Podcast FAQ

how much money does a podcast make

by Karen Reinger V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

As an estimate, if your podcast has about 10,000 downloads per episode, you can expect to make between $500 – $900 per episode in affiliate sales.

Full Answer

How many listeners does a podcast need to make money?

If your new episode gets, within 7 days of its release:

  • more than 26 downloads, you're in the top 50% of podcasts.
  • more than 72 downloads, you're in the top 25% of podcasts.
  • more than 231 downloads, you're in the top 10% of podcasts.
  • more than 539 downloads, you're in the top 5% of podcasts.
  • more than 3062 downloads, you're in the top 1% of podcasts.

What to do when your podcast Make Money?

How Do Podcasts Make Money?: 10 Ways to Monetize

  1. Offer Courses. Offering educational courses or something to do with your passion and hobby is one of the best and topmost ways to make money from podcasts.
  2. Provide Services. Providing various services is also possible through podcasts. ...
  3. Sponsors and Advertising. ...
  4. Consulting. ...
  5. Crowdfunding. ...
  6. Premium Content. ...
  7. Events. ...
  8. Merchandise. ...
  9. Books. ...
  10. Public Speaking. ...

Can you make money with a podcast?

Yet, despite what many claim, it's absolutely possible to make money with a podcast. Plenty of show-runners are making a living doing that, right now. Others are happy to bring in enough to cover their hosting costs, or pay for a takeaway every few weeks.

What makes a good podcast great?

Podcast Tips: 7 Strategies to Build a Successful Show that Thrives

  1. Define a Successful Podcast. First thing's first: success means many different things to many different people. ...
  2. Have a “Why”. When you run a podcast, things don't always go to plan. ...
  3. Play The Long Game. ...
  4. Make It Sustainable. ...
  5. Don't Get Stuck On “The Launch”. ...
  6. Take Control. ...
  7. Don't Rely On Audience Participation. ...


How much do podcasters make a year?

Income from Popular Podcasts The Dave Ramsey Show has 13 million weekly listeners and earns nearly $10 million in annual income. Shepard Armchair Expert earns $9 million a year with almost 20 million monthly listeners. The Bill Simmons Podcast earns $7 million yearly income. Chapo Trap House makes $2 million each year.

How profitable is a podcast?

Big names are getting large amounts of listeners and large amounts of ad revenue in return. According to AdvertiseCast, average 30-second CPM (cost per 1K listeners) rates are $18, while 60-second CPMs are $25. The Ringer had about 420 million downloads in 2018, earning $15 million in ad revenue (paywall).

Can you make good money with a podcast?

Sponsorships Popular podcasts will draw the attention of advertisers that will pay you to plug their products in ads that air during your show. (Sponsorships are one way people make money on TikTok, too.) Sponsors typically pay $18 to $25 for every thousand monthly downloads, also referred to as CPM.

Can you make a living off a podcast?

So is it even possible for new podcasts to make money? The answer is yes. By setting up a few automated revenue streams, new podcasters can accrue passive income that grows alongside their audience, giving them time back to focus on podcasting.

How much do small podcasters make?

Rates range from $18 to $50 CPM, though hugely popular podcasts can pull in a lot more. You can price your ads differently depending on where you place them within your episode. Pre-roll ads run at the beginning of the show, usually for about 15-30 seconds.

How much does Spotify pay per podcast?

Every time someone streams or listens to a podcast or music on Spotify, the channel owner receives a small amount. This amount varies between artists depending on their popularity and impact on Spotify. Of course, most artists receive a blanket amount of around $0.00357.

How much does it cost to start a podcast?

In fact, if you already have a computer and you're operating on a shoestring budget, you can record, edit, and launch a podcast for less than $200. On the other hand, if you want to use higher-end equipment, starting a podcast can cost a few thousand dollars.

How hard is it to start a podcast?

Starting a podcast isn't difficult, but there are a number of steps you'll need to go through in order to get it launched. In this podcasting tutorial, we'll walk you through every step of the process: Choosing a topic & name. Show and episode format.

How much do podcasters make?

Many successful podcasters do earn about $5 to $30 million annually. Here are a few successful podcasters and their average revenues:

Why do podcasts charge money?

Some podcasters choose to charge money to give listeners access to certain types of episodes. It could be archived content, bonus content, ad-free content, or exclusive content.

What are the Income Sources for Podcasters?

There are several income sources available for podcasters. These include:

Why do podcasters add links to the various products they mention during the show in the episode's notes?

For example, podcasters add links to the various products they mention during the show in the episode’s notes so that listeners can easily learn more about the products and possibly buy them.

How to monetize podcasts?

To monetize using paid subscription, podcasters must first attract a loyal fan base who are willing to pay for content.

How much does Dave Ramsey make a year?

The podcast earns around $10 million annually.

Do podcast sponsors pay?

Sponsors pay podcasters to mention them on the show. And the more people who listen and download the podcast, the higher the chance the advertiser or sponsor has of making more money from the show.

What to do if you haven't started a podcast?

If you have not started a podcast yet, choose a topic that has the potential of attracting a large listener base. You can do a quick search in an iTunes library to see if there is a demand for a topic you would choose for your podcast. If there is a demand for that niche, aim to create the best possible content for it.

How much does Joe Rogan make?

Joe Rogan hosts an entertaining podcast that discusses trending topics and interviews public figures of interest. He is estimated to make about $30,000 per episode. With about 5 episodes per week produced, his estimated monthly podcast income is $600,000.

What is the most commonly sold affiliate product?

The amount of money you could earn depends on the product. The most commonly sold affiliate products are Amazon products.

What does "sponsored by" mean on podcasts?

These sponsors are advertisers that have paid to be mentioned on the show.

