Podcast FAQ

how to get podcast sponsors

by Ivory Hill Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

4 Ways to find podcast sponsors.

  • 1. Pitch directly to brands. Best for: Podcasters who don't want to split the revenue with a network. Network with brands or small businesses and ...
  • 2. Join a podcast network.
  • 3. Use a podcast ad marketplace.
  • 4. Use affiliate marketing.

Here are the four main ways to find podcast sponsors:
  1. Reach Out to Sponsors Directly. The simplest strategy? ...
  2. Partner With a Hosting Service. Podcast hosting services give your podcast a home on the internet. ...
  3. Join a Podcast Network. Some networks let you list your show (sometimes for free) on their platform. ...
  4. Use a Directory.

Full Answer

How to get your first podcast sponsorship?

Three Approaches to Podcast Sponsorship

  1. Media Hosting The first option is to let your media hosting take care of it. ...
  2. Sponsorship Agencies If you’d prefer to keep your hosting and your sponsorship separate, then a dedicated sponsorship agency might work for you. ...
  3. Do it Yourself!

How and where to find a sponsor for your podcast?

What You Really Need To Know About Getting Sponsorships for Your Podcast

  1. Create a Show that’s Worth Sponsoring. Many people don’t know that Nicole and I worked full time on The $100 MBA Show for two full months before it ...
  2. If you Build ‘It’ They Will Come. In this step, the “it” I’m referring to is not the show itself, but the audience. ...
  3. Create a 1-Page Sponsorship Guide. ...
  4. Under-promise & Over-deliver. ...
  5. Nail Your Reads. ...

More items...

How to get advertisers for your podcast?

How to pick the right sponsors for a podcast?

  • Choose a sponsor that fits your niche. The brand image or the product should not clash with what you are preaching on your podcast. ...
  • Don’t monetize with businesses that have a negative perception. Stay away from sponsorships related to casinos, payday loans, etc. ...
  • Stay below 10% of ads time per episode length. ...

How to create a Patron Program for your podcast?

  • Power off and then restart your device.
  • Log out of your account on the Patreon app.
  • Uninstall and then reinstall the Patreon app (latest versions linked below):
  • Patreon app for iOS
  • Patreon app for Android
  • Log back into the Patreon app.
  • Check for and install any software updates available for your device.


How much do sponsors pay on podcasts?

Sponsors pay on a cost per mille basis (mille is Latin for “thousand”). Rates range from $18 to $50 CPM, though hugely popular podcasts can pull in a lot more. You can price your ads differently depending on where you place them within your episode.

How many podcast downloads Do you need to get sponsors?

How many podcast downloads do you need to get sponsors? Many podcast sponsors are looking for at least 5,000 downloads per episode, and they often pay based on the number of downloads each podcast episode gets (in increments of 1,000).

Do podcasts need sponsors?

Seventy percent of these listeners have considered using a product or service after hearing about it on a podcast. Sixty percent of these listeners say they appreciate podcast sponsors for supporting their favorite shows, and forty-four percent have a more favorable view of brands that advertise on podcasts.

How do podcasts choose sponsors?

12 Tips for Finding and Sponsoring PodcastsConsider podcast demographics.Understand standard podcast ad pricing.Look for podcasts that relate to your brand or industry.Use your competitors for inspiration.Purchase multiple ads for small shows rather than one for big podcasts.More items...•

How do I find a sponsor?

How to Get a Sponsorship: 8 Key TacticsResearch potential sponsors. Look at your existing supporters. ... Tell your organization's story. ... Provide sponsor incentives. ... Reach out to established companies. ... Use data to legitimize your pitch. ... Find the right contact. ... Build a connection over time. ... Follow up.

How do I monetize my podcast?

How To Monetize A Podcast DirectlyAsk for donations. The simplest way to monetize a podcast is to ask people for money. ... Create paid membership tiers. ... Sell sponsorships or ads. ... Join an advertising network. ... Sell premium episodes. ... Gate your back catalog. ... Sell repurposed content. ... Syndicate your show to YouTube.

How do I promote my podcast?

On this pageLeverage your guest's audience.Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways.Release at least 3 episodes on launch day.Convert the audio to a YouTube video.Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators.Transcribe the audio.Throw a two-week ratings party.Run a giveaway contest.More items...

Which platform is best for podcast?

What are the Best Podcast Hosting Platforms?Fusebox. ... Blubrry Podcasting. ... Spreaker. ... PodcastWebsites. ... Audioboom. Best hosting platform for taking your podcast to the next level. ... Libsyn. The most reliable podcast hosting site. ... Soundcloud. Best platform for audio content creators. ... Podomatic. Best freemium podcast hosting platform.More items...•

How do I make my podcast viral?

