Podcast FAQ

how to grow your podcast

by Nayeli Hilpert Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Grow Your Podcast

  • Publish early, publish often. Give your audience what they want — more episodes of your podcast. ...
  • Share your hard work. Tap into your existing network by sharing your new episodes on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. ...
  • Be our guest. Appearing as a guest on a friend’s podcast is another way to introduce a whole new audience to your show.
  • Put your audience to work. Don’t be shy about asking your listeners to leave you a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts. ...

So, to help increase your podcast listeners, below are six crucial tips that can help people find you.
  1. Create a Podcast trailer.
  2. Use Call to Actions.
  3. Promote your Podcast on social media.
  4. Repurpose your Podcast content.
  5. Podcast SEO.
  6. Invite guests and star as a guest.

How to develop and grow a successful podcast?

  • Listen to your guests. For interview shows, it’s vital to not only come with pre-scripted questions but to allow guests to share the stories they’re passionate about. ...
  • Be consistent. ...
  • Don’t be afraid to promote your show when you appear on other podcasts. ...

How to start your profitable podcast?

Start a Profitable Podcast 💰 Join the Influence and Revenue course to gain high-value insights into how you can generate profits with your podcast by becoming a leading on-demand audio entrepreneur.

How to start you own podcast?

How to Start a Podcast: Every Single Step for 2021

  1. What's Your Podcast For? So firstly, why do you want to make a podcast? ...
  2. Who is Your Podcast For? So first day, get the big question in: Who are you making this podcast for? ...
  3. Give Them a Reason to Listen Whether you're providing information that will help someone to lose weight (in the case of our personal trainer), or doing a really entertaining ...

More items...

How to create your first podcast?

  • Set a definite date and time for publishing
  • Have one evergreen recorded podcast (As a backup plan)
  • Mention Website link at the start & end of Show notes
  • Use an animated video overlay and publish your podcast on YouTube.
  • Connect with best minds in your industry by inviting them to be a guest on your podcast show.


How do I get my podcast popular?

On this pageLeverage your guest's audience.Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways.Release at least 3 episodes on launch day.Convert the audio to a YouTube video.Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators.Transcribe the audio.Throw a two-week ratings party.Run a giveaway contest.More items...

How long does it take a podcast to grow?

How long does it take a podcast to grow? You should start to see podcast growth within the first 30 days of your launch, and your podcast growth should continue indefinitely month over month, even if it's a small amount. Slow and steady growth is a good thing in the podcasting space.

How do I make my podcast viral?

In SummaryBecome an early mover in a niche.Release frequent content.Use all distribution networks.Create a separate website that captures leads and makes the podcasts available.Grow your mailing lists.Interview guests and send them links to their episodes.Send guests links to their episodes.More items...

What is good growth for a podcast?

A podcast episode that has been live approximately 30 days averages 141 downloads. If you have over 3400 downloads you are in the top 10%. If you have over 9000 downloads you are in the top 5%. Lastly, if you have over 50,000 downloads per episode (again after having it live for 30 days) you are in the top 1%.

How do podcasts get listeners?

6 Tips to Increase Podcast ListenersCreate a Podcast trailer.Use Call to Actions.Promote your Podcast on social media.Repurpose your Podcast content.Podcast SEO.Invite guests and star as a guest.

Is 10 minutes long enough for a podcast?

But the general theory of podcast episode lengths is simple. If you have 40 minutes of good, on-topic content, and your episode lasts 1 hour, then it's too long. If If you have 40 minutes of good, on-topic content, and your episode lasts 20 minutes, then it's too short.

How do I promote my new podcast?

Share your podcast on social media Don't just make a post promoting your latest episode with a link. Use one of your episodes (it doesn't even have to be the most recent one) as a jumping-off point for a conversation on your Facebook page or Twitter. Focus on engagement and discussions with fans of your podcast.

How many downloads should a podcast get?

more than 26 downloads, you're in the top 50% of podcasts. more than 72 downloads, you're in the top 25% of podcasts. more than 231 downloads, you're in the top 10% of podcasts. more than 539 downloads, you're in the top 5% of podcasts.

How do I promote my podcast on Spotify?

Build your followersShare your podcast on social media.Embed a Spotify player on your website.Create and share playlists with your podcast episodes in them. Note: It's only possible to do this on the Spotify mobile app.Add links to your episode description.Got music on Spotify?

How often do podcasts fail?

Less than 20% of the podcasts that have launched this year will make it to next year. Most podcasts fail. If you've launched a podcast or are thinking about launching one, you don't want to put in all that work just to see your experiment get canned in a few months.

Are podcasts still popular 2022?

Yes, podcasts are still popular in 2022. The number of active podcasts and podcast listeners is increasing daily. As of April 2021, there are a total number of 850,000 active podcasts with more than 48 million episodes in total.

