Podcast FAQ

how to get your podcast on new and noteworthy

by Dr. Antonina Kerluke Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Seven Steps to Get Into the New and Noteworthy Category.

  • 1. Build an audience before submitting to Apple Podcasts. If you have the time and resources, it helps to build an audience before you launch your ...
  • 2. Use quality cover art for your show.
  • 3. Produce high quality episodes.
  • 4. Launch with at least 3 episodes.
  • 5. Line up early reviewers.

Seven Steps to Get Into the New and Noteworthy Category
  1. Build an audience before submitting to Apple Podcasts. ...
  2. Use quality cover art for your show. ...
  3. Produce high quality episodes. ...
  4. Launch with at least 3 episodes. ...
  5. Line up early reviewers. ...
  6. Publish consistently and often. ...
  7. Ask your listeners for reviews and to subscribe.
May 13, 2020

Full Answer

Why is my podcast not getting featured in New&Noteworthy?

Even if your podcast is highly successful, it may still reduce your total time in the New & Noteworthy section and will make it harder to get featured overall. Therefore, make sure that you have a careful and strategic plan of exactly when and how you will be launching.

How to get into the new and noteworthy category on iTunes?

Seven Steps to Get Into the New and Noteworthy Category 1. Build an audience before submitting to Apple Podcasts. If you have the time and resources, it helps to build an... 2. Use quality cover art for your show. If you make it to the New and Noteworthy category, your podcast will be seen by... 3. ...

Who are the best new podcasts on social media?

A few amazing newer podcasters are Social Media Examiner, ViperChill and Chris Brogan (The Human Business Way). But how do we get the coveted spot in the New and Noteworthy section especially if you don’t already have a list like these big name bloggers?

How to make a good podcast on mobile?

If it’s video, pay attention to the lighting and do your best to make the quality as good as you can. When you create a video podcast you do have to format it for mobile which is lower quality but do the best you can on quality. Sound is more important, even on a video podcast. If you can’t understand it clearly, then no one will want to listen in!


How do I get on Apple and new noteworthy podcast?

Can you trick an algorithm to get into New & Noteworthy?You can trick the algorithm by launching your show with multiple episodes. ... You can only be featured for the first eight weeks of your podcast. ... Make a great show. ... Adhere to Apple's content guidelines. ... Submit your show.

How do I get my podcasts noticed?

So, to help increase your podcast listeners, below are six crucial tips that can help people find you.Create a Podcast trailer.Use Call to Actions.Promote your Podcast on social media.Repurpose your Podcast content.Podcast SEO.Invite guests and star as a guest.

How do I get my podcast to the top?

12 Ways to get your Podcast Ranking HigherPodcast search engine optimisation. ... Ask for ratings and reviews. ... Promoting podcasts on social media. ... Monitor episode performance in Apple Podcasts Connect. ... Encourage listeners to subscribe. ... Create great content. ... Get your show listed in as many directories as possible.More items...

How do I make my podcast viral?

In SummaryBecome an early mover in a niche.Release frequent content.Use all distribution networks.Create a separate website that captures leads and makes the podcasts available.Grow your mailing lists.Interview guests and send them links to their episodes.Send guests links to their episodes.More items...

Why is my podcast not growing?

So if your show isn't growing, look first to the premise, because it's the first interaction your audience will have with your podcast. If it's too vague or undifferentiated (i.e., “a show about [industry]”), you can't expect listeners to select it.

How often do podcasts fail?

Less than 20% of the podcasts that have launched this year will make it to next year. Most podcasts fail. If you've launched a podcast or are thinking about launching one, you don't want to put in all that work just to see your experiment get canned in a few months.

What makes a podcast successful?

A podcast with focus is going to be much easier for potential listeners to understand. You might think a wide appeal will get a wider audience but more often a narrow appeal means there's less likelihood others are doing the same thing. And the listeners you get will be very excited to find you.

How do I expand my podcast audience?

How to grow your podcast audienceDedicate 10-15 minutes every day engaging with your audience. ... Listen to your audience. ... Network with other podcasters. ... Pitch yourself as a guest. ... Make it easy for your guests to share. ... List your show in multiple podcast directories. ... Transcribe your episodes. ... Cross-post your episodes.More items...•

How long does it take for a podcast to get popular?

How long does it take a podcast to grow? You should start to see podcast growth within the first 30 days of your launch, and your podcast growth should continue indefinitely month over month, even if it's a small amount. Slow and steady growth is a good thing in the podcasting space.

How many downloads should a podcast get?

more than 26 downloads, you're in the top 50% of podcasts. more than 72 downloads, you're in the top 25% of podcasts. more than 231 downloads, you're in the top 10% of podcasts. more than 539 downloads, you're in the top 5% of podcasts.

How many podcast episodes should you launch with?

Launch with 3 episodes or more Because sharing more content when you launch gives more value to your audience. When you start sharing your podcast online and ask listeners to follow the show, it's important to give them multiple episodes that they can binge to see how they like the show.

How much money do podcasters make per download?

As an estimate, if your podcast has about 10,000 downloads per episode, you can expect to make between $500 – $900 per episode in affiliate sales.

