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henry kissinger podcast

by Prof. Odie Collier Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the Kissinger report?

The ‘Kissinger Report’ talks about bringing valuable resources from around the world to the USA. He mentions that it was easy to take our country’s resources as long as those countries were stable and unstable countries were difficult to access. So the question he asks is, how can we stabilize less developed countries? (As we know all the richest commodities are in these places).

Why did Henry Kissinger step down?

George W. Bush appointed Ashkenazi war criminal Henry Kissinger to head-up the 9/11 commission and then Kissinger had to step down because conflict of interest

What did Kissinger tell Pinochet?

He told him he was a victim of Communist propaganda and should not pay too much attention to American critics.

What was the coup that Henry Kissinger orchestrated?

In ‘73, he orchestrated a military coup against the democratically elected Allende regime of Chile, installing in its stead the violently oppressive Pinochet dictatorship. A newly declassified cable obtained by The Observer reveals the lengths to which Henry Kissinger went to cover up atrocities in Chile and give comfort to the regime of General Pinochet.

What was Kissinger's role in the Bangladesh Liberation War?

One has to keep in mind that Kissinger was also responsible for implementing the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and the US , which was one of the Nixon administration’s greatest political achievements. Pakistan was an important partner of China’s and the US needed them to broker negotiations with China

What was Kissinger's relationship with Turkey?

The links between Kissinger and Turkey formed a long lasting relationship between Kissinger and the Israeli Lobby in the United States, particularly the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Turks. When Turkey invaded Cyprus in July 1974, Kissinger was only concerned about the continued operation of U.S. intelligence bases in Turkey and three in the presently under Turkish military control and occupied north zone of Cyprus: Yerolakkos, Mia Milia, and Karavas. Eventually, these listening stations were evacuated in 1975 by CIA agents and U.S. Marines.

What was Kissinger's support for the invasion of Cyprus?

It is Kissinger who is ultimately to blame for anti-American violence in Greece, both for his support of the Greek junta and his support for the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. Kissinger himself, in proposing an intervention in Cyprus, summed up his philosophy best: “The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer.”

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