Podcast FAQ

how to critique a podcast

by Brock Jones Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

4 Steps to Critique Your Own Podcast – TAP295.

  • 1. Save your podcast for later. It's important to add some distance between yourself and the podcast episode you want to evaluate. The longer you ...
  • 2. Consume your podcast like your audience does.
  • 3. Critique your podcast as if it is someone else's.
  • 4. Check the tech.

Full Answer

How do you write a review for a podcast on iTunes?

Write a review. First, give the podcast a (five) star rating. Second, give your review a captivating title. Third, write your review: a few sentences that say what you love about the podcast and why you recommend it. The last and final step: click SUBMIT. That’s it! You’re done!

How do I leave a review on Google Podcasts?

It's one of the top few podcast apps for Android with 10m+ users. Go to your podcast's listing in the app, tap on the Reviews button and tap the new review icon in the top-right corner. Right now Google Podcasts does not include a way to leave ratings or reviews.

How do you recommend a podcast to a friend?

Give the podcast a five star rating. Write a review. First, give the podcast a (five) star rating. Second, give your review a captivating title. Third, write your review: a few sentences that say what you love about the podcast and why you recommend it. The last and final step: click SUBMIT. That’s it! You’re done!

Why do podcasts need reviewers?

Reviews can help podcasters fine-tune their podcast episodes, and show them some appreciation. Across the board, podcast reviews can show trends about what audiences value. If we think too much about how our podcast ranks on a chart, or how many times an episode's downloaded, we lose sight of how the podcast can actually engage and help people.


How do I give feedback to a podcast?

Here's how:Have a conversation about feedback ahead of time. Even a quick set up chat can help establish the groundwork for great conversations throughout the podcast production process. ... Yes, you're going to have to talk about your feelings. ... Be specific. ... Nominate one person to feed back the feedback.

How do you assess podcasts?

Here's a list of eight methods you might use to measure the success of your podcast:Number of listeners. ... Number of downloads per episode. ... Sponsors and advertisements. ... Audience and critic reviews. ... Website and social media traffic. ... Engagement with promotional materials. ... Networking and referrals. ... Recycled content.

How do you summarize a podcast?

The entire point of a successful podcast summary is to describe what the episode is about. You want to showcase the value you're about to add in the episode to your specific target audience. If you are too vague, you'll miss the precious chance to attract potential listeners.

What qualities are effective in a podcast?

What makes a good podcast?Focus on a central idea. Every podcast has something it's trying to convey to an audience. ... Play to an audience. The audience is king. ... Regular schedules. This might seem painfully obvious, but it's also one of the most important. ... Show Structures. ... Authenticity.

How do you measure podcast engagement?

One simple metric that can help you determine your episode engagement is time spent listening. Instead of looking at a metric like unique downloads — which only tells you whether someone has listened to the episode — you should determine how much time they actually spend listening. Is it seconds, minutes, or hours?

How many views is a successful podcast?

3. 5,000 listeners per episode almost guarantees a successful monetization. This is where a lot of interesting things start happening. Having more than 5,000 listeners per episode makes a podcast over 29 times more likely to be monetized successfully.

What makes good podcast Shownotes?

They outline the episode's main talking points, introduce the guest, and link to any resources mentioned. Show notes accompany every podcast episode. These summaries help listeners decide whether or not they want to listen. They also offer more information to access after the episode if listeners want to learn more.

How do you write a good show description?

Why should people listen to your show?Your show description. This is the blurb that explains what your show, as a whole, is about. ... Your episode description. ... Use questions. ... Don't forget to get tone into your writing. ... Make use of keywords. ... Share your episode highlights.

How do you write a podcast note?

Summarize the main points of the episode without giving too much away. Include the main topics that listeners might search for to entice them to listen, but don't reveal so much that they don't feel the need to tune in! Save time by writing your podcast show notes while you plan the episode.

What makes a podcast bad?

Bad audio quality. Too many ad reads or annoying/irrelevant ad reads. Lack of preparation or planning.

What are the five considerations when producing podcasts?