Is podcasting equipment expensive?

If there are few search results, there isn’t much demand – so you have little chance of growing to a point of earning an impressive income. Podcasting equipment can be costly. Not everyone has the ability to invest into podcasting equipment.

Why do big businesses pay for podcasts?

This is good information to have if you plan to sponsor a podcast. Big businesses are willing to pay for podcasts, because they build intimacy and trust over time. However, if you are planning to start a podcast, this big-money info is not a guiding star.

How does podcasting help you?

Podcasting can help you build skills, meet people, and get a better job. You can connect with other people in an enlightening way. Your podcast can help people finish boring tasks, endure long drives, withstand chemo, bike one more mile on the exercise bike, or get a good night's sleep.

What is podcast host academy?

The Podcast Host Academy has detailed courses and downloadable resources to help you with all aspects of making a podcast. Plus, our weekly live Q & A sessions can help with any questions that you might have. Join us!

What do libraries offer for podcasts?

Libraries sometimes offer courses, equipment and quiet space. If you're starting a podcast, you have some fixed costs (such as gear, hosting, branding) and variable costs (time, energy, enthusiasm). However much it costs you to make your podcast, your podcast's idea, or niche, has to be equally interesting, unique, well-crafted, and necessary. ...

Who were the celebrities before podcasting?

The community it creates may be smaller, but more enthusiastic. Joe Rogan and Amy Schumer were celebrities before they started podcasting. Serial was widely promoted by This American Life, and followed a changing news story.

Can you make money from recording yourself talking?

Can you make lots of money by simply recording yourself talking? Probably not . Can you make money by sharing knowledge and expertise with a combination of excellent sound design, unique and useful ideas, careful research, and interesting guests? More likely. Podcasting alone is one thing, but adding bonus content helps. In no way is podcasting passive income. It's a lot of work.

Do podcasts have ad reads?

Just as an example, there are are a lot of tv-recap podcasts, and sponsors are willing to pay for ad reads on those shows. Like a can of tuna, it is what is says on the tin. But, the more unique that your value proposition is, the more your podcast will stand out. It'll be memorable, and your audience is more likely to share it with their friends. The community it creates may be smaller, but more enthusiastic.

1. Affiliate Marketing

Podcasters earn an affiliate commission by promoting companies and products to their audience. Every purchase made through an affiliate link earns you money. Affiliate marketing is more effective when you promote products and services you know and use yourself.

2. Sponsorships and Advertising

Sponsorships are often the first thing beginners think of when seeking to make money from their podcast. Numerous podcast ad networks connect podcasters with advertisers. The networks find advertisers, carry out negotiation terms and procure scripts on behalf of podcasters.

3. Courses

Many established podcasters develop their own courses to teach similar content online. Courses are effective in teaching easy-to-follow content and give students tangible feedback upon completion. You’ll want an email list to reach your audience and let them know about your course and what it entails.

4. Coaching and Consulting

Coaching is similar to offering an online course, but instead of filming segments for a large group, you focus on developing relationships with individual listeners and teaching them a skill directly. You can also promote your consulting and coaching services through your podcast.

5. Crowdfunding and Donations

When you have a loyal following, you can ask for monetary donations to support your podcasting journey. Crowdfunding usually works best in more entertainment-focused podcasts. Platforms such as Patreon, GoFundMe and Indiegogo can help you solicit funding from your audience in exchange for special rewards — things like merch or exclusive episodes.

6. Premium Content

Premium content in podcasting can take many forms. Here are some of the common ways you can offer premium content related to your podcast:

7. Events

Hosting events as a podcaster not only helps in making money but is also a great way to bring together your top fans for more value. Take the Walker Stalker conference, for instance. Walker Stalker began as a podcast for fans to discuss the Walking Dead TV show, but it has grown immensely.

How many subscribers does Shane Dawson have?

Every other week, Shane Dawson jokes around with his friends about all things funny going on in the world. Never heard of him? Shane has 6 million YouTube subscribers and over 1 billion video views. He is also one of the highest earnings YouTube stars in the world, pulling in $1 million or more every year from his channel alone.

Is podcasting good?

Most of them are not great and probably will never be heard at all. On the other hand, a select few podcasts are extremely popular. Popular enough that they have turned into full time, extremely lucrative paying careers for the hosts.

What is the best thing about advertising networks?

The best thing about advertising networks is that you have the opportunity to grow. When you first start out, you'll have little control over rates, but, as you gain popularity, you'll be able to charge more for advertising slots. Crowdfunding.

When do you start seeing earnings?

Much like other creative occupations, you won't start seeing earnings until your audience decides that you add value. As such, when your listener base grows, your opportunity to make money from your craft grows with it.

Is affiliate marketing good for podcasts?

The same goes for unique discount codes that people can use at checkout. All things considered, affiliate marketing is a great way to keep the money trickling in with minimal additional work.

Can podcasts be used for advertising?

You can also go down the route of podcast ad networks for your advertisements. Not only do they provide a solution to finding deals, but they also do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

Can you ask for money for a podcast?

Asking your listeners for money may seem rather unusual, but if your podcast and personality are interesting and enjoyable, most people will happily donate a few dollars to keep the great content coming.

Can you get paid for doing what you love?

Nothing quite beats getting paid for doing what you love. The good news is that there are numerous proven strategies you can use to achieve this ultimate goal with your podcast. Whether it’s affiliate marketing, sponsorships and advertisements, crowdfunding or selling your very own custom merch, the opportunities are there to make a living off an enjoyable passion.

Do you charge for preroll ads on podcasts?

For instance, pre-roll ads will usually be charged at a lower price than mid-rolls. At the end of the day though, the rates will be subject to change and can increase alongside your listener base.

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