Podcast FAQ

how to get listeners on podcast

by Anjali Towne Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Seven strategies to get more podcast listeners.

  • 1. Be consistent. Keeping a consistent rhythm is a key marketing strategy, whether it's email marketing, writing blog posts or promoting podcasts.
  • 2. Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) in each episode.
  • 3. Cross-promote with fellow podcasters.
  • 4. Promote your podcast where your listeners hang out.
  • 5. Repurpose content.

So, to help increase your podcast listeners, below are six crucial tips that can help people find you.
  1. Create a Podcast trailer.
  2. Use Call to Actions.
  3. Promote your Podcast on social media.
  4. Repurpose your Podcast content.
  5. Podcast SEO.
  6. Invite guests and star as a guest.

Full Answer

How to boost your podcast?

  • Whitney Johnson is a former Wall Street equity analyst and the CEO of Disruption Advisors.
  • In her new book, she explains why individual growth is the key to company growth.
  • The "S curve of learning" is a key tool for tracking and sustaining smart growth, Johnson says.

Where is the best place to get podcasts?

Top Podcast Directories

  • iTunes / Apple Podcasts. iTunes is the big player in the podcast space. ...
  • Spotify. Spotify has recently opened up its platform to more podcasts lately and it has quickly become the number 2 destination for listening.
  • Google Podcasts. You don’t actually submit your show to Google Podcasts. ...
  • Stitcher. ...
  • TuneIn. ...

How to get on podcasts as a guest?

How to Get on Podcasts as a Guest: 5 Creative Methods

  1. Just Ask. Many podcasts depend on having interviews lined up so they can stay on a schedule. ...
  2. Get Referred from a Past Guest. Another great method is to get past guests to refer you to the show you would like to be featured on.
  3. Join a Guest Podcasting Database. ...
  4. Hire a Podcasting PR Agency. ...
  5. Attend Podcasting Events. ...

How do you Grow Your Podcast?

Synopsis: Learn to protect and grow your wealth in this monthly Business Times podcast series for affluent individuals, hosted by BT wealth editor Genevieve Cua. In this ninth eighth episode of WealthBT, wealth editor Genevieve Cua talks about how to ...


How do I get 1000 listeners for my podcast?

3 Tips for New Podcasters To Help You Quickly Reach 1,000...How to reach the first 1,000 listeners? ... Build your podcast audience. ... Give your listeners excellent value on any topic, and they'll always come back for more. ... Bring fresh value and excitement in each episode.More items...

How do I get traffic to my podcast?

🤑 Podcast marketingEncourage reviews from your listeners. ... Share your podcast on social media. ... Repurpose your podcast as a YouTube video. ... Prepare three episodes for your podcast launch. ... Host a contest to get reviews and subscribers. ... Collaborate with other podcasters. ... Enroll in HARO. ... Buy paid ads.More items...•

How do I get more people to watch my podcast?

Social mediaConvert your podcast into a YouTube video. ... Cut that YouTube video into clips. ... Customize posts to each social media channel. ... Tease episodes with audiograms. ... Record a tagline with your guest. ... Add value on social media. ... Run giveaways on social media.

How do I get my first 100 podcast listeners?

Finding listeners for your new podcast can be tricky. Here's how to build some early momentum.Focus on “who” before “how” ... Solve your listeners' problems. ... Plant the seeds for your podcast on social media. ... Book guests who bring listeners with them. ... Write an episode description they can't resist.More items...•

Is my podcast successful?

Download numbers are one of the most obvious metrics for measuring the success of your podcast. Download stats are immediately accessible to you, from the minute you launch your first episode. Watching the numbers climb can be rewarding. Some might even say addictive.

Can you buy podcast listeners?

Media Mister is a really good option as a place to buy Podcast listeners from, because they have been helping clients with social media engagement in general for a few years at this point.

Why is my podcast not growing?

So if your show isn't growing, look first to the premise, because it's the first interaction your audience will have with your podcast. If it's too vague or undifferentiated (i.e., “a show about [industry]”), you can't expect listeners to select it.

Do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

What do podcast listeners want to hear?

74% of podcast listeners tune in to learn new things, while others listen regularly for entertainment, to keep up to date, to relax, and for inspiration.

How do you start a podcast with no audience?

20 step guide for starting a podcast with no existing audiencePick an idea (ideation)Create a listener persona (marketing)Pick an angle for your show (ideation)Define your brand idea (marketing)Choose your recording gear.Draft or script coherent c.a. 5 episodes.Record your episodes and cut your material.More items...

How do you organically grow a podcast audience?

9 Step Strategy to Grow Podcast Organically in 2022Publish new episodes frequently and regularly.Grow a podcast through calls to action (CTAs)Cross-promote episodes for more downloads.Publish your show in all possible podcasting directories.Get discovered in Google.Build a mailing list with a free content.More items...•

How do you get podcast listeners on Apple?

First, don't forget to email your subscriber list and invite them to listen. Secondly, reach out to influencers and journalists in your niche and pitch the value of your podcast. Ask if you can cross-promote with other podcasters. Finally, create shareable snippets to get the word out on your social media channels.

How do I promote my podcast on social media?

How to promote a podcast on social media: 9 hacksFind your audience and choose your platforms wisely. ... Use hashtags. ... Use pull quotes to create images. ... Use sound bites. ... Create video. ... Use social media to build your community. ... Leverage social media to connect with influencers. ... Promote your old episodes.More items...•

How do I get the Spotify exclusive podcast?

