Podcast FAQ

how to expand podcast audience

by Yesenia Gorczany Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to grow your podcast audience

  • Get to know your audience. Before you commit to any particular growth strategy, try to narrow down your intended audience. ...
  • Connect with your listeners. Once you’ve identified your audience, it’s time to bridge the gap and reach out to them. Start by creating dedicated social media accounts for your podcast.
  • Create additional content. Creating additional content offers more opportunities to promote your show and makes it easier for people for people to discover your show.
  • Welcome a guest. A guest can be a great way to expand your listening audience. ...
  • Put yourself out there. Participating in the podcast community and bringing up your podcast in social spaces is a crucial way to expand your audience.
  • Create a Trailer. Trailers are an easy way to hook new listeners by giving them a sneak preview of what your show is all about.
  • Track your stats. Take some time to consider what podcast success means to you and measure it accordingly. What metrics are important to you?

So, to help increase your podcast listeners, below are six crucial tips that can help people find you.
  1. Create a Podcast trailer.
  2. Use Call to Actions.
  3. Promote your Podcast on social media.
  4. Repurpose your Podcast content.
  5. Podcast SEO.
  6. Invite guests and star as a guest.

How to grow your podcast audience?

The first and probably one of the most important ways to grow your podcast audience is by making sure your podcasts are of the highest quality. If you don’t work on producing quality podcasts, your other efforts, no matter how good they are, they will not pay off.

How can I become a better podcast host?

Never stop testing out new calls to action, new ways to promote your podcast, and new ways to be a better host for your audience. Something that can be very powerful is appearing on other podcasts who have the same / similar audience as you: what better way to get in front of an engaged audience who wants/ needs what you have to provide?

How do you attract listeners to your podcast?

If your podcast is devoted to unpacking episodes of your favorite sitcom, go after audiences with similar taste in TV. If your show switches topics, genres, and tones, you may want to narrow your focus in order to attract consistent listeners. Research your audience. In what part of the world do they live? What are their interests?

How to choose the right topic for your podcast?

The more specific your topic is, the easier it will be to identify and appeal to your audience. If your podcast is devoted to unpacking episodes of your favorite sitcom, go after audiences with similar taste in TV.


How do podcasts get big guests?

Here are a few tactics that have worked for me to get some big name guests on The Agents of Change podcast.Build your initial guest list from friends and connections. ... Leverage people you have—or are about to—interview. ... Attend industry events. ... Find authors of upcoming books on Amazon. ... Search iTunes for related podcasts.More items...

How did you grow your podcast?

Listen to your audience Want to know how to grow your podcast following? Listen to your existing audience! You want your audience happy so listen to their concerns and be open to them. Many podcasters simply don't do this but the ones that do can make fans for life.

What is a good podcast audience size?

3. 5,000 listeners per episode almost guarantees a successful monetization. This is where a lot of interesting things start happening. Having more than 5,000 listeners per episode makes a podcast over 29 times more likely to be monetized successfully.

How do I organically grow my podcast audience?

9 Step Strategy to Grow Podcast Organically in 2022Publish new episodes frequently and regularly.Grow a podcast through calls to action (CTAs)Cross-promote episodes for more downloads.Publish your show in all possible podcasting directories.Get discovered in Google.Build a mailing list with a free content.More items...•

How do I make my podcast viral?

In SummaryBecome an early mover in a niche.Release frequent content.Use all distribution networks.Create a separate website that captures leads and makes the podcasts available.Grow your mailing lists.Interview guests and send them links to their episodes.Send guests links to their episodes.More items...

Why is my podcast not growing?

So if your show isn't growing, look first to the premise, because it's the first interaction your audience will have with your podcast. If it's too vague or undifferentiated (i.e., “a show about [industry]”), you can't expect listeners to select it.

How often do podcasts fail?

Less than 20% of the podcasts that have launched this year will make it to next year. Most podcasts fail. If you've launched a podcast or are thinking about launching one, you don't want to put in all that work just to see your experiment get canned in a few months.

Are podcasts still popular 2022?

