Podcast FAQ

how much does it cost to start a podcast

by Prof. Crystal Ebert Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Startup Costs

  • The minimum startup costs for a podcast: $62
  • The maximum startup costs for a podcast: $40,811
  • The average startup costs for a podcast: $23,548

In fact, if you already have a computer and you're operating on a shoestring budget, you can record, edit, and launch a podcast for less than $200. On the other hand, if you want to use higher-end equipment, starting a podcast can cost a few thousand dollars.

Full Answer

How much should it cost to produce a podcast?

They should be able to help with everything from concept, to branding, to production, and promotion. Expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $15,000+ for an episode depending on the type of podcast you are producing (interview-based, narrative or story-driven, or a mixture of the two).

How to start a podcast on the cheap?

With the free podcast site page you can:

  • Change the site’s colors
  • Whether the media player is at the top or bottom
  • Add a custom message to the main page (ex: Hi, thanks for listing to the Blog For Profit Podcast! ...
  • Add Google analytics code to track traffic
  • And a few little extras (like whether to allow comments on your episodes or not)
  • Add a pages
  • and add widgets.

How to successfully start a podcast?

  • Do a test recording before you go live to make sure the mic sounds good and the correct microphone is recording.
  • Structure out your podcast before recording. ...
  • Research your guests before the day of the podcast.
  • Keep your mic close to your mouth for the best sound.

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How many people do you need to start a podcast?

How to Start a Podcast: Every Single Step for 2021

  1. What's Your Podcast For? So firstly, why do you want to make a podcast? ...
  2. Who is Your Podcast For? So first day, get the big question in: Who are you making this podcast for? ...
  3. Give Them a Reason to Listen Whether you're providing information that will help someone to lose weight (in the case of our personal trainer), or doing a really entertaining ...

More items...


Is it free to start a podcast?

Most podcasts are free. They're free to create and free to listen to.

How much money can you make with a podcast?

As an estimate, if your podcast has about 10,000 downloads per episode, you can expect to make between $500 – $900 per episode in affiliate sales.

How much do podcast cost?

Costs: Budget production: $30 per episode OR Alitu the podcast maker app: $32 per month or $320 annually. Professional podcast production: $70+ per episode.

Can you make money with a podcast?

Podcasts make money when they have multiple income streams The most profitable independent podcasts use multiple revenue streams to create a steady flow of income as they focus their attention on growing their audience.

How much do beginner podcasters make?

So how much money can podcasters make? To be frank, most make $0. In fact, many podcasts have negative cash flow because they spend money buying equipment and paying hosting fees before they earn a single dollar. Creative work like podcasting doesn't make any money until people choose to watch you.

How much does Spotify pay per podcast?

Every time someone streams or listens to a podcast or music on Spotify, the channel owner receives a small amount. This amount varies between artists depending on their popularity and impact on Spotify. Of course, most artists receive a blanket amount of around $0.00357.

How do you start a podcast with no money?

How to Start a Podcast With Almost No MoneyWhy do you want to start a podcast? ... The first step: Start talking! ... Listen to similar podcasts. ... Get (cheap) recording equipment. ... Download audio editing software and learn how to use it. ... Get a logo and a theme song. ... Name your podcast. ... Get a web site.More items...•

Is it free to put a podcast on iTunes?

You can actually submit your podcast on iTunes for free and gain new listeners. Before submitting to iTunes, you need to make sure you have these things covered.

How hard is it to start a podcast?

Starting a podcast isn't difficult, but there are a number of steps you'll need to go through in order to get it launched. In this podcasting tutorial, we'll walk you through every step of the process: Choosing a topic & name. Show and episode format.

How long should podcasts be?

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

How do I get sponsors for my podcast?

4 Strategies to Get Podcast SponsorsReach Out to Sponsors Directly. The simplest strategy? ... Partner With a Hosting Service. Podcast hosting services give your podcast a home on the internet. ... Join a Podcast Network. Some networks let you list your show (sometimes for free) on their platform. ... Use a Directory.

How do I promote my podcast?

On this pageLeverage your guest's audience.Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways.Release at least 3 episodes on launch day.Convert the audio to a YouTube video.Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators.Transcribe the audio.Throw a two-week ratings party.Run a giveaway contest.More items...

How much does it cost to start a podcast?

In fact, if you already have a computer and you’re operating on a shoestring budget, you can record, edit, and launch a podcast for less than $200. On the other hand, if you want to use higher-end equipment, and purchase all the bells and whistles, starting a podcast can cost a few thousand dollars. While it may improve your sound quality and feel ...

How much does podcast editing cost?

Some cost as low as $9 a month, while others cost $500 for a one-time purchase. If you’re just starting out though, you can get by with free audio editing software.

What is the most basic tool for podcasting?

A Computer. The most basic instrument in your podcast equipment toolbelt is a computer, which of course ranges from a few hundred dollars to thousands. Then again, if you already have a computer, you won’t have to worry about this expense at all.

What does a podcast host do?

That’s where a reliable podcast host comes in. A host stores your podcast and also distributes it to the many platforms where people access podcasts. This is a critical need, as you want to be found by your listeners in whatever ways they choose to listen.

