Podcast FAQ

how does podcast make money

by Miss Vincenza Fisher Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  1. Sponsorships. Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show.
  2. Direct support including premium content. Direct support is when you simply ask your fans to send you money to support your show. ...
  3. Affiliate sales. Affiliate sales are similar to sponsorships, but instead of getting paid by the download, you get paid based on what you sell for another company.
  4. Complementary products. The fourth common way to monetize a podcast is to sell complementary products. This might include merchandise, courses, consulting services, books, or access to live events.

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

How many listeners does a podcast need to make money?

If your new episode gets, within 7 days of its release:

  • more than 26 downloads, you're in the top 50% of podcasts.
  • more than 72 downloads, you're in the top 25% of podcasts.
  • more than 231 downloads, you're in the top 10% of podcasts.
  • more than 539 downloads, you're in the top 5% of podcasts.
  • more than 3062 downloads, you're in the top 1% of podcasts.

What to do when your podcast Make Money?

How Do Podcasts Make Money?: 10 Ways to Monetize

  1. Offer Courses. Offering educational courses or something to do with your passion and hobby is one of the best and topmost ways to make money from podcasts.
  2. Provide Services. Providing various services is also possible through podcasts. ...
  3. Sponsors and Advertising. ...
  4. Consulting. ...
  5. Crowdfunding. ...
  6. Premium Content. ...
  7. Events. ...
  8. Merchandise. ...
  9. Books. ...
  10. Public Speaking. ...

How to make money from your tiny podcast?

How to Monetize a Podcast – Your Options

  1. Creating Courses. If you like to teach others the nuts and bolts of your subject matter, then this could be the method for you.
  2. One on One Coaching. If you’d like to get on calls and talk people through processes, teaching them live, instead of online, then this could work for you.
  3. Sponsorship. ...
  4. Write an eBook. ...
  5. Sell a Product. ...
  6. Sell a Service. ...

More items...

How do you make money doing a podcast?

  • Additional interviews
  • Behind-the-scenes content
  • Ad-free RSS feed
  • Early-access RSS feed
  • Q&A with the hosts


How much money can you make from a podcast?

As an estimate, if your podcast has about 10,000 downloads per episode, you can expect to make between $500 – $900 per episode in affiliate sales.

Do podcasts really make money?

Do podcasts make money? Of course they do! Big names are getting large amounts of listeners and large amounts of ad revenue in return. According to AdvertiseCast, average 30-second CPM (cost per 1K listeners) rates are $18, while 60-second CPMs are $25.

Do podcasts get paid on Spotify?

Streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts pay out for streams, but the payout tends to be very low. Podcast sponsorships are one way, but for new podcasts, the likelihood of finding a high-paying sponsorship is slim unless you're already a well-established figure.

How much does it cost to start a podcast?

In fact, if you already have a computer and you're operating on a shoestring budget, you can record, edit, and launch a podcast for less than $200. On the other hand, if you want to use higher-end equipment, starting a podcast can cost a few thousand dollars.

What is the best thing about advertising networks?

The best thing about advertising networks is that you have the opportunity to grow. When you first start out, you'll have little control over rates, but, as you gain popularity, you'll be able to charge more for advertising slots. Crowdfunding.

Is affiliate marketing good for podcasts?

The same goes for unique discount codes that people can use at checkout. All things considered, affiliate marketing is a great way to keep the money trickling in with minimal additional work.

1. Affiliate Marketing

Also known as performance marketing, it entails receiving a commission when you refer people to other companies. Typically, you’ll earn a small percentage each time someone clicks on the link you provide and buys something.

2. Podcast Sponsorship

When searching for ways to earn an income stream from podcasting, there’s no doubt that a Podcast sponsorship comes to mind. That’s because they’re typically seen as the ‘default’ method of monetization.

3. Courses

Popular podcasters create their unique online courses to teach the nuts and bolts of the content they discuss on their podcast. These are excellent ways of teaching a subject straightforwardly, allowing your audience to get a particular outcome upon completing the course.