How To Submit A Podcast To SpotifyVerify your podcast meets Spotify's requirements. ... Create a Spotify account. ... Agree to the Terms & Conditions. ... Enter your RSS feed link. ... Verify you own the podcast. ... Enter details about your podcast. ... Review and submit your podcast.

How do you scale a podcast?

How to Scale a Podcast Fast to Over 1 Million DownloadsDevelop Podcast Content Clusters.Have a Content Management System.Run Simplified and Focused Research.Record Many Podcast Episodes in One Session.Optimize the Length of Each Episode.Focus on Episodes Recording and Outsource the Rest.More items...

Can you advertise a podcast?

One of the most affordable ways to promote your podcast is via social media channels. Social media allows you to build a community around your podcast. You can post snippets for free, but you also have the option of using paid ads to reach an untapped podcast audience.

How to use authority as a podcaster?

Use your authority and platform as a podcaster by including a call to action to promote them. For example, ask listeners to sign up to the newsletter or subscribe to the YouTube channel. The listeners already like you and trust you, so they’re more likely to want to hear more from you.

How to market your podcast?

Here are a few ways to use marketing to grow an audience: 1 Use blogs and previews on other channels to attract new listeners and reel them in. 2 Work with brands for cross-promotion. 3 Set up social media channels to build a following. 4 Ask guests to share episodes on their channels to widen your network.

How to get more listeners?

To get more listeners, you need to invest time, effort, and possibly money into marketing it. Here are a few ways to use marketing to grow an audience: Use blogs and previews on other channels to attract new listeners and reel them in. Work with brands for cross-promotion.

How to grow your audience as a podcaster?

Growing an audience takes time, but with patience and perseverance, it’s possible. The key is to start small with consistent content. Then begin introducing methods to raise your profile and attract more listeners. After all, an increase in listeners leads to more success as a podcaster. And more success can transform into new opportunities, ...

Can you collaborate with other podcasters?

Whatever adds more value to your show. For example, you could interview a leading figure in your niche or start a partnership with a peer. Or, you could collaborate with a company that has an excellent reputation with your listeners.

How to get your podcast to engage with your fans?

Encourage engagement by letting your listeners ask questions on social media platforms, and then take time to either answer them directly or by creating a Q&A section on the show. Not only does this interaction strengthen the bond between you and your listeners, it also gives you a better understanding of what your audience wants, needs and expects from your podcast. Your listeners will give you the inside view on exactly how to improve your podcast. Another great way to encourage engagement is to set up a Facebook Community for your show. This provides a place for your audience to come together, discuss the episodes, and really explore the topics in greater depth. This is also a way to give your listeners a more personal connection to you as the host.

How to grow your podcast listener base?

There are a few very effective methods available for you to use that will assist in growing your podcast’s listener base! 1. Network, Network, Network! A very easy and fruitful way to grow your podcast is to reach out to others within the podcasting community. Rather than view this as helping the competition, use it as a way to expand your listener ...

What does it mean to have a big listener base?

Your listener base is what determines your show’s success. So naturally, a big listener base means a more successful show. However, not every podcast is destined for immediate success, in which case groundwork is required! There are a few very effective methods available for you to use that will assist in growing your podcast’s listener base!

Where to invest in advertising?

Sometimes the most classic form of advertising is just the way to go. Facebook and Instagram are two obvious places to invest in advertising. Once you’ve figured out what keywords to target, consider paying for paid advertising on Google Adwords, Reddit Ads, Facebook Ads, and Stumbleupon Ads.

Why do podcasts need written content?

Written content is needed to improve the searchability and ranking of your podcast . That’s because Google finds text easier to crawl than audio. If writing blog posts about your podcasts isn’t your thing, either get someone else to write them or, better still, convert your transcripts into blogs.

How to make a podcast trailer?

1. Create a Podcast trailer. Whether you’re already established or launching a new podcast, create a podcast trailer episode that pins to the top of your feed. Your trailer should introduce you, your topic and any guests. Include snippets from the episode to entice listeners to subscribe.

What is a CTA in podcasts?

A Call-to-Action (CTA) at the end of every show is an effective way to encourage your podcast listeners to do something. You CTA could be to review your podcast, follow you on social media, or share your podcast with their friends and family.

How to get more listeners on podcast?

So, to help increase your podcast listeners, below are six crucial tips that can help people find you. 1. Create a Podcast trailer. Whether you’re already established or launching a new podcast, create a podcast trailer episode that pins to the top of your feed. Your trailer should introduce you, your topic and any guests.

Why do you need a guest on podcast?

A guest provides double the promotional opportunities. Your separate social media platforms help to reach a wider audience, as will your individual marketing activities. Better still, guests introduce you to their audience, a brand-new bunch of people, providing you with more podcast listeners.

Plant the seeds for your podcast on social media

Social media is the best place to connect with people who share your interests and turn them into your audience. Content can spread quickly on these platforms, even if you don’t have a huge following. “Everyone had to start somewhere,” says Arlan.

Book guests who bring listeners with them

Inviting a guest with a loyal following onto your podcast can lend credibility to your show, and you might even snag some of their followers. Don’t worry about booking A-list celebrities on your show (unless you happen to know one personally, in which case, go for it).

Invite 10 people to share your first episode

When you’re starting a podcast without an audience, don’t overlook the simple things like inviting people you’re close with to listen to and share your episodes. “Podcasts are great to share with your friends and family,” says Arlan.

Published is better than perfect

Podcasts take time to polish. They rarely reach their potential within the first few episodes, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t top the charts right off the bat. You took the most important step, and that’s getting started! “Your podcast doesn’t have to be expensive or perfect by any means, but it does need to be done with care,” says Arlan.

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