Podcast FAQ

how to get paid from podcast

by Karli Gleason V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  1. Sponsorships. Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show.
  2. Direct support including premium content. Direct support is when you simply ask your fans to send you money to support your show. ...
  3. Affiliate sales. Affiliate sales are similar to sponsorships, but instead of getting paid by the download, you get paid based on what you sell for another company.
  4. Complementary products. The fourth common way to monetize a podcast is to sell complementary products. This might include merchandise, courses, consulting services, books, or access to live events.

How Do Podcasts Make Money?
  1. Sponsorships. Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. ...
  2. Direct support including premium content. Direct support is when you simply ask your fans to send you money to support your show. ...
  3. Affiliate sales. ...
  4. Complementary products.

How much money can you make from podcasting?

  • The Joe Rogan Experience makes about $800,000 per episode. ...
  • Chapo Trap House has 32,874 patrons, which equals $147,262 per month.
  • Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income has two podcasts. ...
  • Last Podcast On The Left has 11,290, which equal $53,958 per month.
  • Tiny Meat Gang has 10,638 patrons, which equals $51,199 per month.

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How to start a profitable podcast?

Take a look at several out-of-the-box podcast money-making ideas below:

  • Advertisements-Podcasts that have a vast following are highly sought by advertisers. ...
  • Rely on sponsorships-You can generate thousands of dollars a month if you can find sponsors. ...
  • Establish relationships-When you are able to establish good relationships; you make your podcasts more profitable. ...

More items...

Can podcasts make money?

To be frank, most make $0. In fact, many podcasts have negative cash flow because they spend money buying equipment and paying hosting fees before they earn a single dollar. Creative work like podcasting doesn’t make any money until people choose to watch you. It takes time for listeners to decide you have value.

How difficult is it to start a podcast?

Step #7: Prepare and make a recording

  • Preparing a plan. The first thing that you need to do is to figure out a plan for your content. ...
  • Creating an episode script. Podcasters often do not agree on the process of writing a script for a podcast. ...
  • Recording equipment. To record a high-quality podcast, you require the best podcast recording equipment. ...
  • Recording and editing software. ...
  • Getting music. ...


What to sell on podcasts?

When an audience loves a podcast, they might be buying merchandise that shows off the show. You could sell T-shirts, mugs, stickers, or really anything that lets your audience connect with the show outside of listening to the latest episodes.

Why do podcasts sell information?

The biggest benefit of selling information products through your podcast is that you can plug them as often as you like in your podcast script to prevent sales from falling flat. You can also source questions or comments from your listeners and answer them on your show, which adds more value to their purchase.

How to monetize a podcast?

A clever way to monetize a podcast is to include a downloadable resource with each podcast episode that relates to that episode. This is called a content upgrade because it upgrades or enhances the listener’s experience.

Why is hosting a podcast important?

The biggest benefit of hosting a podcast is that you establish yourself as an authority in a niche. Your audience comes to respect you as an informed expert. So a great way to monetize a podcast is to offer services that tie in with your topic.

How much will podcast ad revenue be in 2020?

But fear not, podcast ad revenue is expected to reach $863 million in 2020. There will be sponsors out there who want to speak to your niche audience, and that’s just one monetization avenue to consider!

Why do podcasts need mastermind groups?

A mastermind group is a unique way to monetize a podcast because you get more value from it than just money.

How much does the Daily Wire cost?

The Daily Wire takes a unique approach to premium content. For $10/month, subscribers can access video versions of their podcast episodes.

How do podcasters make money?

1. Sponsorships. Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

How much money do podcasters make?

So how much money can podcasters make? To be frank, most make $0. In fact, many podcasts have negativecash flow because they spend money buying equipment and paying hosting fees before they earn a single dollar.

Why do podcasts have negative cash flow?

In fact, many podcasts have negative cash flow because they spend money buying equipment and paying hosting fees before they earn a single dollar. Creative work like podcasting doesn’t make any money until people choose to watch you. It takes time for listeners to decide you have value.

How much do podcast sponsors make?

Sponsors pay on a cost per mille basis (mille is Latin for “thousand”). Rates range from $18 to $50 CPM, though hugely popular podcasts can pull in a lot more.

How to get your audience to support you?

A great way to get your audience to support you is to compensate them with premium content. You could charge them for early access to episodes, bonus episodes, downloadable resources, live chats, or access to newsletters and Facebook groups .

Does audible have an affiliate link?

Audible gives you a special affiliate link to promote. When someone uses your link, you get credit for the sale and earn $15. If you monetize with affiliate sales, make sure the company gives you a simple link that’s easy for you to say and your listeners to understand. Good affiliate URL: www.sponsor.com/your-name.

How do podcast hosts make money?

Podcast hosts can earn money through affiliate marketing, donations and selling their own merchandise.

What is a Patreon podcast?

