Podcast FAQ

how to be a good podcast interview

by Noemie Erdman Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How To Conduct A Good Podcast Interview

  • Do your research. First things first, do your research. ...
  • Invite interesting guests. ...
  • Establish a pre-interview process. ...
  • Use the right equipment. ...
  • Focus on the guest (s). ...
  • Ask the right questions. ...
  • Practice active listening. ...
  • Know when to interrupt. ...
  • Reflect on past interviews. ...
  • Listen to the pros. ...

How to Prepare To Conduct An Amazing Podcast Interview
  1. Choose Interesting Guests. ...
  2. Do Some Background Research on Your Subject. ...
  3. Get to Know Your Interviewee's Work. ...
  4. Write The Guest's Bio For Them. ...
  5. Determine Where Your Subject Meets Your Audience. ...
  6. Prepare Your Questions In Advance.

Full Answer

How to conduct a great podcast interview?

How to conduct a great podcast interview

  • Choose the right guest for your podcast interview. ...
  • Do some background research on your guest. ...
  • Learn how to handle different personality types. ...
  • Eliminate all distractions. ...
  • Prepare a list of questions you’d like to ask in advance. ...
  • Give your guests time to talk. ...
  • Keep track of time. ...
  • Tools for recording interviews. ...

How to prepare for a podcast interview?

Preparing for a Podcast Interview: A Good Podcast Guest Prepares, Shares, and Cares

  • Use Decent Equipment. You’ve listened to hours of podcasts. ...
  • Promote Your Brand. Some people aren’t comfortable talking about themselves or promoting their brand. ...
  • Write It Down. Take notes and jot down questions as you do your research. ...
  • Find a Quiet Space. ...
  • Prepare to Share. ...

How to invite someone to an interview on your podcast?

Starting a call on iOS and Android

  • From the main creation screen in the Anchor tap the '+' icon to access your creation tools
  • On the record screen, tap the 'Invite friends to join' button in the center of your screen
  • On the following screen, tap the purple "Invite friends" button which will open your phone's 'share' card

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How to ask great podcast interview questions?

How to Prepare To Conduct An Amazing Podcast Interview

  1. Choose Interesting Guests. Some guest are, well… boring. ...
  2. Do Some Background Research on Your Subject. A podcast interview shouldn’t be your first exposure to your subject. ...
  3. Get to Know Your Interviewee’s Work. ...
  4. Write The Guest’s Bio For Them. ...
  5. Determine Where Your Subject Meets Your Audience. ...
  6. Prepare Your Questions In Advance. ...

More items...


How do I prepare for a podcast interview?

Podcast Preparation For HostsBe Clear About Your Podcast Format. You can't host a successful interview without being clear about how you want the interview to run. ... Send a Pre-Interview Survey. ... Research Your Guest. ... Read the Book. ... Create Set Recording Times. ... Minimize Distractions. ... Listen to the Podcast. ... Offer an Angle.More items...

How do you talk in a podcast interview?

Top 10 tips: how to prepare for a podcast interview as a guest... Listen in. ... Prepare notes and key messages. ... Determine the location. ... Pay attention to your audio. ... Be yourself. ... Avoid the elevator pitch. ... Learn how to pronounce the hosts name. ... Be courteous of the hosts time.More items...•

Do you get paid to be interviewed on a podcast?

Typically, podcasts do not pay their guests. Their “Payment” comes from exposure to the audience as well as highlights to their services, e-books, products, etc. Even if a podcast is small now, there is an assumption by host and guests that the show will grow, and the exposure will increase.

What are some good questions to ask during a podcast interview?

What are three movies you'd recommend to my audience and why? What are three other podcasts you'd recommend to my audience and why? What's one question you wish I'd asked you, and how would you have answered? Where can listeners find you online?

How do I talk like a podcaster?

General tips for sounding goodDon't worry about “likes” or “ums.” Using filler language like “uhhhh” or “y'know?” is a sign that you're speaking casually. Try not to keep track of your “like” count.Smile when you are speaking. ... Vary your vocal inflection. ... Take notes. ... Start your sentences over when you're unclear.

What makes a podcast successful?

A podcast with focus is going to be much easier for potential listeners to understand. You might think a wide appeal will get a wider audience but more often a narrow appeal means there's less likelihood others are doing the same thing. And the listeners you get will be very excited to find you.

How much money do podcasters make?

Rates range from $18 to $50 CPM, though hugely popular podcasts can pull in a lot more. You can price your ads differently depending on where you place them within your episode. Pre-roll ads run at the beginning of the show, usually for about 15-30 seconds.

How long does it take for a podcast to make money?

Relying on the experience of Marc Clair, a podcast host, and producer, it may take as long as 18 months before you start seeing results. That's if you produce a show weekly. In his words, things can be faster than stated if you have luck, a marketing budget, and irresistible content.

What do you talk about in a podcast?

Get your ideas flowing with these 101 topics to talk about on a podcast.Learning a new skill. ... Events/groups. ... Book reviews and summaries. ... Book recommendations. ... Sports. ... People who know nothing about sports. ... Location-based. ... Time-based.More items...•

How long should podcast interviews be?

Bigger isn't always better… The ideal length of your podcast is the ideal length for your content. There should be no fluff, no additional crap, no rabbiting on for 20 minutes before you get to the good stuff. You need to be respectful of your listener's time and only include the best of the best.

How do you end a podcast interview?

