Podcast FAQ

how to build a podcast audience

by Thomas Langosh Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How To Build A Podcast Audience

  1. Making sure your podcast is seen Maybe it’s stating the obvious, but building a podcast audience begins with creating an interest for your podcast. ...
  2. Creating partnerships In Podcasting A true and tested way to get people listening to your podcast is to collaborate with partners who share the same interest as your listeners. ...
  3. Using SEO A great way to maximize your exposure is by using SEO (Search Engine Optimization). ...
  4. Interacting with your audience and inviting your listeners to leave feedback Interact with your audience. Inspire them to take action and ask them to leave reviews and comments. ...
  5. Start Podcasting now

So, to help increase your podcast listeners, below are six crucial tips that can help people find you.
  1. Create a Podcast trailer.
  2. Use Call to Actions.
  3. Promote your Podcast on social media.
  4. Repurpose your Podcast content.
  5. Podcast SEO.
  6. Invite guests and star as a guest.

How to boost your podcast?

  • Whitney Johnson is a former Wall Street equity analyst and the CEO of Disruption Advisors.
  • In her new book, she explains why individual growth is the key to company growth.
  • The "S curve of learning" is a key tool for tracking and sustaining smart growth, Johnson says.

How to get more podcast listeners?

Podcast Promotion: 13 Marketing Tactics To Get More Podcast Listeners

  • Ask People To Subscribe. ...
  • Submit To Podcast Directories. ...
  • Leverage Existing Assets. ...
  • Share Reviews & Testimonials. ...
  • Create A Website. ...
  • Apple Smart Banner. ...
  • Create An Email List. ...
  • Be A Guest On Other Shows. ...
  • Have Guests On Your Show. ...
  • Do A Giveaway Or Contest. ...

More items...

How to build a podcast audience?

Top 7 Strategies: How to grow your podcast audience

  1. Confirm uniqueness. What’s your UVD: Unique Value Distinguisher? ...
  2. Be social. You have to share your content – continuously. ...
  3. Be consistent. ...
  4. Create community. ...
  5. Do the rounds. ...
  6. Always listen. ...
  7. Have a strong CTA (Call To Action) One of the beautiful things about podcasting is that the barrier to listen is extremely low. ...

How do I create a successful podcast?

Podcasting Starter Guide: 7 Tips for a Successful Podcast

  1. Invest in Decent Equipment. While you don’t need to blow a few thousand dollars on state of the art recording equipment or software, you should at least have a ...
  2. Choose the Right Theme. The theme of your podcast will play a huge role in determining its success. ...
  3. Come Out with Quality Podcasts. ...
  4. Find the Balance. ...
  5. Make Your Podcast SEO-Friendly. ...

More items...


How long does it take to build an audience for a podcast?

If your new episode gets, within 30 days of its release: more than 125 downloads, you're in the top 50% of podcasts. more than 1000 downloads, you're in the top 20% of podcasts. more than 3000 downloads, you're in the top 10% of podcasts.

How do I get my podcast popular?

On this pageLeverage your guest's audience.Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways.Release at least 3 episodes on launch day.Convert the audio to a YouTube video.Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators.Transcribe the audio.Throw a two-week ratings party.Run a giveaway contest.More items...

What is the average audience for a podcast?

Who Listens To Podcasts? 50% of monthly U.S. podcast listeners are aged between 12-34, 43% between 35 and 54 years old, and 22% are aged over 55. In 2019, around half of monthly podcast listeners had a full-time job(51%), 17% of whom hadve a household income between $100K-$150K.

How do I find my podcast audience?

Ask your listeners Collecting surveys using Google Forms, Survey Monkey, etc. is a quick and easy way to see who's listening to your podcast. Being able to see the numbers of your podcast audience's core demographics is usually one of the simplest and most accurate ways to define your audience.

How do podcasts go viral?

A controversial or newsworthy interview can go viral if it's posted on a website … not on iTunes. There are just so many pros to having a fully functional website for your podcast. The website will help collect listener emails, but it will also be great for search engine optimization (SEO).

How often do podcasts fail?

Less than 20% of the podcasts that have launched this year will make it to next year. Most podcasts fail. If you've launched a podcast or are thinking about launching one, you don't want to put in all that work just to see your experiment get canned in a few months.

How much can a small podcast make?

As an estimate, if your podcast has about 10,000 downloads per episode, you can expect to make between $500 – $900 per episode in affiliate sales.

How many views is a successful podcast?

3. 5,000 listeners per episode almost guarantees a successful monetization. This is where a lot of interesting things start happening. Having more than 5,000 listeners per episode makes a podcast over 29 times more likely to be monetized successfully.

How do I know if my podcast is successful?

Here's a list of eight methods you might use to measure the success of your podcast:Number of listeners. ... Number of downloads per episode. ... Sponsors and advertisements. ... Audience and critic reviews. ... Website and social media traffic. ... Engagement with promotional materials. ... Networking and referrals. ... Recycled content.