How much do headphones cost?

The better your audio, the more likely your listeners will be to keep coming back. As with everything, prices range on headphones, with lower-end pairs costing around $70 and higher-end headphones running you $500.

How much is a Samsung Q2U?

The Samsung Q2U is only $59.99, and is a great starter microphone. You can also get higher-end microphones with more features that cost $400 or more. Another option is to look at gently used and refurbished microphones for sale.

Do you need a thumbnail for a podcast?

You’ll need a thumbnail that can accompany your podcast. This will catch the eye of listeners, while establishing your brand. If you already know how to design, you can save money by making your own thumbnail. Or you can see what you can do a free site like Canva.

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Podcast?

Want to know how much it'll cost you to start a podcast? This article will show you...

How much does podcast software cost?

Paid podcast production software like Audition and Pro Tools and Descript costs between $20 and $80. Descript has a free version, but you might want to subscribe to the paid version instead as the free option doesn't cover everything you will need.

What is the second podcast hosting platform?

The second podcast hosting platform on our list is PodBean. The website gives you access to submitting your show directly to directories like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify, and more.

What is podcast hosting?

A podcast hosting platform is an exceptional assistance that stores media files and conveys them to your audience. Their services include podcast analytics, web hosting, and embeddable media players you can share with third-party websites. An exceptional podcast hosting service is a crucial decision.

How long is the show trial?

After starting your 14-day trial, you can access advanced show analytics regarding your listeners, such as their geographical location, how they found your show, as well as the type of device they use to listen.

Is it hard to start a podcast?

Starting a podcast can be very difficult at first glance, and considering the cost of equipment can make it less feasible, except you set my mind to it. There are no rights or wrong prices to how much you can invest while creating your podcast. As such, we have tried to provide you with the estimated cost based on your budget, and we hope that this gives you a better idea of what to expect.

Do you need soundproofing for podcasts?

However, it will do you good and help you save money if you live in a quiet environment, which means that you don't need soundproof recording space.

How Much Does It Cost to Start a Podcast?

POV…. You’re considering starting a podcast, but you’re worried about the cost.

Affordable Podcast Equipment

You can’t really put a price tag on a podcast, but you can get started with a small budget. Let’s take a look at some quality podcast equipment options many use to start their podcast. The world is your oyster when it comes to your podcasting equipment setup.

The Podcast Hosting Service

The podcast hosting services market has been around for a while, but it’s been a relatively niche market. The reason for this is that podcasting is a fairly new medium, so while it has been around for a while, it has only been a viable option for a short amount of time, and so the market is still quite small.

Podcast Cover Art (Podcast Artwork)

When people think about podcasts, they usually think about the audio. However, there is more to it than just that. In order to create a successful podcast, you need good podcast artwork that can attract listeners and make them want to learn more about what you have to say on your show.

Outsourcing Your Podcast Production (Optional)

Full disclosure, this is where we insert a shameless plug for our podcast production service. If you know you don’t need/want to outsource tasks for your podcast, you can skip this section. It also won’t be included in the grand totals section.

Grand Total of Production Costs: How Much Does It Cost to Start a Podcast

This breakdown is for the most basic of podcast setups and episode formats. Which is you sitting and recording yourself talking about whatever topic you’re an expert on, and having a guest or two join either in person or remotely.

More Useful Podcasting Resources

Wondering what podcasting equipment you need to get started with podcasting? Check out this helpful guide for all the basics.

What do you ask for when you submit a podcast to Apple Podcasts?

When you submit your podcast to Apple Podcasts and other directories, they’ll ask for some cover artwork they can display in their interface.

What is the most popular free podcasting host?

Anchor.fm has emerged as the most popular free podcasting host. It really is an all-in-one tool for new podcasters. Anchor will even automatically distribute your show to all the popular outlets and try and connect you with sponsors.

How much can you upload to Libsyn?

With Libsyn you can upload 50 MB of new podcasts for $5 a month, and for $15 a month you can upload up to 250 MB worth.

How much is ecamm on Mac?

For Mac users, eCamm Call Recorder ($40) has been a staple for years. It gives you more options than the built-in Skype recorder, and may be worth an upgrade.

What software do you use to record a podcast?

Call Recorder. If you plan on having guests on your podcast, it’s important to have a way to record your conversation. If the show will just be you on your soapbox, you can record directly into your audio software (Garage Band or Audacity).

Can you record podcasts on your phone?

Technically you could use your phone to record, but I don’t know of any serious podcasts hosts who do.

Is Zoom a good podcast?

Many podcasters I know also use Zoom to record their interviews. I use Zoom for video interviews, but I’ve found its audio quality isn ’t as good as other options. If you’re going to record video as well though, Zoom is a good choice — and the free plan is pretty robust.

How Much Does it Cost to Start a Podcast ? 3 Top Basics You Need to Get Started Now

If you’ve been blogging for a while, I’m sure you can find others who scaled their business by using other platforms to reach more audiences, like Tiktok.

So, how much does it cost to start a podcast?

First, make a list of what you have and what you don’t. This will give you an idea of what items to buy and how much you want to spend on each.

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