In SummaryBecome an early mover in a niche.Release frequent content.Use all distribution networks.Create a separate website that captures leads and makes the podcasts available.Grow your mailing lists.Interview guests and send them links to their episodes.Send guests links to their episodes.More items...

How much does it cost to put an ad on a podcast?

The current average cost of podcast advertising is a CPM of about $25. AdvertiseCast notes that the average CPM for 30-second ads is $18, and the average CPM for 60-second ads is $25.

How do I grow my podcast following?

So, to help increase your podcast listeners, below are six crucial tips that can help people find you.Create a Podcast trailer.Use Call to Actions.Promote your Podcast on social media.Repurpose your Podcast content.Podcast SEO.Invite guests and star as a guest.

What are podcast ad networks?

Podcast ad networks like Midroll, Art19, Acast and others have scaled the ad buying and selling process by using programmatic ads to automate it. With programmatic ads, you could lose some editorial control due to the automation aspect. If you want to cherry-pick all of your sponsors and set your own terms, a network might not be the best fit.

What is a podcast trailer?

A podcast trailer is a great way to introduce your podcast to advertisers and listeners alike, and you could even make a second unlisted version that’s specifically for advertisers to give your pitch a personal touch. 2.

What is native advertising?

Native advertising is where you work more closely with an advertiser in order to integrate their brand with your brand of content. This generally means host-read ads, but could also be a business podcast that interviews the founder of one of their sponsors as an episode.

What is media kit?

A media kit can help answer all of the common questions they may have, and also help you to promote the idea of podcast advertising in general. Some companies will be familiar with podcast ads, others won’t. As you start to learn what the points of friction are, you can adjust your media kit accordingly.

How to use networking?

Networking (online and in-person) The first way to use networking is to attend industry events. At these events, you’ll have a chance to network with the very people who are advertising in your industry. They are at the event to gain exposure for their brand, and you have exposure to offer them.

Is 30% commission on podcasts?

But 30% is a high commission to pay for a sale that you generate yourself.

Is the mid roll or post roll more valuable?

It’s a familiar format. The mid-roll is the most valuable, since people are already engaged in the podcast by that point, and the post-roll is often less valuable since fewer people are going to listen through to the very end, and the ones that do can just turn off the episode once the end-roll ads start.

We Took Whatever We Could Get

There will be some people who read this article and think, “$8,000. That’s it?” And they’re right that in some ways, $8,000 is not a ton of money.

We Created Niche (Sellable) Content

When I started my show, I was completely focused on its marketability. But not just how attractive it would be to listeners. I also focused on how it would be attractive to potential advertisers.

We Planned for Distribution and Growth

Starting your podcast is just the beginning if you want to produce a show that advertisers get excited about.

We Sold Whatever We Had to Offer

I’m not going to lie—those first few email pitches were a bit awkward. To the sponsors, it probably came off something like this:

We Leveraged Existing Relationships

As anyone who has experience in pitching and sales will tell you, a warm pitch is infinitely easier than a cold pitch. This proved true when it came to selling ads on a podcast that didn’t exist yet.

Partner With People Way More Talented Than You

When I first started this podcast, I knew I wouldn’t be able to tell the kinds of stories I wanted to tell since I had almost no experience in front of a microphone.

You Can Sell Podcast Sponsorships at Any Stage

If selling sponsorships is the way you want to monetize your podcast, then take it from me: you can do it.

Why are podcast ads not skipped?

Ads are very effective, and listeners approve of ad messages. Also, due to the nature of podcast consumption, many ads are not skipped on podcasts as opposed to other media. This allows for engaging shows to be a very attractive medium for podcast sponsors and advertisers.

How many people pay more attention to podcasts than other media?

According to Edison Research, among most engaged and passionate podcast listeners: 44% of people pay more attention to advertising on podcasts than on other media. 37% agree that advertising on a podcast is the best way to reach them.

How to find sponsors for podcasts?

There are main 4 ways how to find a sponsor for a podcast. 2 passive and 2 active. Passive – get an offer from a media host or get approached by a sponsor, Active – join a podcasting ad network or search for sponsors yourself.

What does it mean to have a small audience list?

A small audience list means you would not be able to charge much for ad space. Work on increasing the number of downloads so that you can charge higher. Work on your podcast content share strategy.

Why do ads have mid roll?

While mid-roll ads are ideal when the narrative is longer. Especially for a baked-in ad, the mid-roll placement is preferred as the ad narrative can be easily blended into the fabric of the episode. Also, it is usually when the listener is hooked and listening closely, so the message tends to be more effective.

Does Buzzsprout have an affiliate marketplace?

For instance, buzzsprout has an internal affiliate marketplace that podcasters on their platform can join for free. It is a platform where you can find big brands willing to promote their products on podcasts. This is an easy way to get podcast sponsors and advertisers.