4. Consulting and Coaching

While these are relatively similar to offering a service, you typically don’t do the work for your customers. Instead, you steer them on the right path towards long-term improvement.

5. Write an eBook

As a popular solution to the question, ‘how do podcasts make money?’ a great eBook can be easy to craft, short, and captivating if you’re well-versed in an area. You can publish an eBook on nearly anything.

6. Donations and Crowdfunding

These come in handy as a means of supporting you and your podcast. More entertainment-based podcasts are a great way to monetize in this way.

7. Premium Content

There’s no denying that selling premium content is an excellent way to monetize your podcast and scale your business. What sets it apart from memberships is that premium content is more comprehensive and longer than what you’d expect with free content or a membership.

Create A Community

Podcasting is a powerful medium because it cultivates feelings of intimacy between a podcast host and their audience. When people listen to a podcast, they feel like they know the host and are in the room with them.

Choose the Right Hosting Platform

There are many hosting platforms available on the market, however, not many of them allow hosts to use programmatic ads from the beginning like Spreaker does. This is a huge benefit to any podcaster looking to make money from their content, so be mindful of this when selecting your podcast hosting platform.

1. Programmatic Advertising

Using the most simple explanation, programmatic advertising refers to the marketplace where the automatic buying and selling of podcast advertisements occur. At Spreaker, for example, we have our own programmatic marketplace, which is full of advertisers that are ready and willing to automatically deliver target ads on your podcast.

2. Sponsorships

Since there are different reasons that one might want to monetize their podcast, one thing that is important to know before we carry on is that you don’t need an enormous audience to land a podcast sponsor. However, you need to know what you’re offering to a potential podcast sponsor and what they can bring to you.

3. Affiliate Marketing

So how do podcasts make money with affiliate marketing? Oh let us tell you the ways. Affiliate marketing is a way to make money selling other products and services. You get a commission on anyone who signs up for a service/product under your unique link.

5. Selling Courses

This option goes hand-in-hand with coaching because you can use prior coaching experiences to create a course if you find you don’t have enough time in your day to provide for all your one-on-one customers.

6. Sell a Service

This option is a level up from coaching because you’ll be doing part of the work for the client. To illustrate, let’s say you’re an expert in the CBD industry and you offer consulting services but one of your clients would love for you to write for their blog. Maybe you start freelance writing on the side as a service.

How do podcasters make money?

1. Sponsorships. Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

Why do podcasts have negative cash flow?

In fact, many podcasts have negative cash flow because they spend money buying equipment and paying hosting fees before they earn a single dollar. Creative work like podcasting doesn’t make any money until people choose to watch you. It takes time for listeners to decide you have value.

Why are mid roll ads more valuable?

Mid-roll ads are more valuable because the audience is captive at the time. Sometimes the sponsor will give you a script to read. Other times the sponsor will give you more flexibility. When you first start pitching advertising, we recommend asking for $15 for pre- and post-roll ads and $20 for mid-roll ads.

What is affiliate sales?

Affiliate sales are similar to sponsorships, but instead of getting paid by the download, you get paid based on what you sell for another company. The other company pays you a commission for each sale. Audible has a popular affiliate program that a lot of podcasters and YouTubers take advantage of.

Does audible have an affiliate link?

Audible gives you a special affiliate link to promote. When someone uses your link, you get credit for the sale and earn $15. If you monetize with affiliate sales, make sure the company gives you a simple link that’s easy for you to say and your listeners to understand. Good affiliate URL: www.sponsor.com/your-name.

12 Proven Ways for Monetizing a Podcast

There are more ways that podcasts can make money than you might think. Dive into the options below to learn how you can make money as a new or experienced podcaster.

How Much Money Do Podcasts Make?

The amount of money that you can potentially make through podcasting depends on several factors.

When Should I Monetize My Podcast?

One of the biggest questions people have about monetizing their podcast is whether or not it's too early to monetize. Some podcasters wait until they get 50,000 downloads per month before they put ads in their show, while some start selling merchandise at 5,000 downloads per month.

