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history of the civil war podcast

by Octavia Dare I Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Who was the first Confederate soldier to attack the Wheatfield?

BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG (Part the Thirty-seventh) Philippe Regis de Trobriand (1816-1897) In which Anderson’s Georgia brigade makes the first Confederate attack on the Wheatfield on July 2, 1863. Our book recommendation for this episode is “Gettysburg’s Bloody Wheatfield” by Jay Jorgensen. Listen to Episode 351: BattleGettysburgPartThirtyseven.

What episode of Battle of Gettysburg is the Battle of Culp's Hill?

BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG (Part the Forty-fifth) In which the Confederate soldiers of Allegheny Johnson’s division attack Culp’s Hill on July 2. Our book recommendation for this episode is “Gettysburg: Culp’s Hill and Cemetery Hill” by Harry W. Pfanz.

What was the second day at Gettysburg?

In which we look at the Confederate attack on, and Federal defense of, Cemetery Ridge on July 2, 1863. Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Second Day at Gettysburg: The Attack and Defense of Cemetery Ridge, July 2, 1863” by David L. Schultz and Scott L. Mingus Sr.

Why was the Civil War important?

That's because it decided what kind of nation America would be and whether or not the promise of universal liberty would be fulfilled. And what decided the outcome of the Civil War was its battles.

What are James and Scott's topics?

James and Scott explore additional topics such as emancipation, the naval wars of the Civil War, and weapons technology. Plus they get deep into the biographical backgrounds of the Union and Confederate generals (Grant, Sherman, McClellan, Thomas, Lee, Jackson, Beauregard, and Longstreet). Listen on Apple Podcasts. FEB 26, 2021.

The Writings of a Civil War Casualty

There were approximately 3,650 soldiers killed at the Battle of Antietam. That's 3,650 individual stories lost to a statistic. The Untold Civil War sits with Ben Myers who has rescued one of the…

Paramedic's view on Civil War Medicine

A candid discussion with Donny Copper, the man behind the americancivilwar_ig page. On this episode we discuss social media and Civil War storytelling, Donny Copper's Civil War ancestors, a…

POTUS Under Fire!

I sit with Ranger Steve Phan to discuss the Civil War Defenses of Washington. Hear the story of the first and only time in history where a sitting US President came under fire on the field of battl…

The National Guard at Gettysburg

In honor of the 158th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, this month’s episode will focus on the role of the Army National Guard at the battle. With me to discuss the topic is Guardsman Aaron H…

Rosie the Riviter and the Civil War

On this episode Raina Egan sheds light on the experience of women who worked in Civil War arsenals. These hard-chargers worked around the clock to provide their soldiers with the materi…

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What is part B of Chambersburg?

Part B takes us through the end of the short life of rebel cavalier Jeb Stuart. Then, Chambersburg meets its unfortunate fate, courtesy of Jubal Early.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit …

When did Nathan Bedford Forrest become a thorn in the Union?

In Spring, 1862, Nathan Bedford Forrest's military acumen began to reveal itself, as he became a thorn in the side of Union operations in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama. Part 2 includ…

When did the Civil War prisons explode?

By early 1864, POW populations in Civil War prison camps had exploded, and conditions in the camps were abysmal. In an attempt to liberate captured Union soldiers held at nearby Belle I…

Who hosts the podcast Portraits of Blue and Grey?

Portraits of Blue & Grey, hosted by Christopher Moore, is a biographical Civil War podcast that examines the lives of the most prominent, interesting, and influential figures of the United States Civil War Era.

Who wrote the Iron Brigade?

The Iron Brigade in the Gettysburg Campaign” by Lance J. Herdegen. Episode #321-“Gettysburg: The Story of the Battle with Maps” by the Editors of Stackpole Books. Episode #320-“A Field Guide to Gettysburg: Experiencing the Battlefield through Its History, Places, and People” by Carol Reardon & Tom Vossler.

What episode of The Battle of Brandy Station is the first step towards Gettysburg?

Episode #305-“Brandy Station 1863: First Step Towards Gettysburg” by Dan Beattie. Episode #304-“The Battle of Brandy Station” by Eric J. Wittenberg. Episode #303-“Spies, Scouts, and Secrets in the Gettysburg Campaign” by Thomas J. Ryan.

What episode is the campaign for Vicksburg?

Episode #277- “The Campaign for Vicksburg” (3 volumes) by Edwin Bearss. Episode #276-“A House Divided: A Study of Statehood Politics and the Copperhead Movement in West Virginia” by Richard Orr Curry. Episode #275-“West Virginia and the Civil War” by Mark Snell.

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