Podcast FAQ

how to get people to listen to your podcast

by Lyda Balistreri Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Here are a few ways to get people excited to listen:

  • Tease content before the episode comes out (you can use your video snippet)
  • Show behind the scenes of you recording the podcast
  • Talk about upcoming guests instead of just announcing you interviewed them (similar to BTS)
  • Ask listeners to give you fun facts or ask for shout outs

So, to help increase your podcast listeners, below are six crucial tips that can help people find you.
  1. Create a Podcast trailer.
  2. Use Call to Actions.
  3. Promote your Podcast on social media.
  4. Repurpose your Podcast content.
  5. Podcast SEO.
  6. Invite guests and star as a guest.

Full Answer

How to get started listening to podcasts?

  • New episodes land in the NEW tab. ...
  • Press play to listen to episodes from your queue in order. ...
  • Re-order your queue to plan your next few hours of listening at any time.
  • Browse your library to review the back catalogue, quickly access starred shows, and see your listening history.

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How to find the number of listeners to a podcast?

  • In 2019 over 32% of Americans have listened to podcasts regularly every month, which is 90 million people. ...
  • People regularly listening every week in 2019 were 22% of the population in 2019. ...
  • It is also crucial to notice that once a consumer becomes a podcasts listener, podcasting becomes their primary source of audio consumption.

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How to find and subscribe to podcasts?

How to follow podcasts on iPhone or iPad

  • Open the Podcasts app.
  • Browse or search for a show. Need help finding the shows that you like?
  • Tap the show to see its information page.
  • Tap the Follow button .

How do I connect to a podcast?

To join the program:

  • Log in to Apple Podcasts Connect.
  • Click Account.
  • In the Details tab, click Sign Up.
  • Click Confirm.


How do I get people to notice my podcast?

On this pageLeverage your guest's audience.Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways.Release at least 3 episodes on launch day.Convert the audio to a YouTube video.Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators.Transcribe the audio.Throw a two-week ratings party.Run a giveaway contest.More items...

How do I make my podcast viral?

In SummaryBecome an early mover in a niche.Release frequent content.Use all distribution networks.Create a separate website that captures leads and makes the podcasts available.Grow your mailing lists.Interview guests and send them links to their episodes.Send guests links to their episodes.More items...

How do you get people to listen to your podcast on Spotify?

Build your followersShare your podcast on social media.Embed a Spotify player on your website.Create and share playlists with your podcast episodes in them. Note: It's only possible to do this on the Spotify mobile app.Add links to your episode description.Got music on Spotify?

How do I promote my podcast anchor?

Connect with your listeners.Create a website for your podcast.Build an email list and send out regular newsletters.Post about every new episode on your personal handles.Use relevant hashtags.Reply to comments.Post in relevant Facebook and Reddit groups.Reach out to another show to cross-promote with them.

How do I make a hit podcast?

Here, Williams and Simcik offer their top 8 tips for creating a successful podcast:Realize that it's going to be a lot of work. ... Listen to other podcasts. ... Just start! ... Identify for your mission, vision and values. ... Promote your show. ... Invest in a professional production team. ... Be consistent.More items...•

How do podcasts get featured?

How to find and get featured on top podcasts in your industry:Step 1: Find the right podcasts to pitch. ... Step 2: Research the podcast before you contact the host. ... Step 3: Contact the host to request an interview. ... Step 4: Schedule the interview. ... Step 5: Prepare for your interview. ... Step 6: Give a great interview.More items...•

Why is my podcast not growing?

So if your show isn't growing, look first to the premise, because it's the first interaction your audience will have with your podcast. If it's too vague or undifferentiated (i.e., “a show about [industry]”), you can't expect listeners to select it.

How long does it take a podcast to grow?

How long does it take a podcast to grow? You should start to see podcast growth within the first 30 days of your launch, and your podcast growth should continue indefinitely month over month, even if it's a small amount. Slow and steady growth is a good thing in the podcasting space.

How do you grow podcasts?

How to grow your podcast audienceDedicate 10-15 minutes every day engaging with your audience. ... Listen to your audience. ... Network with other podcasters. ... Pitch yourself as a guest. ... Make it easy for your guests to share. ... List your show in multiple podcast directories. ... Transcribe your episodes. ... Cross-post your episodes.More items...•

Is my podcast successful?

Download numbers are one of the most obvious metrics for measuring the success of your podcast. Download stats are immediately accessible to you, from the minute you launch your first episode. Watching the numbers climb can be rewarding. Some might even say addictive.

How long should podcasts be?

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

Can you buy podcast listeners?

Media Mister is a really good option as a place to buy Podcast listeners from, because they have been helping clients with social media engagement in general for a few years at this point.

How to have a podcast community?

Having your own podcast community is like having your own marketing team. The better your relationships are with your listeners the better reviews they will give and the more recommendations they will give you. Your audience should be your top priority since they are the community that is forming around you. Find ways to get them engaged, with you and each other, to further strengthen those relationships and sense of community.

How to encourage engagement in podcast?

So make sure to give your listeners plenty of opportunities to communicate with you, even if they’re not a follower. Create group chats on all social media platforms, do a listener Q&A segment on your podcast, or even set up meetups with those listeners in your area.

Do podcasts have a popularity contest?

A popularity contest might not have been something you signed up for when you originally started your podcast. However, being listed on the top charts can be a great way to get more eyes and ears on your show. Making sure your podcast gets noticed by as many people as possible won’t necessarily give you a 100% return rate but it is a proven way to get more people to listen in.

