Podcast FAQ

how to format a podcast

by Emilio Ferry Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • List the host (s) of the podcast episode as the author. Alternatively, provide the executive producers, if known. In either case, include their role in parentheses.
  • Provide the specific date on which the podcast episode first aired.
  • Provide the episode number after the episode title in parentheses. If the podcast does not number episodes (as with the Webster & Abumrad example), omit the episode number from the ...
  • Specify the type of podcast episode in square brackets, for example: [Audio podcast episode], [Video podcast episode].
  • Write the word “In” and then the title of the podcast in italics.
  • In general, end the reference with the URL of the episode. ...

Full Answer

How do I cite a podcast in MLA format?

To cite a podcast episode accessed online in MLA style, list the host of the episode as the author, followed by the episode title, podcast name, the season and episode numbers if available, the publisher, the date, and the URL. If you need to highlight a specific quote in an in-text citation, use a timestamp. Host last name, First name, host.

What is a podcast format?

A podcast format details the structure and content of your episodes, each with their own pros and cons. In order to keep your audience engaged, you’ll want to have a consistent style so ahead we’re covering the eight most popular types of podcast formats.

How to choose your podcast style?

Here are three good reasons to choose your podcast style upfront: Your podcast format needs to align with your goals. You need a strong “why” to stick with a podcast for the long haul, even if your goal is having as much fun as humanly possible. Try to choose a format that helps you work towards your goal.

How do I write a podcast script?

Research all components of your podcast in order to deliver the most relevant material to your audience. Your writing style should be conversational with friendly language, limiting the use of jargon or industry specific words in order to accommodate your listeners (for inspiration, you can view our sample scripts ).


How do you structure a podcast?

How to Plan Podcast Episode Structure in 10 Easy StepsPlan for the length of your episodes.Have a theme for an episode.Use three-acts for engaging podcast episode structure.Plan podcast episode pacing.Introduction, back sell and greet the audience.Raise some early questions you want to address.More items...

What makes a good podcast format?

Pros of conversational podcasts: It's a relaxed format that can make your audience feel like they know hosts more personally. Co-hosts can ask each other questions to clarify topics for themselves and the listeners. Each hosts brings their own perspective and ideas to make episodes well-rounded.

What format should podcasts be in?

MP3There are many audio file formats available for distributing podcasts. The “MP3” format is the most commonly used in the industry. The format is supported by nearly every portable media player, Internet-connected TVs, and most software-based media players.

How do you layout a podcast script?

If you want to script your podcast in more detail, you can organize it similarly to this:Topic 1 Header (Duration) Main Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Data/Reference. Case Study/Example/Anecdote. ... Segue.Topic 2 Header (Duration) Main Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Point. Supporting Data/Reference.

What podcast format is most popular?

Interview1. Interview. Probably the most popular podcast format, the interview is pretty much exactly what it sounds like - an interview. Usually there is one host that's interviewing one guest but there can also be multiple hosts or multiple guests on the episode.

What are the three types of podcast formats?

Read on to learn all about podcast formats and which one is the ideal fit for your next show.Narrative-style podcast. Narrative-style podcasts tell the stories — stories of people, businesses, or brands. ... Solo Podcast. ... Co-hosted podcast. ... 1:1 interview podcast. ... Panel podcast.

How big is a 1 hour podcast?

The average hour-long audio podcast is about 25 MB. Specifically it's . 46 MB per minute assuming that, like most audio podcasts I've seen, it's encoded at 64kbps mono. If it's a stereo podcast, or at a higher bit rate, it will be bigger.

Should podcasts be MP3 or WAV?

High Quality of Sound If you use WAV files for your podcast, listeners will hear layers and outro variations in multitrack recording that you just don't get with compressed MP3 files. WAV files do not lose anything when it comes to frequencies on the sound spectrum, unlike the lossy compression of MP3s.

What are the different podcast formats?

Your Guide to 8 Popular Podcast Episode FormatsFORMATPROS1. Solo EpisodeStrong connection to listeners, Keeps things fresh2. One-On-One InterviewMore exposure, Meet more people3. Panel InterviewMore perspectives, More exposure4. Co-Host ConversationalFun to make, Control over content4 more rows

Is there a template script for podcast?

The simplest intro template looks like this: “Welcome to [podcast name], where we discuss [podcast topic or tagline]. I'm [host name], and with me is [co-host name]. Today, we'll be talking about [episode topic] with our special guest, [guest name].

How do you storyboard a podcast?

Creating a Narrative Podcast: A Step-By-Step GuideStep 1: Develop the podcast season's focus and episode topics. ... Step 2: Write a detailed storyboard for each episode. ... Step 2.5: Start keeping track of your production cycle. ... Step 3: Conduct your interviews, transcribe them, pull quotes. ... Step 4: Write the first episode script.More items...

Do you need a script for a podcast?

One of the things we're often asked, especially by new podcasters, is “should I write a script for my podcast?” The answer is almost always 'yes'. You should script your episode.

BBC radio drama script format

While podcasts are their own genre, it makes sense to look at radio drama scripts from the BBC since they are a well-established medium that has been around for nearly 100 years. (The very first radio drama commissioned by the BBC was A Comedy Of Danger, by Richard Hughes, which aired in January of 1924).