What Should I Include in my Outro? How to End a PodcastThank them for listening. ... Point them to the shownotes on your website for links to everything that was mentioned in this episode.If possible, offer them a teaser of what's in store on the next episode.Send them to ONE place – your website.More items...•

How do you interview a podcast remotely?

How to record a great podcast interview remotelyStreamline the logistics. ... Research and practice your conversation. ... Find a quiet space to record. ... Test your WiFi connection. ... Use headphones with a microphone. ... Consider a video call. ... Ease your way into the interview. ... You can't plan for everything.More items...•

Why is it important to do a podcast interview?

Your podcast interview is for your audience, so it’s important to determine what your interviewee knows that appeals to your listeners. There’s no sense going over things your audience already knows, or things they don’t care about. You need to extract information from your guest that matters the most to your fans.

What is a yes/no question?

A yes/no question is any question the interviewee can answer with a simple “yes” or “no.” They can be painfully awkward if your guest isn’t naturally forthcoming. Ask questions that encourage the guest to expand.

How to host a podcast?

1. Choose Interesting Guests. Some guest are, well… boring. Other guests aren’t right for your show. If you interview people who don’t add much value to your listeners’ lives, you’re all but guaranteed to host a terrible podcast interview. Invite podcast guests who have unique angles.

How to research a guest?

Part of researching your guest means making yourself familiar with their work. You should read their blog posts, check out their social media pages, watch their videos, and listen to any other podcasts they’ve been on. If they have a book, you should read it – or at least the relevant parts.

What is a prepared bio?

Most guests have a prepared bio: A statement about what they do, where they studied/worked, and what they’re working on now. It sometimes includes a plug for their latest book, project, or product.

Is hosting a podcast harder than it sounds?

Hosting a podcast interview is a lot harder than it sounds. It’s not a simple as having a friendly chat in front of a pair of microphones. If you don’t prepare, you could end up with a boring interview that fails to entertain your listeners and bad reviews. Or worse, your interview could erode into a sales pitch.

Is it hard to get interesting guests on podcasts?

Yes, it’s harder to get interesting guests than average ones. But if you interview regular people who just punch the clock every day, you’ll struggle to keep your listeners engaged. 2. Do Some Background Research on Your Subject. A podcast interview shouldn’t be your first exposure to your subject.

What does it mean to do an interview on a podcast?

But an ongoing hassle for podcasters running interview shows is that of scheduling. Doing interviews means you're relying on others to agree to a specific date and time (and actually turn up, too!).

Why are interviews important for podcasts?

One theory behind why interviews are good for podcast growth, is that each guest will share his or her episode with their own audience. Many podcasters just assume this will happen automatically. But there's more you can do to encourage guests to share your podcast with their audience.

What is remote recording for podcasts?

Recording podcast interviews remotely gives you access to a global guest pool. It means both participants can record from the comfort and convenience of their own homes, too. In podcasting's early years, remote recording was traditionally synonymous with low-quality audio.

Pick Guests Based on Their Unique Approach

Firstly, don’t just grab anyone off the street. This sounds obvious, but when you’re starting out and desperate to get people on your show, you might be tempted to grab anyone with your topic in their bio.

A Good Bio Cuts the Sales Pitch & Builds Reciprocity

Here’s the best part of doing the prep. if you deliver a great bio, which tells people what they do, what their services or products are, and how you can get in touch with them, well the guest says to themselves: “Wow, she’s done my job for me! And she’s told everyone about my stuff! Well, I wanna give them something back.”

Ask for Stories

Simply, ask the guest, in advance, if they have any stories that they know people find interesting or entertaining. That gives you a prompt to ask about them and make sure they’re introduced naturally.


If you follow the advice above, you’re already way ahead of the dozens of other interview shows in your niche. And it make a difference, trust me. Listeners have more and more choice, now, and they’re less and less tolerant of ‘average’ content.

Fancy Making your Interview Editing & Production Easier?

And remember – if you’re running an interview show, we’ve got an app – Alitu – which does the production for you. It’ll take your interview recording, polish it up, add your theme music, allow you to easily add a spoken intro or outro, and then it’ll export and publish it to your Podcast host of choice.

How to answer podcast questions?

To glean authentic, helpful answers from your expert guests, remember these takeaways: 1 Use the list of 25 revealing podcast interview questions 2 Prepare for the interview with a pre-interview 3 Focus on asking POV questions and follow up with what/why/how questions

What is POV question?

A POV (Point of View) question is meant to draw out a distinct perspective from your guest. Its objective is to turn a high-level topic like ABM or content marketing into a unique conversation around the guest’s specific experiences.

Pre-production: Prepping for the interview

Pre-production is everything you do before you press record and is the secret to every successful podcast. When done well, it can seem like the hosts are just making it all up on the spot. SHHH, I won’t tell anyone that you actually did a lot of work to get there. Trust me, it’ll be worth it!

Production: The interview

So you are prepped like a pro, now it’s time to rock the mic like a vandal…or so Vanilla Ice says, who’s in no way a podcaster, but you get what I mean. Ok, let’s put that new pre-pro knowledge to the test and channel our inner Oprah for your next interview.

Post production: After the interview

These can be used as a tool to frame the interview after it’s been captured and repair any holes in the conversation. Adds a great opportunity to insert any missed information and creates a narrative feel.


As you can see, there’s a lot that goes into being a great podcast host. The good news is that you don’t have to show up, perform flawlessly, and call it a day. Just like playing a sport, it’s natural that you’re going to need to practice. So you don’t forget what we learned today, here’s a quick recap.

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