Here are five considerations to take into account when evaluating if a podcast is right for your brand:Audience: Find Your Focus. Audiences consume content differently. ... Format: Develop a Consistent Approach. ... Material: Curate Compelling Content. ... Frequency: Commit to a Cadence. ... Distribution & Access: Build Your Strategy.

Are podcasts good sources of information?

Its data showed only 3% of respondents listed podcasts as less trustworthy than other media, while 60% said podcasts were either “more” or “much more” trustworthy compared to traditional media coverage of the pandemic.

How do I check my Apple podcast stats?

Connect to your audience, compare your episode performance, and see what's working with updates to the podcast analytics tool. Sign in to Apple Podcasts Connect and click on the Analytics tab to see these new features.

What are the genre conventions of a podcast?

codes and conventions of broadcast podcastsBalance. A podcast must be balanced in order to show both sides of an argument to ensure it in not biased. ... Bias. ... Subjectivity. ... Opinion. ... Representation. ... Objectivity. ... Privacy. ... Impartiality.More items...

Where is my podcast analytics?

The 5 best tools for getting analytics on your podcast: Spotify for Podcasters: Spotify's dashboard will give you demographic information on your listeners: age, gender, plus all your streams. Google Podcasts: you can get additional data on your podcast's performance on Google's Podcast Manager.

What are Podcast Ratings?

This is a measure of quality, as opposed to a content description (like how games are rated E for Everyone, T for Teen, and so on). A one-to-five-star grading system shows up on different kinds of reviews, anything from movies to restaurants. It's shorthand, and over time it's become misused.

How to Rate a Podcast

Did you ever notice that these star rating systems have an odd number of stars? That's to keep a stable mid-point. With an odd number of stars, ratings fall into an either/or dichotomy. Dividing podcasts into “good” versus “bad” doesn't tell us anything.

Where to Rate a Podcast

Apple Podcasts, the granddaddy of all podcast directories, has used a star and text rating and review system since its beginning. They make it simple to click on a number of stars in the Apple Podcasts app, and the option to write a review is secondary. They aren't the only podcast directory to do so, though.

Why Rate a Podcast?

if you're not a podcaster, but listen to (and care about) podcasts, why wouldn't you? You're the audience. Your reaction is important to whoever made that podcast.

What is podcasting?

Check the tech. Podcasting is a combination of all kinds of technology. There's a lot that could go wrong, so it's easy to imagine how many people can be overwhelmed (and thus make poor decisions). Check the different, audience-affecting pieces of your technology.

What is critical perspective?

In a way, a critical perspective is similar to how you listen and look for things to edit. But critiquing is broader. Instead of merely looking at the small details, look at the overall message. For example, instead of counting your ums, listen for how easy it is to follow and understand the idea being shared.

What to do if you receive negative criticism on podcasts?

If you have ever received negative criticism, it can inspire a useful perspective for critiquing your own podcast. For example, if someone says that your information isn't helpful, imagine you don't know anything about the subject, and then try to learn about it from yourself.

How to increase volume on podcast?

Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Regularly evaluating and critiquing your own your podcast, especially from your audience's perspective, will help you improve and grow the podcast. Here are four steps to get you started. Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. 1.

What does "your avatar" mean?

What most people mean when they say, “your avatar” is actually “your audience's avatar.”. Because you want a representation of your audience ( their avatar) and not a representation of yourself ( your avatar). 3. Critique your podcast as if it is someone else's.

How to write a podcast review?

How to write a review from an iPhone: 1 Do a search on your phone for “podcast” and click the purple “podcast” app 2 Once the app opens, click on the “search” button on the far right side of the page. 3 Type in your search menu “Kathy Smith.” 4 Click on an episode. 5 Click “subscribe” 6 Scroll down a little, and you’ll see each of the 5 episodes. Click on the cloud on the right hand side of each episode 7 Click on the “Reviews” tab underneath the show’s icon photo 8 Scroll down until you see purple text at says, “Write A Review” 9 If prompted, sign into iTunes 10 Click the stars (five, please 11 If prompted for a nickname…remember, this name is public! (I used “Fit123”) 12 Enter in a title. This the title of your review, and is public. Say something along the lines of, “BEST podcast in fitness!” 13 Write a review. It can be simple, such as, “Great podcast! Info is so valuable.” Click “Send” or “submit” 14 IF YOU GET AN ERROR MESSAGE that says, “Username is already taken,” then send me a quick email. Some people have experienced this issue…I’ll let you know when it’s figured out. 15 Once you click send, the box will disappear, and it won’t tell you that your review was submitted. But, it is! 16 Be patient…the review takes a few days to appear.

