Podcast FAQ

how to be a good podcast host

by Prof. Maximo Nicolas PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

10 Ways to Be a Great Podcast Host

  1. Understand Your Audience. Even if you follow each of the tips above, if you don't understand your audience, then you will never be able to improve as a host.
  2. Avoid Information Overload. Given the nature of a podcast, it can be easy to deliver too much information too quickly. ...
  3. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare. Whether you are doing a solo podcast or you have a guest, you ALWAYS need to prepare. ...
  4. Let Your Passion Shine Through. You should always let your passion shine through on your podcast. ...
  5. Focus on Your Content. Presenting your content in an engaging manner is obviously important, but you have to have interesting content as well.
  6. Review Yourself. It is a good idea to listen back to previous podcast episodes to hear for yourself what you could improve on.
  7. Focus on the Conversation. A great way to keep your podcast engaging is to view your podcast as a conversation with your audience.
  8. Be Yourself. One of the biggest parts of being an engaging host is being yourself. No one wants to listen to someone who is putting on an act.
  9. Find the Best Guests. When selecting guests for your podcast, be picky. ...
  10. Show Appreciation. Always thank your audience at the end of every podcast episode. ...

How to Be a Good Podcast Host
  1. Do Your Homework.
  2. Know Your Audience.
  3. Be Authentic.
  4. Don't Go Into Information Overload Mode.
  5. A Simple 'Thank You' Goes a Long Way.
  6. Avoid Sounding Scripted.
  7. Transcribe Your Podcast Episodes.
  8. Hosting a Podcast Guest.
Oct 12, 2021

What's the best platform to host a podcast?

10 Best Podcast Hosting Platforms & Services for 2021

  1. Buzzsprout Buzzsprout is #1 best podcast hosting platform and a very easy to use for beginners. It has been operating since 2009. ...
  2. Podbean Podbean is one of the easiest and powerful places to start a podcast. ...
  3. Transistor Transistor is another popular podcast hosting platform for professionals. ...

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What makes a great podcast host?

This accomplishes a few things, like:

  • Makes them feel more ready for the show.
  • They have something to “hold on to” if they don’t know what to say
  • Gets their brain thinking about the subject matter.

Why and how to start a podcast?

Why Should You Start A Podcast?

  • Are you looking for a new medium to tell a story?
  • Do you want to deliver communications for your company through a new method?
  • Is there a topic you’re passionate about and want to share with others?
  • Do you have information to turn into a resource for others to utilize?
  • Are you looking to deliver training to your employees in a new, innovative way?

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What is the best podcast hosting?

  • Dawn Staley is hosting a brand new podcast for Just Women's Sports called "NETLIFE."
  • The superstar coach is overcoming nerves about "being in the spotlight" to elevate women's sports.
  • "Is it gonna be somewhat uncomfortable for me? Yes," Staley told Insider.


How can I become a good podcaster?

How To Create Interesting Podcast EpisodesTalk about things you're interested in. ... Focus on your target audience. ... Tell lots of stories. ... Help your audience take the next step. ... Ask your listeners questions and report their responses. ... Stay on topic and don't wander too much. ... Invite unique experts onto your show.More items...•

What makes a podcast effective?

Put your audience at ease No one wants to listen to someone who sounds like they're working out where their podcast is going at the same time their audience. Sounding in control helps put your audience at ease which makes listening to your show a relaxing experience.

How much does the average podcast host make?

These are a few of the headlines that emerged. Overall, median hourly earnings for podcasters clusters between $30-44/hour (corresponding to $55K to $80K as an annual salary).

How do I practice hosting a podcast?

The 8 Podcast Best Practices Every Host Should KnowCreate the content your audience is looking for. ... Have guests on your show. ... Create shareworthy social media assets. ... Participate in online communities. ... Encourage audience feedback and reviews. ... Grow an email list. ... Publish regularly. ... Create (or join) a podcast network.

What makes a bad podcast?

Bad audio quality. Too many ad reads or annoying/irrelevant ad reads. Lack of preparation or planning.

How do I make my podcast viral?

In SummaryBecome an early mover in a niche.Release frequent content.Use all distribution networks.Create a separate website that captures leads and makes the podcasts available.Grow your mailing lists.Interview guests and send them links to their episodes.Send guests links to their episodes.More items...

How much do beginner podcasters make?