Most Popular Podcast Advertising and Sponsor Networks

Implementing advertisements into your podcast can be one of the easiest ways for you to earn some money. Once you finalize a deal with a sponsor, you can start raking in the dough!

How To Increase Your Podcast Audience and Listenership

There are many ways to help increase the number of listeners your podcast receives. And of course, the more consistently your listeners tune in, the better the chance to monetize them.

How Do Podcasts Make Money FAQ

Here are the most frequently asked questions about making money with podcasts.

Understanding How Much Podcasters Make

Now you know how podcasts can make money. There are many ways that podcasters can generate revenue, and the choice is yours on which method (s) to pursue. The more popular your podcast becomes, the more likely people will donate or sponsor your content. So keep up the excellent work!

What is membership podcast?

Membership podcasts are private podcast episodes that hosts create for their paying subscribers. Typically, fans sign up for a monthly subscription to access the content on a unique RSS feed or a password-protected website. One important note to make is about the word “Subscribe.”.

What is supercast podcast?

This platform is built specifically for creating your own podcast SaaS company. It comes with beautiful analytics (MRR, churn, location of your users, etc), a customizable landing page for users to sign up, Apple and Google Pay integrations for your listeners to easily subscribe, and an affordable rate of .$59/user/month (plus Stripe processing fees).

What is a poda?

Podia is an all-in-one digital membership platform for selling your private podcast, digital products, courses, and email newsletters. Because it offers so many features, this platform is perfect for podcasters who plan to branch out in what they offer their audience over time (eg. publishing a course or Ebook).

What is a substack?

Substack is a fast-growing platform for independent writers and thinkers who want to earn money through a subscription content model. And while this platform is predominantly for written content, they have rolled out a feature for paywalled podcast content as well.

How does Buy Me a Coffee work?

Buy Me a Coffee lets you collect one-time gifts and donations from your audience. They take a 5% transaction fee, so you can keep 95% of your earnings. They pay out through both Stripe and Paypal, so you can choose whichever is best for you.

Why are affiliate sponsorships important?

Affiliate sponsorships are a great first step towards creating revenue because you can get started for free and you don’t need to have a large audience in order to set up affiliate accounts.

How much does Tim Ferris make?

Tim Ferris Makes $3M Per Year (Programmatic Advertising) Jack, the host of Darknet Diaries listed above, estimates that Tim Ferris makes $3 million per year on his podcast alone. Tim Ferris is sponsored by many brands and constantly recommends products using affiliate links as well.

Advertisements and Podcast Sponsorship

With more and more people listening to podcasts, the scope for podcast advertising also goes up. A report found that brands spent close to $500 million on podcast ads in 2018, which was a 50% increase from 2017.

Affiliate Sales Income

Affiliate sales are like ad income, but instead of a fixed rate, you get paid a certain percentage of each sale you make for another brand. You would promote a product on your podcast, and the brand provides you with a link or code. If listeners make a purchase using your link or code, you get a cut of the sale.


Subscriptions on podcast channels are usually free, but there are some that charge. Once the subscriber pays for the content, they upgrade from free content with ads to an ad-free version with some additional perks. YouTube Premium and Spotify Premium are some examples of paid subscription services.

Exclusive Paid Content

Another method of how podcasts make money is paid content. Loyal listeners always want to see exclusive content like behind-the-scenes, bloopers, additional information, and extra footage.

Online Courses

Nowadays, everything can be taught online. A lot of podcasters have online courses where they teach you more about the topic of their podcast and also provide training to learn what they do.


Similar to courses, the listener gets to learn from the podcaster. But unlike a virtual class, they get to receive personalized feedback and coaching on their work. Business, fitness, and weight loss are popular in consultations.

Live Shows and Public Speaking

Once your podcast is popular enough, you could be invited to speak on your area of expertise and get paid for it. You could also sell tickets to live shows where people get not just to hear your voice through a device but in person and possibly interact with you.

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