How to format a podcast script like a movie screenplay

Film is a visual medium. That's why screenwriters format film scripts to include visual descriptions. Podcasts and radio plays only focus on what the audience can hear. But that doesn’t mean you can’t write a podcast script in screenwriting software such as Final Draft.

How to make a podcast?

Brainstorm Podcast Topics: Make a list of subjects that you’re both passionate and knowledgeable about, take a look at what’s already out there, and determine how your podcast will function as an extension of your content strategy. 2.

What should the first segment of a podcast be?

The first segment should be the most interesting in order to sustain listeners’ attention. This segment should appeal to the entire audience. Broad content is encouraged to serve the majority. News and current events related to your podcast subject matter are often of interest to an entire audience.

What is a podcast script?

Podcast Script (Template) 1. Opening: A quick musical jingle or your brand’s sonic logo. 2. Introduction: A monologue-style intro outlining your guests and what you plan to talk about on your show. 3.

What is a topic break in podcasts?

These topic breaks are typically described as bumpers or sweepers, giving your listeners the time they might need to digest the content you just presented. Since each podcast is inherently different, each show should have its own themes, topics, and lengths to set episodes apart from each other.

What are the two voice over styles for podcasts?

There are two voice over styles for recording your podcast that you should keep in mind when writing your podcast script. These include polished and freestyle: 1. Polished Podcasting Scripts. A polished, professional- sounding podcast, is similar to what you might hear in a newscast or documentary.

What is freestyle podcast?

Freestyle is an ad lib, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants recording style that can be an unpredictable and engaging voice. This style may work best for podcasts with a high energy or witty host or when there is more than one host on the podcast, highlighting their dialogue skills and spontaneity.

When will podcasts be released in 2021?

February 9, 2021. It may seem like everybody is launching a podcast nowadays, but that doesn’t mean that each new podcast you hear about just materializes out of thin air. In fact, behind every good podcast is a whole lot of podcast planning. So, if you’ve ever wondered how to start a podcast of your own, you’re in luck.

Why is it important to choose a podcast format?

For podcasts, it’s also important to maintain consistency in your show format. Choosing a podcast structure upfront gives you a roadmap for your work and helps you deliver engaging content time and time again . Here are three good reasons to choose your podcast style upfront:

What is the most common podcast format?

1 – Interview podcasts. When you think of a podcast, the interview podcast format is probably one of the first to mind. Interviews are arguably the most common podcast format, with a consistent host (or hosts) talking to a new guest each week. While guests and topics can vary, there’s always a theme that ties them together.

How many podcasts will be made in 2020?

Podcasts are a big deal. An estimated 48 million episodes are floating around on the internet, and in 2020 more than a third of Americans listened to podcasts regularly. It’s understandable if you want to get in on the action and add your perspective to the podcast conversation.

What is conversational podcast?

Conversational podcasts have a couple hosts that spend each episode taking on a topic. It feels like a casual discussion between friends and is the preferred format for an ever-growing list of celebrities.

Why do you need to choose a podcast structure early?

Why you need to choose a podcast structure early. Building an audience is all about consistency: Consistency in the topics you talk about. Consistency in the style of photographs on your blog. Consistency in the frequency of when you'll post new content . For podcasts, it’s also important to maintain consistency in your show format.

How to keep your audience engaged?

To keep your audience engaged and coming back for more, you'll need to get creative and specific with the topics you discuss. Depending on where your co-host is located, you may have to deal with recording separately and editing the tracks together. And just like with interview shows, you'll be at the mercy of.

Do podcasts need differentiation?

Your format can (and should) play a big role in that differentiation. Don't forget that you don't need to stick to one format , however.

How long is an informational podcast?

It can be long-form (anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes) or quite short (5 to 20 minutes) depending on the content.

What are some examples of informational podcasts?

Examples of informational podcasts include RadioLab, TED Radio Hour, and Stuff You Should Know.

What is the level of scripting in podcasts?

Some podcasts are not about presenting information, but rather telling compelling stories and entertaining listeners. For podcasts in this genre, a moderate level of scripting strikes the right balance between overly stiff narration and directionless rambling.

How many people listen to podcasts?

More than half the population of the U.S. has listened to at least one podcast in their lifetime, and nearly one out of three listen to at least one podcast every month, according to The New York Times.

How to cite a podcast in APA style?

To cite a podcast episode in APA Style, list the host as author, followed by the label “ (Host),” the date, the episode title and number, the description “ [Audio podcast episode],” the name of the podcast, the production company, and a URL if available. If you listened through an app and don’t know the URL, omit it.

What is the difference between a video podcast and an audio podcast?

A podcast that takes the form of a video is cited very similarly to an audio podcast. The only difference is that you write “Video podcast” in square brackets rather than “A udio podcast.”. Host last name, Initials. (Host). or Producer last name, Initials.

When to use the narrator in a podcast?

It’s sometimes more appropriate to use the label “narrator,” when the podcast just tells a story without any guests. If your citation of the podcast focuses more on the contribution of someone else (e.g. a guest, the producer), they can be listed in the author position instead, with an appropriate label.

What to do if you accessed a podcast from a website but from an app like iTunes or Spotify?

If you accessed the podcast not from a website but from an app like iTunes or Spotify, list the app as the version and include whatever information you have access to.

Who is the host of a podcast?

The host of a podcast is generally listed as the author, unless you focus on someone else’s contribution—a guest, a narrator (i.e. when the podcast just tells a story, with no guests), or a producer.

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