So how much money can podcasters make? To be frank, most make $0. In fact, many podcasts have negative cash flow because they spend money buying equipment and paying hosting fees before they earn a single dollar. Creative work like podcasting doesn't make any money until people choose to watch you.

Does Spotify pay you for podcasts?

Streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts pay out for streams, but the payout tends to be very low. Podcast sponsorships are one way, but for new podcasts, the likelihood of finding a high-paying sponsorship is slim unless you're already a well-established figure.

Is it worth starting a podcast?

Not only is podcasting a new and exciting medium poised to take off exponentially, but podcasts themselves are great for producing or reproducing content. If you already have audio or video classes, you can quickly and easily turn them into podcast episodes.

How does a beginner start a podcast?

Table of ContentsChoose a Podcast Topic You Can Commit To.Pick Your Podcast Name.Write a Compelling Podcast Description.Decide on Your Podcast Format.Get Your Podcast Artwork and Music Created.Purchase Your Podcast Equipment and Test Your Podcasting Software.Choose Your Podcast Hosting Service.More items...

What to say at the beginning of a podcast?

Introduce Your Podcast. Say your podcast's name, your name, podcast topic and value, episode title and topic, and date if needed. Introducing your podcast will ensure that all of your listeners know your podcast's name, your name, and podcast and episode information.

How long should podcasts be?

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

How to be a good podcast host?

A big part of being a good podcast “host” is similar to being a good dinner or party host. You must anticipate the needs and wants of other people. You must make them feel welcomed. The guest must be having a good time in order for them to feel positive about the interview . They are there for a reason.

How to make a podcast engaging?

The formula for an engaging podcast is simple… get your guests to tell stories (or tell them yourself). Stories will draw listeners in, peak their curiosity, and get them wanting to find out what happens next.

What does it mean when a listener is there for a reason?

A listener is there for a reason. He or she wants to get something out of the podcast episode. They’re seeking out tips, advice, or they’re bored and want to be entertained.

What is not okay?

What’s not okay is trying to fake emotions. Don’t try to act excited when you’re not. It will come off as fake. Don’t try to pretend you care about something when you don’t.

Why do you need a good host?

You’re simply providing a good show for them so that you can get what you want at the end of the day. That could be to get more sponsors, sell products, or spread awareness for your personal brand. A good host knows what they want and isn’t afraid to ask for it.

What to do when a guest says something that is very technical?

If the guest says something that is very technical, ask them to explain it. If the guest says something that would elicit a question, ask it.

What is podcasting?

With a podcast, YOU host the show… and talk with guests.

What does it mean to be a podcast host?

Being a podcast host means that you need to be thinking of your audience at all times.

How to be a passionate podcast host?

If you are passionate about each podcast episode topic, then that will be clear to listeners and you will be a much more engaging host . Your audience can tell by the tone of your voice when you aren't interested in something, so only talk about things that you are truly excited about. Also, selecting episode topics within your expertise will ensure that you know what you are talking about. If you are knowledgeable about your topics, then you don't ever have to worry about stumbling through anything and you can be sure that your passion will be clear. Podcasting is all about knowledge and passion, so let those direct your episodes to better engage your audience.

How to improve your podcast?

It is a good idea to listen back to previous podcast episodes to hear for yourself what you could improve on. This practice also puts you in the position of your audience, so you can really start to understand how they likely feel and what their thoughts are while listening. You may remember some mistakes or things that you can improve upon that you recognized during the recording process, but you can't remember everything. Also, hearing yourself is much different than recalling your podcast, so you will absolutely notice more things that you can work on as well as things you should continue doing when you listen to your episodes. So, don't just publish episodes and forget about them, revisit them after the fact and use the notes you take to direct your attention and effort in improving your abilities.

How to keep your podcast engaging?

Focus on the Conversation. A great way to keep your podcast engaging is to view your podcast as a conversation with your audience. If you are talking at your audience or overwhelming them with formal talk, then you aren't engaging in a conversation with your audience. Talk to your audience like you would talk to a friend.

How to be an engaging host?

Be Yourself. One of the biggest parts of being an engaging host is being yourself. No one wants to listen to someone who is putting on an act. Listeners can sense when you are being fake or putting up a front. Be authentically you and let your personality show.

How to keep your audience engaged in podcasts?

If you overload your episodes with information, then listeners may become bored or confused, which means they will likely stop listening. Break up information with stories, personal anecdotes, etc. to keep your audience engaged. You should always be looking for new ways to more effectively teach and communicate with your audience, but you should always include a digestible amount of information in each episode with a variety of breaks throughout.

