Dissect’ conveys a show that is in-depth and provides well thoughtout ideas. 2 This Week in Tech – A much more straight forward podcast name, this show lets audiences know exactly what they can expect and what it’s about. 3 Murder Minute – With a typical length of 30 minutes, this podcast is made for audiences on a short commute or wanting a quick fix of true crime drama.

Why is the podcast called Philosophy Podcast?

This is a philosophy podcast that is to bring philosophical ideas to bigger audience. The punctuation in the name is important as philosophy is traditionally a very dry subject and the name, punctuated with an exclamation mark shows that there is a lighter passionate side to this podcast.

What is a pod save America?

Pod Save America is a News podcast that addresses current political stories in the US. The name plays on the phrase ‘God Save America’, the play on words hints at it’s satirical nature whilst also showing they are discussing serious topics.

Can you use a pseudonym on a podcast?

Your name will henceforth always have the tag with your podcast, which can compromise your privacy at any time. On the other hand, using a pseudonym saves you from that but opens up newer problems. Listeners often do not take these podcasts seriously, making it imperative for creators to have a fanbase.

Do you have to change the name of your podcast?

Similarly, there might be situations where you need to change the name of your podcast. Under such circumstances, it is crucial to not lose on your audience base and retain them. The best idea is to always come clear and explain the need for the change to your listener. This helps the podcast gain more traffic.

Go For Brief And Mind Catching Names

When it comes to naming your podcast, you should always go for short, simple and catchy names, names that will instantly attract listeners. The names must be unvarnished versions of what you are going to talk about, so people find it very easily on the web.

Make Your Own Unique Name

When you are starting a podcast show, make sure that the name you choose is unique and creative. The more creative the name, the more listeners will it attract. While you do this, make sure the name avoid controversies like questioning people’s belief or socially triggering them. It should be innovative and solemn.

Go For Easily Pronounceable Names

You don’t need to use bombastic English words to name your podcast. Keep it simple, use layman’s language so that anyone and everyone understands it.

Know Your Competition

When you are starting a podcast show of your own, you should always update yourself about the latest topics that people are interested in. You must follow other podcasts of that genre to analyze and be successful in your attempt and make your podcast an interesting one.

Embrace Public Help

When you are confused about what to name your podcast, let your audience decide that for you. Social media is a huge platform that connects people across the globe. You can put up polls on social media and let your audience decide, then choose the name that the majority of the people find interesting.

Generated podcast names

Or this "Weekly conversations with the chess world's best players and educators about their lives, careers, and best practices."

Topic of your show

The name of your podcast revolves around the topic of your show. It can be plain or playful depending on your tone but it should always be clear what the podcast is about.

Target audience

Is there a popular jargon or phrase within your target audience? Think about it. You can use that to come up with a catchy title for your podcast.

Keyword Research

SEO is one of the most powerful ways to make your podcast more searchable. Research keywords in your niche and build your podcast name around those.

1. Make it short and punchy

This doesn’t have to be the time to get too clever or funny. Sometimes keeping it simple and getting straight to the point is your best bet. It obviously depends on the tone and topic of your show though, keep that in mind.

2. Use a common phrase or a pun

This relates a lot to your target audience. Is there a common phrase in your niche? You could use that for the name of your show. A lot of podcasts also use puns. It might be a bit harder to come up with a good one but you could potentially strike gold.

3. Make it searchable

SEO plays a massive part in the searchability of your show so keep that in mind while crafting your name. Research relevant keywords in your niche and try to include at least 1 in your podcast name.

Sports Talk Podcast Names

Sports talk podcasts have been getting more and more popular lately. This is a great way for fans to stay engaged with the games they love as well as learn more about their passion.

Sports Betting Podcast Names

Sports betting podcasts are a hot topic right now, and some of the podcasts in this niche are growing by huge numbers. By starting your own sports betting podcast, you can capitalize on this growing trend. But what to name it?

Cool Sports Podcast Names

When it comes to starting a sports podcast, the first thing you need is a snazzy name. The name of your podcast can make or break it. It’s what people will use to find you on search engines, social media, and other platforms, so it’s super important that you choose something catchy, unique, and, most importantly – relevant to your show.

Creative Sports Podcast Names

A good podcast name is hard to come by. It needs to shout out that your podcast is about sports while also attracting the right audience. You want it to be catchy and memorable, but you also want it to be something that’s not totally obvious.

How to Name a Sports Podcast?

So you’ve decided to start a podcast. Awesome! Podcasting is not only exciting and fun but also a great way to build a community that shares and appreciates similar interests. However, one of the most difficult things about creating your podcast is coming up with a name.

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