Podcast FAQ

how to get your podcast featured on itunes

by Kobe Jacobi Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Get Your Podcast Featured in iTunes New and Noteworthy

  1. Don’t rush into the iTunes Podcast Directory. New podcasts listed in iTunes are only eligible for New & Noteworthy for 8 weeks from their initial listing.
  2. Your podcast should look and sound great. Great podcast artwork is a must. ...
  3. Don’t submit without 3 episodes + 1 on deck. iTunes doesn’t publish the exact requirements for getting featured, but total episode downloads do seem to be a part of ...
  4. Enlist your friends and family for help. Once you get the approval email from iTunes it’s time to start the flurry of activity. ...

How to Get Your Podcast Featured on iTunes
  1. Quality Show is a Must. ...
  2. Create a Stunning Cover Art. ...
  3. Work On Your Content and Goals. ...
  4. Connect with known podcasters. ...
  5. Look for authors. ...
  6. Consistently release your episodes. ...
  7. News and Noteworthy. ...
  8. More Reviews.
Dec 20, 2019

Full Answer

How do I create/upload podcast on iTunes?

  1. Make The Podcast Start by making the first video for your podcasts.
  2. Submit It To iTunes If you don't already have iTunes on your screen, you will need to download it from your app store. Then open iTunes.If you don't...
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How to get accurate iTunes statistics for your podcast?

iTunes does not provide statistics. If you host your podcast on server which provides statistics, or you are able to apply the method outlined in this Apple Tech Note you would be able to track access to episodes and the feed: note that the number of times the feed is accessed is pretty meaningless since subscribers' copy of iTunes will check it periodically.

How to subscribe to podcasts with iTunes?

How do I subscribe to BBC Podcasts on iTunes?

  • Find the podcast you’d like to subscribe to on the BBC Sounds website.
  • Tap RSS.
  • Your device will show you which app or apps you can use to start your podcast subscription – simply choose the app you want to use.

How to submit podcast to iTunes or Apple Podcasts?

  • Countries or Regions: Choose where you want your show to be available. You can edit availability at any time.
  • Distribution: Choose whether you’d like to make your feed publicly available. ...
  • Show Release: Choose whether you want your show to be released right away or select a date and time to release it on Apple Podcasts.


How do you get featured on Apple Podcasts?

Can you trick an algorithm to get into New & Noteworthy?You can trick the algorithm by launching your show with multiple episodes. ... You can only be featured for the first eight weeks of your podcast. ... Make a great show. ... Adhere to Apple's content guidelines. ... Submit your show.

How do I get my podcast listed on iTunes?

7 Steps to Submitting Your Podcast on Apple Podcasts/iTunesStep 1: Record your podcast. ... Step 2: Complete your podcast details. ... Step 3: Choose a podcast hosting platform. ... Step 4: Retrieve your RSS feed URL. ... Step 5: Download and create an iTunes account. ... Step 6: Submit your podcast to Podcasts Connect.More items...•

Can anyone put a podcast on iTunes?

You can actually submit your podcast on iTunes for free and gain new listeners. Before submitting to iTunes, you need to make sure you have these things covered.

How long does a podcast take to appear in iTunes?

24 hoursHow Long Does It Take for a New Podcast Episode to Appear in Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes up to 24 hours for new podcast episodes to appear in Apple Podcasts. However, subscribers will generally have the episode in their queue within 1-2 hours of it publishing.

How much does it cost to put a podcast on Itunes?

How much does it cost to start a podcast on Apple? While it's free to sign up and submit a podcast to Apple, you do have to pay $19.99 per year if you'd like to access extra benefits through the Apple Podcasters Program. This includes premium subscriptions and more.

How much does it cost to get a podcast on Apple?

Pricing and Availability Pricing for each subscription is set by creators and starts at $0.49 (US) per month. Listeners can manage their subscriptions, and switch from monthly to annual billing if offered, from their Apple ID Account Settings, accessible from the top of the Listen Now tab in Apple Podcasts.