Can you make your own merchandise on podcasts?

You can create your own merchandise or sell your own products through your podcasts. There are many services that will let you create customized T-shirts, mugs, etc. If you have products that you can sell, your listeners could well be your potential customers.

What is baked in live read?

A baked-in live read is a read that stays within a podcast indefinitely (also called embedded). Why? Because it is recorded at the same time that the host records an episode. These advertisements are woven into the content of the show. Therefore, allowing a unique, organic, and authentic description and endorsement of a product and/or service. They only exist within that specific episode forever.

What does CPM stand for in podcasts?

In your search for a podcast sponsor, you’ll come across CPM a lot, which stands for cost per mille (CPM). Mille is Latin for a thousand. It is used in advertising as a method of measurement for the number of impressions an ad can receive.#N#For example, let’s say a podcast sponsor is offering $20 CPM. CPM of $20 means that for every thousand listens your podcast gets, you will be paid $20. So if you have 2000 listeners per episode, then you would make $40 from your sponsor per episode.

What is affiliate sponsorship?

Affiliate sponsorship follows a cost-per-action model rather than the cost per mille (CPM). As a podcast host, you give your listeners an affiliate code or coupon for a product or service. If your listeners go through with the purchase, then you will get a percentage of that sale. Given that you have an extremely loyal audience who believes every word you say, then the affiliate model could be profitable for you.

What is podcast sponsorship?

Podcast sponsorship is the most traditional method of monetisation in the medium. But it can take many different forms, and it's not necessarily the right approach for everyone looking to monetise their content. Here, we'll take a look at the various ways podcast sponsorship can work. We'll also cover how to reach out to potential sponsors – should ...

How much do podcasters make per ad?

This is a method of measuring advertising based on audience numbers. Typically, podcasters stand to earn around $20 per ad, per 1000 downloads, within 30 days of an episode's release. CPM can work well for podcasts that have download numbers in the thousands. But, many podcasts have much smaller audiences than that.

What is podcast success?

Most podcasts that “succeed” focus on a certain topic or niche. That means the audiences they build around them generally share a common interest. That could be anything, from losing weight, to breeding gerbils, to collecting stamps, or brewing coffee.

What is long form audio content?

Long-form audio content means listeners can spend lots of time listening to a presenter in a very intimate way, and on a regular basis. This builds a layer of trust and authority. It's much harder to do this in the written word, where blog posts are Googled and skimmed for the one piece of info the reader wanted.

What is a media kit for a podcast?

A media kit is basically the essential information about sponsoring your show, packaged up in an easy-to-read manner.

Why is voice over less effective on podcasts?

This is a lot less effective because the audience listens to hear the thoughts and opinions of the presenter. Having a random Voice-Over interrupting the content to quickly give you a sales pitch can be jarring, and even annoying.

Can you advertise on a podcast?

Advertising on a podcast isn't like putting up a billboard at the side of a road, where 90% of the folks who see it aren't a company's target audience. Granted, targeting isn't exclusive to podcasts. Things like trade magazines and blogs can be very niche and targeted, for example.

How much does a podcast sponsor spend?

But for CPMs, sponsors typically spend $15-25 for every 1,000 listeners.

What is podcast sponsorship?

A podcast sponsorship is basically a deal between you and a brand or service where you help sell their products and increase awareness of their brand. These goals are priced and measured using two metrics:

How to agree on a sponsorship deal?

The professional way to agree on a sponsorship deal is to send an email, along with your more detailed pitch, to your prospective sponsor. These should include information about your show and your suggested pricing. The presentation is typically in the form of a slide deck, and is an excellent way to impress your sponsor and make everything look official.

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Things to Know Before Reaching Out To Potential Sponsors

Advertisers or sponsors will not likely hand you a check without learning certain crucial things about your show. So, consider the following before reaching out to potential sponsors.

Your Pitch

Why should any business advertise on your podcast? You need to come up with a presentation that answers all the common questions potential sponsors may have.

Your Demographics

Who makes up your audience? Stay-at-home mums, teenagers, college-educated people, or older folks?

Your Advertising Rate

Sponsors would want to know how much you expect them to pay for your podcast episodes. So, you need to do your research before approaching brands. We’ll talk more about this in a bit.

Your Inventory

Your inventory refers to the ad format. Will you be offering ad spots at the beginning, middle, or end of the episode? We’ll get into the details of these shortly but your inventory will determine how much the sponsor is expected to pay.

Types of Sponsorships

Next, you’ll have to decide what sponsorship model best suits your podcast. Your options include:

CPM Sponsorship

The CPM (cost per mille) sponsorship model involves sponsors paying a predetermined amount based on the number of downloads or signups from your podcast. This is typically in increments of 1000s.

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