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harry knowles podcast

by Nasir Volkman Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

When is the new Harry Knowles and Ain't It Cool News episode?

P.S. Downlow.d: The Rise And Fall of Harry Knowles and Ain't It Cool News will return with a BRAND NEW narrative episode on April 28th. Click here to purchase a copy of Abraham Riesman's book "True Believer: The Rise and Fall of Stan Lee."

What can we learn from the Michael Knowles show?

Bask in the simple joys of being right. The Michael Knowles Show cuts through the madness of our politics and culture, analyzing the top stories of the day. Monday through Friday.

Does Harry Knowles have no boundaries?

”Harry has no personal boundaries, whether verbal or physical,“ one former contributor says Ain’t It Cool News founder Harry Knowles exploded into internet glory by ignoring boundaries. But boundary-breaking also hurt him and his site long before he stepped aside this week over sexual assault and harassment accusations.

How do you beat Harry Knowles?

Just as Ain't It Cool News is beginning to surge in popularity, Hollywood learns that the best way to beat Harry Knowles is to seduce him. We also meet the real life version of William Miller who started writing for the site when he was a teenager, while Drew McWeeny continues his war against test screenings.


Where did the fall of Knowles come from?

The fall of Knowles — who did not respond to requests for comment — is all the more staggering because of his astonishing rise. He came from Austin — and nowhere. In 1994, he told The New York Times, he bought a computer with insurance money he received after his mother died in a fire.

Why was Bob Beckel fired?

Fox News fired “The Five” co-host Bob Beckel after he was accused of making an insensitive remark to an African-American employee. Fox News human resources took less than 48 hours to investigate the incident and recommend dismissal, a network executive told TheWrap. Fox News.

How much did O'Reilly pay Fox News?

A New York Times investigation found that O’Reilly and Fox News had paid $13 million in total to five women who had worked or appeared on “O’Reilly Factor” over the years and made claims of sexual harassment or other inappropriate behavior. Fox News. April 3, 2017: Another lawsuit against Ailes and Fox News.

Did Harry Knowles touch her?

It was around the time the site was booming — in the late 1990s — that the first of Knowles accusers says he began repeatedly touching her, repeatedly and uncomfortably, without her consent. Also Read: Harry Knowles Denies Former Alamo Drafthouse Worker's Claims of Sexual Assault.

Who is Andrea Tantaros?

Andrea Tantaros, a former host of the Fox show “The Five ,” filed a new lawsuit against Ailes, Shine and other network executives, claiming that an extensive online harassment campaign had been waged against her. Fox News sought arbitration and called Tantaros “not a victim” but “an opportunist.”. Various.

Did De Noie respond to a request for comment?

De Noie did not respond to a request for comment. He remains the site’s business manager, which is even more remarkable considering that Knowles soon had tax problems of his own. He told The Hollywood Reporter in 2013 that because of De Noie’s errors, the site owed $300,000 in back taxes.


The Canadian government threatens to kill truckers’ puppies, Ted Cruz introduces legislation to defund schools that make kids get the Fauci Ouchie, and NYC mayor Eric Adams threatens to stop taking questions from white reporters.

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