Patreon is a popular platform for podcast hosts to solicit and maintain monthly memberships. You can also accept payments through PayPal or Stripe, adding a donation button right on your website.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is essentially getting paid to refer listeners to another company’s product. Where do you find those partners? The most efficient way is to go through a network like Amazon, Buzzsprout or Podcorn.

Is disclosing that you earn money from your recommendations good practice?

Keeping your audience’s trust is crucial. So disclosing that you earn money from your recommendations is good practice.

Is podcasting a get rich quick scheme?

Podcasting is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Making money from the medium takes time. You need to build a loyal, engaged following willing to buy what you’re selling, literally and figuratively. Even then, earning a living from your show may prove an elusive goal.

Do sponsorships pay for potential business?

Unlike affiliate marketing, which pays you a commission for actual business, sponsorships essentially pay for potential business . There is, of course, the risk your listeners won’t be enticed to buy. That’s why advertisers are particular about which shows they invest in.

Can you Mix Advertising and Selling?

I advise you to be very cautious when mixing. In the end, your efforts to monetize a podcast may be less effective than you would like.

How to monetize podcasts?

Another way to monetize your existing podcasting skills is to launch a whole network of shows. In the business world, this is called horizontal expansion, where you grow your company to increase the volume of the product you already make.

How many categories are there in podcast monetization?

Our monetization ways will be grouped into below 7 categories. We have logically grouped them into similar types of activities. In each group, the different ways to make money podcasting will be similar in principle.

What is ImprovePodcast?

I'm the owner and creator of ImprovePodcast.com, the site dedicated to providing actionable solutions for podcast creators. My goal is helping people to develop their podcasts into effective marketing and sales tools.

What is a podcasting network?

Podcasting networks are companies that auto-insert ads into your show. The mechanism is similar to what media hosts do. But you need to join the podcasting network separately.

What happens when you record a podcast?

When recording a podcast for a long time, ultimately, you will become a proficient speaker. Leverage those skills and become a professional speaker that gets invited to host conferences and events.

Is AliExpress dropshipping on Shopify?

AliExpress dropshipping with the Shopify platform is gaining popularity right now. Instead of mentioning affiliate products and links, you can actually recommend products you find attractive for your listeners.

How Do I Launch a Podcast?

Launching a podcast is relatively easy. You'll need some basic tools and equipment, but overall it's an affordable endeavor. We'll walk you through each step of the process in this guide.

What Kinds of Podcasts Are There?

There are a ton – the possibilities are endless! So when considering how to start a podcast and make money, know that your options are limitless.

Do Podcasters Make Money Podcasting?

Yes! Many podcasters make a full-time living from their podcasts. So you're in good company thinking about how to start a podcast and make money.

How to Monetize a Podcast: Where Should I Start?

Most likely, in the early days, you're going to throw a lot at the wall to see what sticks. And you'll likely end up doing quite a few methods, running a few in parallel.

What is a Podcraft podcast?

A classic example is our very own Podcraft Podcast – it's a show that teaches people everything they need to know about how to run a podcast. But, inevitably, there are plenty of people who heard our advice and realise they just don't have the time or the inclination to do it themselves. So, instead, who do they ask to do it? The person they've just gotten to know on the podcast of course – us! We used to get a lot of production work that way, back when we offered it. These days, many listeners like to work with us inside The Podcast Host Academy.

What happens if you don't have time to do a podcast?

It's often said that if you don’t have time to build a community, then you don’t have time to do a podcast. Audiences are galvanised by interactions and conversations, not only with you as the podcast host, but with other listeners who share a passion for your topic.

What is the default method for podcast monetization?

Sponsorship. Sponsorship and advertising is often seen as the “default” method when it comes to podcast monetization. One problem with sponsorship, though, is that many companies are still fixated on numbers rather than interaction and engagement.

What is the middle ground between selling a product you 100% own and affiliate or commission sales?

A middle ground between selling a product you 100% own, and affiliate or commission sales, is running a merch store on a third-party platform.

What is the work needed to get donations?

The work needed to get donations is the work you're already doing – trying to create a brilliant podcast. That said, you can go a little further and create rewards and incentives to encourage listeners to support you too.

How many figure sums can a high value product bring?

These can be high-value products that can bring in three (even four) figure sums.

What to do if you haven't started a podcast?

If you have not started a podcast yet, choose a topic that has the potential of attracting a large listener base. You can do a quick search in an iTunes library to see if there is a demand for a topic you would choose for your podcast. If there is a demand for that niche, aim to create the best possible content for it.

What does "sponsored by" mean on podcasts?

These sponsors are advertisers that have paid to be mentioned on the show.

How much does Joe Rogan make?

Joe Rogan hosts an entertaining podcast that discusses trending topics and interviews public figures of interest. He is estimated to make about $30,000 per episode. With about 5 episodes per week produced, his estimated monthly podcast income is $600,000.

