Podcast FAQ

how to be a guest on a podcast

by D'angelo Hoeger Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Get on Podcasts as a Guest: 5 Creative Methods

  1. Just Ask. Many podcasts depend on having interviews lined up so they can stay on a schedule. ...
  2. Get Referred from a Past Guest. Another great method is to get past guests to refer you to the show you would like to be featured on.
  3. Join a Guest Podcasting Database. Did you know there are now sites that connect podcast hosts with podcast guests? ...
  4. Hire a Podcasting PR Agency. If you don’t want to do the prospecting yourself, you do have the option to hire an agency to do all the heavy lifting.
  5. Attend Podcasting Events. Nothing takes the place of in-person interaction. ...

There are a lot of podcasts out there to be a guest on—and several ways to find the best ones for you.
  1. Meet people. ...
  2. Make your “80/20 list” of podcast targets. ...
  3. Explore other places to find podcasts that fit. ...
  4. Look outside your niche (but not too far) ...
  5. Build rapport. ...
  6. Make the ask. ...
  7. Suggest some topic ideas. ...
  8. Show your value.
Feb 14, 2022

How do I get guests on a podcast?

Find relevant experts and other podcasters to be guests on your podcast. Get booked on great podcasts to expand your reach and audience. PodcastGuests.com connects podcasters with experts, authors, and other podcasters to be guests on their podcasts. Thanks to PodcastGuests.com, I have secured interviews on dozens of podcasts across several genres.

How do you ask someone to listen to a podcast?

Name of podcast, half-line description of what it’s about and the time in the conversation the person should jump to so he/she can hear you at your best; for instance, “Family Podcast, which discusses common family issues and how to resolve them (skip to 8:54 in the recording) I hope to hear from you, [person’s first name].

What is a podcast and how can it help you?

A podcast is an excellent platform to spread your message and gain followers for your business. Many podcast hosts are inundated with requests to be on their shows. How do you break through and make the host want to speak with you?


How do guests get booked on podcasts?

To get booked on podcasts like a pro, follow some of these expert tips:Master your messaging. Make sure you have your messaging down, and if you're trying to sell something, be sure it's relevant to the podcast's audience. ... Engage with their audience. ... Practice makes perfect. ... Promote your episodes.

Does it cost to be a guest on a podcast?

Typically, podcasts do not pay their guests. Their “Payment” comes from exposure to the audience as well as highlights to their services, e-books, products, etc. Even if a podcast is small now, there is an assumption by host and guests that the show will grow, and the exposure will increase.

How do you pitch yourself as a guest on a podcast?

To pitch yourself as a guest on a podcast, you should have the following:The host's email address.An understanding of the podcast's audience.An understanding of the podcast's main objectives.Past guests' names.Past topics covered.

Should I be a guest on a podcast?

Being a podcast guest on a popular podcast related to your brand is a great way to expand your business profile. There are tons of small business owners who use podcasts' power to gain respect from their targeted audience by being podcast guests.

How much money does a popular podcast make?

Income from Popular Podcasts The Dave Ramsey Show has 13 million weekly listeners and earns nearly $10 million in annual income. Shepard Armchair Expert earns $9 million a year with almost 20 million monthly listeners. The Bill Simmons Podcast earns $7 million yearly income. Chapo Trap House makes $2 million each year.

How much do celebrities make for podcasts?

One insider estimates that many celebrities could get a six-figure guarantee per year, with the biggest actors receiving between $1 million and $3 million to launch an unscripted podcast. Scripted projects offer less up-front money but can be adapted into TV shows, films, books, and so on.

How do you write a guest bio for a podcast?

Write The Guest's Bio For Them It sometimes includes a plug for their latest book, project, or product. If you ask your guest something like “Can you tell our listeners what you do?” or say “Tell us about yourself,” they'll give you their prepared bio. In some cases, these bios are long and boring.

How do you email a guest podcast?

I'm [first and last name], a/an [your job title/company and city/state]. I'm writing to introduce myself as a possible guest on [name of podcast]. Note: Explain at the top of the email what you want. Don't make the person hunt around for it.

How do you pitch an email to a podcast?

Now, let's cover what to do in a cold email pitch.Do personalize the email. Mention the podcaster's name. ... Do connect outside of email. Remember, podcasters get lots of emails on a daily basis. ... Do keep the email short. Again, you are one of many emails in the inbox. ... Do follow up.

Can I pay to be on a podcast?

Whether or not podcasts charge for guests and if you should pay to be a guest on a podcast, is actually a heated topic and one without a cut and dry answer in the podcasting community. Yes, some podcasts do charge guests to be on their show and some guests do pay to be on them.

Where can I find podcast guests?

How to Find Podcast GuestsDo some field research. ... Send a formal invitation. ... Search online on different websites. ... Write an inspiring pitch. ... Ask experts with recent publications. ... Try social media handles. ... Contact experts through directories. ... Meet potential guests in person.More items...•

Why are guest podcasts important?

Podcast guesting gives you a space to tell a story and be vulnerable with the audience. They want to get to know you, your journey, your failures, and your successes. It's also a chance to educate your audience and bring value to them.

How to Get Booked as a Guest on a Podcast

First up, have a think about the podcasts you’d like to be interviewed on. What great interview shows in your niche are out there, right now? Be sure to listen to a few episodes of any podcast you plan to reach out to.

Reaching Out to Other Podcasts

Next up, instead of reaching out by email, create your proposal in audio, or – even better – video form. This personalised approach will be much more likely to resonate with the podcaster. It shows that you’re not simply copying and pasting the same email to hundreds of other shows.

Services That Help You Get Booked as a Guest on a Podcast

You can put yourself out there as an available podcast interviewee on these useful platforms. A quick heads up that our Podcast Guests link below is an affiliate, which means we'd earn a small commission if you decided to sign up through it. Our affiliates help support all the free content we put out on the site!

Next Steps to Help You Get Booked as a Guest on a Podcast

Now that you've got a few irons in the fire, you should start preparing for when you do get booked as a guest on another podcast.

Step 1: Find Some Podcasts to Be a Guest On

There are a lot of podcasts out there to be a guest on—and several ways to find the best ones for you.

Step 2: Get Your Outreach Emails Ready

Once you’ve got your list of podcasts to target, you need to start reaching out—and email is the best way to do that.

Step 3: Be a Great Podcast Guest

Nice job! You’ve applied the above advice for how to be a guest on a podcast, and landed an interview on a great show. Now you need to make the most of the opportunity. If you’re wondering how to be a good podcast guest, put these tips By being an awesome guest.

Bonus Step: Ask for a Referral

One last tip for you—and granted, this is one that will benefit you at least as much as it will your host.

Unlock the Possibilities of Podcast Guesting

It bears repeating, but the more you focus on making connections and building relationships—whether IRL or online—the better your chances of getting on someone’s show.

Connecting podcasters with great guests

Find relevant experts and other podcasters to be guests on your podcast.


Find relevant experts and other podcasters to be guests on your podcast.

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