Do you get paid for podcasts on Itunes?

It pays to share your stories. You receive 70% of the subscription price at each billing cycle, minus applicable taxes. After a subscriber accumulates one year of paid service, your net revenue increases to 85% of the subscription price, minus applicable taxes.

Does it cost money to publish a podcast?

In fact, if you already have a computer and you're operating on a shoestring budget, you can record, edit, and launch a podcast for less than $200. On the other hand, if you want to use higher-end equipment, starting a podcast can cost a few thousand dollars.

Is it free to start an Apple podcast?

Sign up for the Apple Podcasters Program When you sign up, the payment method associated with the Admin's Apple ID will be charged the annual fee. Make sure you have the correct payment method associated with your Apple ID before you make your purchase.

Why is my podcast not showing up on iTunes?

If you submitted your content to Apple, and don't see it on Apple Podcasts, make sure: Your show, channel, or subscription has been approved and shows a Published status. Your show release date precedes the current date. Your show has clearances in all appropriate countries and regions.

How do I know if my podcast is on Apple Podcasts?

A red status indicator means that you need to perform some action before your show, episode, channel, or subscription can be available on Apple Podcasts....Episode status.StatusDescriptionDraftYour episode hasn't been published. Make sure to complete all required metadata fields, and when you're ready, publish.5 more rows

How long does it take Apple to list a podcast?

24 hoursThe podcast link is live on the iTunes Store shortly after the email is sent. Your podcast is not searchable in the iTunes Store until it is indexed, which can take up to 24 hours.

Is iTunes podcast free?

Podcasts are free shows that you can download and play just as you would a radio or TV show. You can download individual podcast episodes, or you can subscribe so that new episodes are automatically downloaded as they become available.

How do I get my podcast on all platforms?

Once you've chosen a podcast hosting platform and directory, these are the general steps to publishing your podcast:Create a podcast RSS feed on your hosting platform.Submit the RSS feed to your podcast directory.Wait for your RSS feed to be approved.Publish and view your podcasts.

How do I register a podcast?

Go to the website of any domain registrar — you can simply search online for "domain registrar" if you don't already have one in mind. Enter your podcast name in the registrar's search bar to see if you can register the domain. If your podcast name is more than 2 or 3 words, you might also try a shortened version.

How do I get an RSS feed for my podcast?

You need to start by visiting the Google Play Podcast Portal. Once you make it to that area, you click on the button to add a podcast. Take your RSS feed URL and paste it into the text box field. You then verify you own the RSS feed via your e-mail, review the information, and click on the publishing button.

2. Your podcast should look and sound great

Great podcast artwork is a must. Follow these instructions to create the best artwork for your podcast, or have a designer help you produce something professional. The biggest thing here is that it needs to scale well. Featured podcast listings (and search results) display artwork at 125x125 pixels.

4. Enlist your friends and family for help

Once you get the approval email from iTunes it’s time to start the flurry of activity. Have an email ready to go out to your friends and family. Include a link to your iTunes podcast listing. Ask them to check it out, subscribe, rate and review your show. Next hit up your Facebook and Twitter followers.

Good luck and Godspeed!

Follow the steps above and you’ll have a good chance making the New & Noteworthy feature. Some categories are more competitive than others so do some research and adjust the numbers as necessary.

How to find RSS feed for podcast?

You'll find the RSS address by going into the Powerpress settings, clicking ‘Feeds' and looking at the Podcast feeds section, as shown. 2. Fill in the Required Podcast Settings for iTunes.

How to submit a podcast on Apple?

There are a few settings that you must have in place before you submit your podcast. Make sure you've filled in every one of the following: 1 Title: the name of your podcast 2 Description: a short summary of your show, focussing on why people should listen 3 Category: Most hosts allow up to 3 categories in which you can appear – you can see all Apple Podcasts categories here and why they're important. 4 Artwork: make sure you have podcast artwork uploaded within your podcast host – learn how to create great podcast artwork in Canva here. 5 Explicit: state whether your show is for adults only or not 6 Copyright: show who owns the copyright to the show 7 Website: what's the home website for the show – include the URL.