What is the most commonly sold affiliate product?

The amount of money you could earn depends on the product. The most commonly sold affiliate products are Amazon products.

Is podcasting equipment expensive?

If there are few search results, there isn’t much demand – so you have little chance of growing to a point of earning an impressive income. Podcasting equipment can be costly. Not everyone has the ability to invest into podcasting equipment.

How Much Money Do Podcasts Make?

The amount of money that you can potentially make through podcasting depends on several factors.

How do podcasts make money?

Advertising is by far the most popular way that podcasts make money. This method of income generation is relatively straightforward. Advertisements are purchased for a certain amount of time within a podcast episode.

Why do podcasters ask for donations?

Some podcasters have even started asking for donations so they can continue creating quality audio content. Podcasting isn’t cheap, and some podcasters have found success by asking listeners to send in their hard-earned money so they can keep doing what they love full-time.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is when a podcaster promotes a product or service through their podcast. If this happens, they get paid for providing referrals to that product or service— making it another popular way podcasts make money.

How do podcasters get revenue?

The most popular way that podcasters are adding revenue to their podcast is through advertising and sponsors.

What is paid subscription?

Paid subscriptions are when the podcaster requires a fee to listen. For example, you might get behind the curtain content or early access to new episodes if you subscribe for a monthly cost of $5. Some podcasts offer ad-free listening, and some offer multiple paid subscriptions with extra perks at each level.

Why do podcasts have multiple platforms?

When a podcast is made available on multiple platforms (such as iTunes and YouTube), it can increase a podcaster’s income. This allows the podcaster access to a broader audience while gaining more revenue from their content on multiple platforms.


Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing or performance marketing is where you get a commission when you refer people to other companies. You will typically earn money when someone makes a purchase. Affiliate marketing works best when you promote products or services that you use or are familiar with, so you can authentically promote them. …
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  • Many popular podcasters create their own online courses to teach similar content to what they talk about on their podcast. Online coursesare a great way to teach something in an easy-to-follow way where someone can get a specific result once they’ve completed it. It helps to have an email list so you can let your audience know about your course both on your podcast and throug…
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  • You can offer services that tie in with the content on your podcast. I used to analyze and critique online ads on a podcast and the service I offered was Google AdWords and Facebook Ads management. By showing that I knew what I was an expert on the topic, people knew that they would get expert-level ad management. This made it much easier to get clients without having t…
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Coaching & Consulting

  • Coaching & Consulting is somewhat similar to offering a service, but you usually don’t do the work for them. Instead, you help or guide them on how to improve. Common industries that have a lot of consultants and coaches are fitness, diet, business, and teaching, but I’m sure there are consultants in every industry.
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Crowdfunding & Donations

  • You can ask for donations to help support you and your podcast. More entertainment-focused podcasts would be a good fit to monetize in this way. A common platform for accepting donations is Patreon. They make it really easy to offer additional content or bonuses depending on the amount of money people support you with. They even give you the ability to have a separ…
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Premium Content

  • Premium content can really be anything you want, but some of the common ways podcasters offer premium content are with: 1. Additional interviews 2. Behind-the-scenes content 3. Ad-free RSS feed 4. Early-access RSS feed 5. Q&A with the hosts Have fun coming up unique ways to deliver additional value to your community for a few dollars per month. The Daily Wireis a podca…
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  • Hosting events is not only a great way to make money, but bring together your best fans and bring them even more value. One example I heard of from Pat Flynn was the Walker Stalkerconference. It was started by a podcast that talked about The Walking Dead TV show. They do events all over the world and even get the actors involved. That sounds awesome! Another example from Sam …
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Physical Products

  • Physical products are things like t-shirts, mugs, and other swag. The Generation Why Podcast offers a ton of different products, plus premium content, and a very active Patreon page. You can use a site like Teespringto make sure you get enough sales before they get printed – that way you don’t get stuck with a bunch of products.
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  • Leveraging a popular podcast into book sales is another excellent way to make money and increase your authority. You can use your podcast audience to get those initial sales and reviews that will help your book stand out too. Two examples that I’m familiar with (and have purchased) are: 1. Pat Flynn wrote the WSJ bestseller Will It Fly? 2. Chris Ducker recently came out with Ris…
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Can You Mix Advertising and Selling?

Things to Know Before You Start to Monetize Your Podcast

Define A Strategy – Main Ways to Monetize A Podcast

I. Passive Advertising – Most Popular Form

  • Passive income from advertising is the most basic way to monetize a podcast. You need to produce a lot of content that you will later disseminate in various places. Once that content starts attracting an audience, you will start receiving your benefits for months and years.
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II. Active Advertising / Sponsorships

III. Premium Services

IV. Products Sales

v. Product Development

VI. Marketing Route

VII. Build and Invest

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