How to write a review on an iPhone?

How to write a review from an iPhone: Do a search on your phone for “podcast” and click the purple “podcast” app. Once the app opens, click on the “search” button on the far right side of the page. Type in your search menu “Kathy Smith.”. Click on an episode. Click “subscribe”.

I want to hug each and every one of you!

Few months back I made a post here asking for podcast suggestions that could help me go through one of the most stressful time of my life so far, dealing with my mother’s 4th stage brain tumor fight. Sadly,I lost my mom to cancer and she is no more.

Best High Quality Fiction Podcasts

After listening to countless fiction podcasts, I made a list to binge of some that are worth your time. These are high-end immersive fiction podcast with good audio engineering and talented cast. This list has no preference order. All of them are quite "dark".

Help me find something similar to Unsolved Mysteries

I have run out of episodes of my favorite podcast, “Unsolved Mysteries”. It’s based off of the show from the 90s.

What is a castbox?

Castbox is a major podcast app with a significant user base. Listeners can write comments about your podcast and these are effectively the same as reviews in other apps. They can also heart individual episodes and this may help with discovery. To leave a comment go to your podcast's listing in the app, tap on the Comments tab and then tap on ...

What is a podcast addict?

Podcast Addict is a new entrant as reviews were only added recently in April 2020. It's one of the top few podcast apps for Android with 10m+ users. Go to your podcast's listing in the app, tap on the Reviews button and tap the new review icon in the top-right corner.

How much of podcast downloads are still on Apple?

This is still the most important place to build up your ratings and reviews. Approximately 50%-60% of podcast downloads still occur in Apple Podcasts and the ratings/reviews left here are mirrored in some other apps too (e.g. Podcast Addict).

What is a rate this podcast?

Rate This Podcast lets you create a unique, memorable link that gets you more ratings and reviews for your podcast. You read out the link on-air (or share it on social media).

What is a podchaser?

Podchaser. Podchaser is a web-based platform that aspires to be the IMDb of the podcasting world. Getting a review may result in your podcast being displayed on the global homepage for a short time and help to boost discovery. Go to your podcast's page and tap on Rate Podcast to leave a rating and review.

Is Apple Podcasts still called iTunes?

Note that Apple Podcasts was previously called iTunes and some listeners still access podcasts through the old iTunes app, or they continue to refer to the new app as " iTunes". To write a review go to your podcast's listing in the app and tap on Write a Review.

Can you leave a review on Spotify?

Right now both Spotify and Google Podcasts do not include a way to leave ratings or reviews. Some apps like Overcast allow you to favorite individual episodes and this may help with discovery.

What is a Review?

A review is a piece of feedback, usually from an audience member/listener. It gives the podcaster information on what they are doing well and how to improve their show.

Why Do Podcast Listeners Leave Reviews?

Audience members/listeners leave reviews because they want to help the podcaster. The more ratings and reviews a podcast has, the better it looks on Apple Podcasts or other platforms hosting podcasts.

Why do Podcasters Need Ratings and Reviews?

Listener feedback is essential for determining how many listeners are tuning in and whether your show needs improvement.

Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Requesting Feedback

It would help if you considered a few things before reaching out to friends, family, and others in your network to ask for help with your podcast. It's always a good idea to be considerate of the people you will ask for a favor.

How Can I Get My Audience to Leave Ratings and Reviews?

Ask in Emails: There are many places where you can ask your listeners or viewers for ratings and reviews, including email messages, social media posts, with stickers at live events – but remember to personalize them so it reflects who you are as a person and not just a generic message copied-and-pasted into emails or tweets.

Ways to Improve Your Podcast so that Your Audience Leaves Positive Feedback

Send Out Surveys: Once you have finished recording an episode, send out a survey with six questions about your show.

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