How long does it take for a podcast to get noticed?

How long does it take a podcast to grow? You should start to see podcast growth within the first 30 days of your launch, and your podcast growth should continue indefinitely month over month, even if it's a small amount. Slow and steady growth is a good thing in the podcasting space.

How do you get picked up by podcast network?

Requirements for Joining a Podcast NetworkAt least 1000 downloads per episode (or 5,000 downloads per month)Release at least 1 episode per week.You will have to give up 30% of ad revenue you make to the network.Be open to cross-promoting other network podcasts on your show.

How do I drive traffic to my podcast?

Social mediaConvert your podcast into a YouTube video. ... Cut that YouTube video into clips. ... Customize posts to each social media channel. ... Tease episodes with audiograms. ... Record a tagline with your guest. ... Add value on social media. ... Run giveaways on social media.

How do I expand my podcast audience?

How to grow your podcast audienceDedicate 10-15 minutes every day engaging with your audience. ... Listen to your audience. ... Network with other podcasters. ... Pitch yourself as a guest. ... Make it easy for your guests to share. ... List your show in multiple podcast directories. ... Transcribe your episodes. ... Cross-post your episodes.More items...•

2. Create a High Quality Show

Audiences are much more tech-savvy these days and expect the quality content that not only ads value to their lives, but is also easy on the ears. Great sound is critical, along with a high quality introduction, professional editing work, and well thought-out branding to go with your show.

3. Launch with at least a few episodes (3 or more)

This is KEY! So why do we recommend launching with more episodes? Here’s how it works. If you launch with only 1 episode, and say you have 100 people download your episode, then you have a total of 100 downloads for the day.

4. Utilize Effective Launching Techniques

So how can you really capitalize on your “one-shot”? This is where effective launching techniques come in to play. Although you’ve already taken the important step of launching with 3 or more episodes, now you can boost your momentum by implementing several other techniques. The first of those is to skip “episode 0”.

5. Get tons of Activity

Activity, activity, activity! To ensure your spot in the New & Noteworthy section you need to boost your downloads. So the more subscriptions you get, the more downloads you will generate over the 8 weeks of “shine-time”.

6. Ask for reviews and ratings

Reviews and rating are a great way to get more recognition. These allow potential subscribers to see what others have said about your show, and gives them some extra motivation to subscribe. If others are enjoying it there must be something exciting for them to see as well.

7. Show your thanks and appreciation

So after all is said and done, don’t forget to thank your followers! Without them you wouldn’t have made it to the New & Noteworthy section. After all, their downloads are what got you there in the first place.

Now over to you!

Were these tips helpful in your pursuit toward the New & Noteworthy section? How were you able to achieve New & Noteworthy status?

In this episode of Founder Fridays, our CEO & founder Dave Rogenmoser is joined by yours truly, Ben Johnson, to discuss the launch strategy behind our growth marketing podcast, Scale or Die

Launching the podcast was our first brand play and quite the risk for our business. We’d never attempted anything ‘purely brand’ and taking a financial risk on producing a show was something we didn’t know how to approach.

Full Transcript

DR: Today, I’ve got a very exciting show for you here today because I have the world famous, or soon-to-be world famous, BJ, who runs the content at Proof here. He’s been on the marketing team for almost a year now, and he’s been the one behind the launch of the podcast, Scale or Die, and Founder Friday.

Our main goals in launching a podcast

BJ: Kind of thinking through it, we were in a position where we were thinking through Experiences, which is our new product.

The equipment you need for a podcast

BJ: Yeah, as kind of just a note here, we do a video-first show, so we’re recording in a studio in our office. If a guest is in Austin, they come in, we have two cameras set up, one on each desk, and then a third camera that is shooting the whole room.

How to book guests for your podcast

And I’ll kind of break down my strategy for doing it because we’ve had some amazing guests on here and it’s really, really worked well. I think the first thing you want to do is pick a niche, and then go get big fish in that niche and then you’ll get everybody else past that.

Behind the scenes: producing the show

BJ: Yeah, so to kind of start off, we’re a video-first production as I mentioned earlier. We’re creating content for multiple channels, and we have a YouTube account, we do the podcast on iTunes and a bunch of other streams.


What Is The New and Noteworthy category?

The New and Noteworthy category is a curated list of podcasts that Apple promotes on the iTunes homepage. It’s a front-and-center spot on their platform that gets seen by millions of podcast listeners every day. iTunesuses this spot to promote “compelling, new, or unusual content.” Users also have the option to exp…
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Criteria For The New and Noteworthy Category

  • There’s no simple answer here. Frankly, we don’t know for sure. Just like Google has never released how their search engine works, iTunes has never released its formula for curating podcasts for the New and Noteworthy category. That said, it’s mostly based on an algorithm. The algorithm weighs several variables, like your subscribers, ratings, reviews, and downloads. If the …
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Seven Steps to Get Into The New and Noteworthy Category

  • So how do you get on such a prestigious spot? No one has a perfect answer, but these steps will give you the best chance.
See more on castos.com

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