Why is my podcast not growing?

So if your show isn't growing, look first to the premise, because it's the first interaction your audience will have with your podcast. If it's too vague or undifferentiated (i.e., “a show about [industry]”), you can't expect listeners to select it.

What do podcast listeners want to hear?

On the top of that list is education. Nearly three out of every four podcast consumers in the US say they enjoy tuning in to podcasts to learn new things and do so on a monthly basis (Statista, 2019). That aside, podcasts are also a form of entertainment and a source of news and inspiration for listeners.

Who is the target audience for podcast?

Podcast listeners tend to be younger, early adopters of technology who can be difficult to reach using traditional advertising channels. According to the same report, half of all podcast listeners are aged 12 to 34, with listeners 35+ making up the other half.

What makes a podcast successful?

A podcast with focus is going to be much easier for potential listeners to understand. You might think a wide appeal will get a wider audience but more often a narrow appeal means there's less likelihood others are doing the same thing. And the listeners you get will be very excited to find you.

Who has the #1 podcast in the world?

Top podcastsPodcast Industry RankingTop 20 Podcasts1The DailyThe New York Times2MorbidWondery3The Ben Shapiro ShowThe Daily Wire20 more rows

How do I drive traffic to my podcast?

Social mediaConvert your podcast into a YouTube video. ... Cut that YouTube video into clips. ... Customize posts to each social media channel. ... Tease episodes with audiograms. ... Record a tagline with your guest. ... Add value on social media. ... Run giveaways on social media.

What is the #1 podcast in the world?

Spotify revealed the most popular podcasts on its platform for 2021 — with controversial talk show “The Joe Rogan Experience” taking the No. 1 slot globally.

How to grow your podcast audience?

Another excellent way to grow your podcast audience is by creating additional content. For example, create engaging videos and upload them on YouTube. You can also create a blog and populate it with content daily or weekly. Besides, you can use show notes, episode descriptions, or transcripts.

What to do if you don't work on podcasts?

If you don’t work on producing quality podcasts, your other efforts, no matter how good they are, they will not pay off. Setting up a fully equipped podcast studio and partnering with great podcast hosting services are excellent ways that will help you improve the quality of your podcasts.

How to make yourself discoverable?

You can submit your podcasts to many directories, optimize your content for SEO, leverage social media, create a website, or create an app. Just make sure to utilize all alternatives that will boost your podcast discoverability. 8. Create additional content.

How to grow your listeners?

To grow your listeners, you need to first understand them. Research your audience to find out more about them, such as preferences, why they exist online, demographics, interests, places to find them, and so on. Once you have finer details, it will be easier to create engaging and enticing podcasts for your audience. 4.

Do you need to transcribe audio to text?

If you want search engines to find and rank you for your voice, you would need to transcribe your audio into text. It also caters to a specific audience who want to read a podcast versus listening to it. Or if your regular listener wants to find that one bit of information they heard, then they don’t have to search for it by listening to your podcast again, instead they just do a quick search of the transcript.

How to grow your podcast audience?

Another great way for how to grow your podcast audience is to create a website for your podcast. Not only does a website help potential listeners find you, but it’s a place where you can grow your brand.

Can you use keywords in podcast titles?

If you’re looking at how to grow your podcast audience, it doesn’t get any easier than using keywords in your episode titles. It’s an easy way for an audience to find you regardless of what platform they are using.

How Many Downloads Should I Be Getting?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer here, it depends on a lot of different factors. The biggest factor is your topic and niche.

Overnight Success – How Long Will It Take?

Whether you like him or not, one thing we can all agree on about Gary Vaynerchuk, is that he's built a massive audience around his content.

Growing Your Podcast Audience

The reality is that you're probably not going to be seeing huge numbers in the early days.

What is a podcast host?

Media or Podcast hosts are services that store your audio and allow your listeners to listen, download, and subscribe to your podcast. One common misconception when learning how to start a podcast is that you upload your podcast to places like iTunes. This actually isn’t the case.

What is the point of a podcast?

The whole point of a podcast is that people listen to it, so give them a reason to click on one of your episodes. Make it clear to people what they will get from listening to your show. If you look on any podcast directory you will see shows with titles like “How To…”, “Five Tips For…” etc.

How long is Zoom free?

A popular option is Zoom.us, which is a video conferencing tool that's free to use for 2 people, and free for up to 40 minutes for a group of people. Read the pros and cons of Zoom in podcasting here. A much better option is to opt for a dedicated ‘double-ender' call recorder.

How many episodes of a season of podcast?

When you start a seasonal podcast, each season will usually have a theme. You might create episodes based on that theme or topic for 6-12 episodes, then have a break. After a month or two, you’ll launch a new season (with another theme/topic) and repeat the process.

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