Make sure your podcast has quality content

This seems obvious, but it’s true: You have to feature content that people care about, no matter what your focus is.

How to perfect your podcasting voice

You don’t have to alter your voice like a telecaster in the 1950s or talk about topics you don’t understand to get an audience. What you really have to do is talk about things you do know and do care about. Someone else out there cares about those same things, too.

Release episodes on a consistent schedule

With all the tools you need to record and upload an episode in your own home, you might think you’ll be churning out shows all the time. But think about your other domestic tasks. Did you swear to yourself that you were going to put away that basket of folded clothes? Did it end up on the “laundry chair” in your room? Again?

How to increase listeners on podcast?

Here’s a list of the best ones: 1. Create valuable partnerships. In the beginning your podcast is an inert object. Your goal is to turn it into a rolling stone.

What is the best way to start a podcast?

Ideally, the person has three things: A successful show with a decent size audience. An audience that shares a common interest with your listeners. A willingness to accept guests and do guest spots. Now make a list of every podcast in your niche (and those that are about one step outside your niche).

How many people listen to podcasts in 2019?

Edison Research reports the podcast industry commands an audience of roughly 90 million Americans in 2019. That’s 32% of everyone 12 or older in the U.S. That number was 57 million in 2018. Obviously, more and more people are listening to podcasts. On the other hand, big numbers mean lots of competition.

What does it mean to subscribe to a podcast?

Subscribing obviously means someone will see your podcast in their feed whenever you post a new episode. Ratings and reviews convince anyone who’s considering your show to give it a try.

Can you build an audience if you keep getting ghosted?

You can’t build an audience if you keep getting ghosted. To sustainably grow your audience, you need people to do three things: Whenever someone does one of these three things, it provides a boost for your growth. Subscribing obviously means someone will see your podcast in their feed whenever you post a new episode.

7 Lessons in Getting People to Listen to Your Podcast

Whether you’re starting a company, growing your brand on social media, or launching a podcast, getting people to listen to you is a huge part of your job. Last year, I launched the first season of my podcast, “ Haven’t Said Enough ,” which taught me an immense amount about the different ways to build, engage with, and attract an audience.

1. Identify Your Audience, Then Cater Your Content Toward Them

Let’s say you’re a founder of a company with multiple departments. You wouldn’t consistently give your developers the same materials, meetings, and advice as you would to your marketing or sales department. Each of these different audiences has different needs. It’s your job as a leader to speak to and address these needs.

3. Nobody Wants to Hear Your Banter

This is as true in meetings or seminars as it is in podcasts. Have you ever showed up to a meeting and thought “why wasn’t this an email?” Don’t put your audience in that situation.

4. What Need Are You Solving For?

Every entrepreneur understands that a product, service, or company should be addressing, and solving for, a pain point. This works as well on a micro level as it does on a macro level.

7. Ask for Feedback From Friends and Peers

The more you know, the better you can be. An easy way to analyze your progress is to ask your friends, family, and peers for their opinions on your podcast, product, or whatever it is you’re working on.

How much of a podcast is on iTunes?

iTunes is responsible for as much as 70% of a podcast’s listens and downloads. In the process of researching how to promote a podcast, much of the advice kept centering on iTunes as the key channel for growth and attention. I hadn’t realized just how key iTunes really was!

What is a podcatcher?

Podcatchers — a pretty cool name, right? — are simply apps that play podcasts. The most popular one is the main podcast app in iOS; it’s the one with the purple icon and a picture of a microphone.

How many followers does Rand have on Hubspot?

Rand has over 335,000 Twitter followers. HubSpot has over 1 million Facebook fans. What we’d love to do is make it easy for our guests to share and promote their podcast episode. One idea is to send them a note on the day their podcast goes live and include a series of shareable media: Pullquotes. Images.

How long does it take to get to the new and noteworthy section of iTunes?

The New & Noteworthy section of iTunes is one of the most highly visible spots within the iTunes podcast area. You have two months (eight weeks) to get there before your podcast joins back with the rest of the podcast listings.

How to grow your podcast listener base?

There are a few very effective methods available for you to use that will assist in growing your podcast’s listener base! 1. Network, Network, Network! A very easy and fruitful way to grow your podcast is to reach out to others within the podcasting community. Rather than view this as helping the competition, use it as a way to expand your listener ...

How to get your podcast to engage with your fans?

Encourage engagement by letting your listeners ask questions on social media platforms, and then take time to either answer them directly or by creating a Q&A section on the show. Not only does this interaction strengthen the bond between you and your listeners, it also gives you a better understanding of what your audience wants, needs and expects from your podcast. Your listeners will give you the inside view on exactly how to improve your podcast. Another great way to encourage engagement is to set up a Facebook Community for your show. This provides a place for your audience to come together, discuss the episodes, and really explore the topics in greater depth. This is also a way to give your listeners a more personal connection to you as the host.

What does it mean to have a big listener base?

Your listener base is what determines your show’s success. So naturally, a big listener base means a more successful show. However, not every podcast is destined for immediate success, in which case groundwork is required! There are a few very effective methods available for you to use that will assist in growing your podcast’s listener base!

Where to invest in advertising?

Sometimes the most classic form of advertising is just the way to go. Facebook and Instagram are two obvious places to invest in advertising. Once you’ve figured out what keywords to target, consider paying for paid advertising on Google Adwords, Reddit Ads, Facebook Ads, and Stumbleupon Ads.

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