Yes, podcasts are still popular in 2022. The number of active podcasts and podcast listeners is increasing daily. As of April 2021, there are a total number of 850,000 active podcasts with more than 48 million episodes in total.

How do I promote my podcast?

On this pageLeverage your guest's audience.Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways.Release at least 3 episodes on launch day.Convert the audio to a YouTube video.Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators.Transcribe the audio.Throw a two-week ratings party.Run a giveaway contest.More items...

How long does it take a podcast to grow?

How long does it take a podcast to grow? You should start to see podcast growth within the first 30 days of your launch, and your podcast growth should continue indefinitely month over month, even if it's a small amount. Slow and steady growth is a good thing in the podcasting space.

How do you engage podcast listeners?

How To Create Interesting Podcast EpisodesTalk about things you're interested in. ... Focus on your target audience. ... Tell lots of stories. ... Help your audience take the next step. ... Ask your listeners questions and report their responses. ... Stay on topic and don't wander too much. ... Invite unique experts onto your show.More items...•

Can you buy podcast listeners?

Media Mister is a really good option as a place to buy Podcast listeners from, because they have been helping clients with social media engagement in general for a few years at this point.

How do I make my podcast successful?

Tips for Creating Successful PodcastsKeep Your Podcast Focused. ... Picture Your Target Audience.Be Consistent.Plan Your Workflow.Use Music Segments, but Don't Infringe on Copyrights.Promote Your Podcast.

How do I promote my podcast?

On this pageLeverage your guest's audience.Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways.Release at least 3 episodes on launch day.Convert the audio to a YouTube video.Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators.Transcribe the audio.Throw a two-week ratings party.Run a giveaway contest.More items...

How fast should your podcast grow?

You should start to see podcast growth within the first 30 days of your launch, and your podcast growth should continue indefinitely month over month, even if it's a small amount. Slow and steady growth is a good thing in the podcasting space.

How do you engage a podcast audience?

How To Create Interesting Podcast EpisodesTalk about things you're interested in. ... Focus on your target audience. ... Tell lots of stories. ... Help your audience take the next step. ... Ask your listeners questions and report their responses. ... Stay on topic and don't wander too much. ... Invite unique experts onto your show.More items...•

How long does it take a podcast to grow?

You should start to see podcast growth within the first 30 days of your launch, and your podcast growth should continue indefinitely month over mon...

How do I increase my podcast downloads?

There are a number of ways to increase your podcast downloads, and one of the biggest is making sure you're promoting your podcast consistently.

What makes a podcast successful?

What makes a podcast successful is up to the host to decide. Everyone has a different definition of success, and what success for your podcast look...

What are the best tools for growing your podcast?

The best tools for growing your podcast include leveraging social media and connecting with other pocdasters for guest opportunities.

Is Podcast SEO useful?

Podcast SEO is useful and your keywords should always be taken into consideration when creating episode titles, descriptions, and your show notes p...

How to make yourself discoverable?

You can submit your podcasts to many directories, optimize your content for SEO, leverage social media, create a website, or create an app. Just make sure to utilize all alternatives that will boost your podcast discoverability. 8. Create additional content.

How to grow your podcast audience?

Another excellent way to grow your podcast audience is by creating additional content. For example, create engaging videos and upload them on YouTube. You can also create a blog and populate it with content daily or weekly. Besides, you can use show notes, episode descriptions, or transcripts.

Why is networking important?

Networking is crucial. You build new relationships when you network. You can attend podcast events or conferences where you introduce yourself and your podcasts. Just remember to be careful when networking to avoid getting caught up in selling potential listeners rather than building relationships.

How to grow your listeners?

To grow your listeners, you need to first understand them. Research your audience to find out more about them, such as preferences, why they exist online, demographics, interests, places to find them, and so on. Once you have finer details, it will be easier to create engaging and enticing podcasts for your audience. 4.

What to do if you don't work on podcasts?

If you don’t work on producing quality podcasts, your other efforts, no matter how good they are, they will not pay off. Setting up a fully equipped podcast studio and partnering with great podcast hosting services are excellent ways that will help you improve the quality of your podcasts.

Do you need to transcribe audio to text?