Why is it important to improve your podcast?

Constantly improving your abilities as a podcast host is extremely important for improving your podcast and making it more engaging. After all, even if you have the best podcast topic with the best setup and the best audio, if you aren't a great host, then listeners won't tune in. So, it is vital to work on improving your hosting abilities in ...

What is the goal of a podcast?

Your goal is to produce content that will resonate far beyond a simple conversation. You’ve got to go deep into the mind of your listener. That way, you will create better content and form a deeper connection that will keep your audience tuning in and engaged.

How intimate are podcasts?

If you think about it, podcasts are incredibly intimate. They are a singular relationship between host and listener. With that in mind, strive to connect with your audience. The best way to do that is to just be yourself.

How to get the most out of an interview?

To get the most out of your interview, research as much as you can about your guest. Read their books, look at their social media and LinkedIn. Dig into their articles and blogs and listen to any podcasts they’ve been on or hosted.

Why is feedback important in a podcast?

However much you may hate the idea, feedback allows your audience to tell you exactly how they feel about your show. By collating and reviewing your feedback, you can create more listener-orientated content .

Why should you thank your listeners at the end of every episode?

Why should you thank your listeners at the end of every single episode? Because a little bit of love can go a long way. After all, your audience is an integral part of your podcast. Think about it; your show wouldn’t succeed if it weren’t for them.

Do podcasts matter if you are just starting?

Nobody appreciates a host that rambles or doesn’t understand their subject matter. It doesn’t matter if you’re only just starting a podcast or have been creating them for years — you must be prepared.

How to help a podcast?

To help your podcast thrive, you have to learn to create the conversation your audience desires, become an expert on the subject, and really seek out the best guests to interview on your show. Of course, each of our podcasts has a unique spin and requires any number of important podcast host traits to make it a success.

What makes a podcast great?

But at the heart of it all, the thing that defines a podcast as great is the host! The host is the glue that holds everything together. They determine what content is created, which guests make an appearance, and whether or not the audience becomes a strong, engaged community. Becoming a great podcast host takes some skills, practice, ...

How to prepare for a podcast interview?

Before the interview, make sure to research your guest and become familiar with their work. Take the time to read their books, listen to other podcasts that they’ve been interviewed on, and really get accustomed to their topic of choice .

Who is the founder of We Edit Podcasts?

Carli van Heerden. Carli is the Founder & CEO of We Edit Podcasts. What differentiates a great podcast from an average podcast? Well, you can say it’s the audio quality or the guests who are interviewed. But at the heart of it all, the thing that defines a podcast as great is the host! The host is the glue that holds everything together.

How to get your guest to be more prepared for an interview?

A great way to get your guest to be more prepared is by sending over sample questions ahead of time to give them a chance to look them over and think through the possible answers they could give.

Build Rapport with Your Guest

Next, start out the conversation with some light questions and then build trust and rapport in the first few minutes of the conversation.

Strategies for Ensuring Your Success as a Podcast Host

Okay…so now, Onward Nation…let’s move on to one of the best ways to ensure your excellence when learning how to be a podcast host.

How to Be a Good Podcast Host in 10 Steps

So, Onward Nation…in addition to sharing insights from Drew and from John…I wanted to formalize this into a recipe – into a checklist that you could study before your next interview.

What is the job of a podcast host?

Your job as a podcast host is to advocate for your listeners. That means either sharing incredibly helpful insights, stories and education based on your own experiences and expertise, or from the guests you interview.

How to let listeners know your tactics work?

One of the best ways to let them know your tactics work is to share social proof. Offer case studies and stories of people you’ve worked with, or better yet, invite past or current successful clients to come on the show.

How to create a feeling of connection with your listeners?

1. Be human. In order to create a feeling of connection with your listeners, you have to seem accessible. Too many people make the mistake of trying to sound like an important authority figure that they give the impression of being out of reach. This may sound too simple… but just be human.

Why do people connect with stories?

(Think of using fables to teach moral lessons to kids.) So if you can use a story to share your message, that will be a huge win for getting your audience to connect with it. The more stories, the better.

Is podcast content created equal?

When it comes to podcasting, all content is not created equal. There are infinite topics and potential guests to feature, but if you want to be a great podcast host, you can’t just choose any of them and expect your podcast to resonate with your audience. You have to go in with a plan to create episodes that will be valuable to ...

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