What is iTunes Podcast?

iTunes / Apple Podcasts is just a directory and a listening app. Listeners find you there, subscribe to your show there, and listen to you there. But, at every stage, they're still download the files from your Podcast Host. Here's how you upload a podcast and make it appear on iTunes:

Is iTunes still an app?

iTunes still exists as an app, but Apple released Apple Podcasts a few years ago to replace the listening experience on mobile. Really, that's where people find us, most often. So, the big question actually is: how do we put our podcast in Apple Podcasts! Click, Talk, Done! Super Simple Podcast Recording & Editing.

Step 1. Record your first podcast episode

Once you’ve picked a podcast hosting service, you’ll need to record your first episode. In order for iTunes, and other platforms, to review and accept your podcast RSS feed, they need to review your content.

Step 2. Upload your episode to your podcast hosting company

Whether you use SoundCloud or another popular hosting company, the upload process will be similar. For this tutorial, we will walk through the steps for uploading to SoundCloud.

Step 3: Make sure to fully fill out the episode details

1. Fill out your episode information. Make sure to provide as much detail as possible on the “Basic Info Screen” and “Metadata Screen”. This helps iTunes categorize your podcast.

Step 4: Locate your RSS feed URL

Your RSS feed is the key to getting on any podcasting platform. RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication”. It collects all the data you enter about your episode/show and distributes it through a URL.

Step 5: Submit your RSS Feed to iTunes

Submitting your RSS feed to iTunes might take a few tries depending on your review process. It’s important that the episodes included in your RSS feed are professionally done so you can ensure iTunes accepts your show.

Step 6: Wait for iTunes approval

iTunes manually reviews every podcast submission so getting your show approved may take a few days to a week. You will receive an email if there are any issues with your submission or content. You can check on your submission status by logging back into Podcast Connect.

Step 7: Plan out your podcast promotion

Are you going to include video? Are you uploading to YouTube? Are you creating a blog post with each episode? Are you posting on social media? These are the questions you have to ask yourself when thinking about how you’re going to grow your audience.

What is the topic of my podcast?

As you can probably guess, the topic for my podcast is lifestyle entrepreneurship . This is more specific than the general category of business or entrepreneurship, and having that clarity helps the show attract people who specifically want to learn how to build a lifestyle business.

What happens if you don't know your podcast objectives?

If you don’t know what the objective (s) of your podcast are, you will have no way to measure whether or not it is successful. Clarify your objectives, and then base the decisions you make for your show around those objectives.

Do I need a recording studio to host a podcast?

Technology has come a long way, and as a result, you don’t need a ton of equipment (or a professional recording studio) to host a podcast. In addition to your laptop or desktop computer, all you really need is a good external microphone, a pair of headphones, a program to record your episodes/interviews, and a program to edit them.

What are the elements of a podcast?

The cover art, and all other podcast elements must be original and cannot contain any of the following: – Pixelation, artifacts, high-contrast background art, blurry or hard crops (unless stylistic), or other style issues. – References to illegal drugs, profanity, or violence in the title, description, or cover art.

What are the rules for podcasts?

The cover art, and all other podcast elements must be original and cannot contain any of the following: 1 – Pixelation, artifacts, high-contrast background art, blurry or hard crops (unless stylistic), or other style issues 2 – References to illegal drugs, profanity, or violence in the title, description, or cover art 3 – Images or language that could be construed as racist, misogynist, or homophobic 4 – Images depicting sex, violence, gore, illegal drugs, or hate themes 5 – Third-party trademarks without authorization or usage rights 6 – The words “iTunes Store,” “iTunes,” or “Apple Inc.” 7 – iTunes Store logo, Apple logo, or the term “Exclusive” without prior authorization from Apple 8 – Any visual representation of iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or any other Apple hardware

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