If you want search engines to find and rank you for your voice, you would need to transcribe your audio into text. It also caters to a specific audience who want to read a podcast versus listening to it. Or if your regular listener wants to find that one bit of information they heard, then they don’t have to search for it by listening to your podcast again, instead they just do a quick search of the transcript.

Is it good to market yourself through the year?

While there are prime moments to market, promoting yourself through the year is a good idea. Even those moments that don’t seem the best, they may turn out to be very rewarding. Besides, continuously marketing yourself helps keep your current audience.

How to grow your podcast audience?

Another great way for how to grow your podcast audience is to create a website for your podcast. Not only does a website help potential listeners find you, but it’s a place where you can grow your brand.

Can you use keywords in podcast titles?

If you’re looking at how to grow your podcast audience, it doesn’t get any easier than using keywords in your episode titles. It’s an easy way for an audience to find you regardless of what platform they are using.

How to grow a podcast audience?

Be consistent. Consistency builds trust, loyalty, momentum and engagement, and all of these are critical elements when it comes to building and growing your podcast. You simply cannot grow a podcast audience all on your own.

How long does it take for a podcast to grow?

You should start to see podcast growth within the first 30 days of your launch, and your podcast growth should continue indefinitely month over month, even if it’s a small amount. Slow and steady growth is a good thing in the podcasting space.

Does Apple Podcasts share their algorithm?

Well, that’s everyone’s best guess, anyway. Because the fact of the matter is, Apple Podcasts doesn’t share their algorithm or let you know the exact steps you can take in order to be featured in their directory – period.

1. Know Your Audience

Remember again that, to reach your goals, you must ask what you (and your podcast) can do for your audience. So, who is your audience?

2. Know What Your Audience Wants

Once you have identified your target audience, it’s time to think about what they want from you.

3. Focus on Value

After identifying the topics you will cover on your podcast (those that interest your audience!), it’s time to focus on how you can cover those subjects in a way that will deliver value to the listener.

4. Organize Episodes Around Themes

One way to get your audience interested AND to respect their time is to organize your episodes around themes.

5. Create a Powerful Landing Page

A landing page on your business website will help you educate potential listeners on what your show is about and encourage subscriptions (both to your podcast and your email list). Some features of a powerful podcast landing page include:

6. Create Catchy Titles

If you want more engagement from potential listeners, you need to engage them with the first few words they read. Only with a catchy title will their curiosity be piqued enough to listen, and only if they listen can you build that relationship you are looking for.

7. Get to the Point

If you can grab a person’s attention with a catchy headline, you have to keep their attention right from the beginning of the episode. No long, drawn-out introductions or tangents!

How to expand your audience on podcasts?

Participating in the podcast community and bringing up your podcast in social spaces is a crucial way to expand your audience. In addition to having guests on your show, go ahead and offer yourself up as a guest on other podcasts. Try to attend events, meet-ups, and conferences related to podcasting, and when you’re there, introduce yourself and your show to others. It’s important to be your podcast’s biggest advocate by promoting your show wherever you can and by building meaningful connections with people in the podcasting world.#N#‍

How to promote podcasts?

Connect with your listeners. 1 Create a website for your podcast 2 Build an email list and send out regular newsletters 3 Post about every new episode on your personal handles 4 Use relevant hashtags 5 Reply to comments 6 Post in relevant Facebook and Reddit groups 7 Reach out to another show to cross-promote with them

What is a guest on a podcast?

A guest can be a great way to expand your listening audience. Guests can be friends, experts in a field, or someone you’ve always dreamed of talking to. Encourage your guests to promote the podcast episodes they are on, which will help you tap into their followings.

Why is it important to maintain a presence on social media?

Maintaining a presence on social media platforms makes it easy for people to discover your show and provides a perpetual outlet to promote your content. Some platforms might deserve more attention than others depending on your audience, but don’t be shy about where you promote your show.

What is anchor analytics?

Anchor’s built-in analytics can help you track down demographic data and trends in your current listeners, but dig as deep as you can to put yourself in the mind of your audience. Most importantly, find out where they tend to exist online.

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