How do I know if my podcast is successful?

Here's a list of eight methods you might use to measure the success of your podcast:Number of listeners. ... Number of downloads per episode. ... Sponsors and advertisements. ... Audience and critic reviews. ... Website and social media traffic. ... Engagement with promotional materials. ... Networking and referrals. ... Recycled content.

How to grow your audience on podcast?

If you want to organically grow your audience, you need to request three things from your listeners. First, tell them to subscribe to your show. Then, ask if they could rate it. Finally, encourage them to leave a review on your show. When listeners do all these things, you are a big step closer to learning how to grow your podcast.

How to get more engagement on your podcast?

You can ask your listeners to send questions on social media platforms or create a question and answer section on your show. This will not only strengthen your bond but also give you a more thorough understanding of what type of content your audience loves to hear. Another awesome way to inspire engagement is to make a Facebook group or community for your show. This will enable people to discuss your episodes and explore your points further.

What is a podcast?

A podcast is an audio program that functions just like radio talk shows. However, instead of listening to it on the radio, people subscribe to it using their smartphone or computer. They can also listen to and download podcasts whenever and wherever they like.

How many people listen to podcasts?

The podcast industry is booming, and more than 90 million Americans listen to it, and 197 million have heard about it. But with the popularity of podcasts also comes great competition.

How to invite people to subscribe to your podcast?

But how can you exactly invite people to subscribe, rate, and review your podcast? Simple! Ask them. This is referred to as a call to action. Keep in mind to make your request not seem pushy since the last thing you want is to make your listeners feel as if you are hounding them. If people love your content and if they appreciate what you are doing, they will surely take the time to subscribe, rate, and review your podcast. All of these are key steps in learning how to grow your podcast.

What is the most personal medium?

Podcasting is one of the most personal mediums today, and if you want to foster connections with your listeners, you have to make them feel heard and feel as if they are just tuning in to a friend’s talk show.

How long is a podcast?

Podcasts focus on a particular theme or topic and can be any length. Some podcasts are only as short as one minute, while some are over 3 hours long. Podcasts can also be released at any frequency, whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly, and can follow different formats such as a solo show or multi-person host.

Why do people like podcasts?

Many people enjoy podcasts because it feels conversational. Listeners often feel like they’re hearing from their good friends when they listen to a podcast so keep that conversation going.

How to share an episode with your audience?

When you have guests on your show, make it really easy for them to share the episode with their audience. Tag them on your own social so they can repost and encourage them to share on their own as well. It’s helpful to create images for each social platform and swipe files so your guests can easily promote their episode.

Can you use Edgar's RSS feed for podcasts?

You’re creating goodwill with another podcaster and creating your network of support. Bonus tip! You can use Edgar’s RSS feed to automatically add other podcast episodes straight into your social media schedule. Check it out 👇

Do podcasts give feedback?

Your audience will give you feedback, whether or not you listen to them. That feedback might be tough to hear but it’s necessary for growth. You want your audience happy so listen to their concerns and be open to them. Many podcasters simply don’t do this but the ones that do can make fans for life.

Can you share podcast episodes on social media?

When you share your episodes on social media, please just don’t say “New Episode” and the episode name. Podcasting lends itself to many creative social posts. You can cut up your audio and create an audio trailer.

Can you cross post Edgar episodes?

And re-share your older episodes! There’s no rule claiming you can only promote your newest episode. Share your older ones too. If you use Edgar, you can create a category for past episodes so Edgar will consistently share your past episodes. No heavy lifting required!

Can you pitch yourself as a guest on a podcast?

Once you start making those connections, you can pitch yourself as a guest on other relevant podcasts. You can even do a mutual trade where you are a guest on their show and they are a guest on your show.

How to Grow Your Podcast

Who better to answer this question than Anchor’s creators? We surveyed our podcasters to bring you this guide to growing your audience

Publish early, publish often

Give your audience what they want — more episodes of your podcast. There’s nothing more frustrating than finding a podcast you love, only to run out of episodes to binge.

Share your hard work

Tap into your existing network by sharing your new episodes on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You probably already know that Twitter is a great place to discover and share podcasts, but many of podcasters told us they built their audiences using Instagram.

Be our guest

Appearing as a guest on a friend’s podcast is another way to introduce a whole new audience to your show. We’ve seen a ton of growth from podcasts that have cross-promoted each other, or publish cross-over episodes.

Put your audience to work

Don’t be shy about asking your listeners to leave you a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts. Getting positive reviews on Apple Podcasts helps your show get discovered by new listeners, the same way you’re more likely to visit a restaurant if it’s well reviewed online. Ask your followers to be specific about what they love about your show.

How to make yourself discoverable?

You can submit your podcasts to many directories, optimize your content for SEO, leverage social media, create a website, or create an app. Just make sure to utilize all alternatives that will boost your podcast discoverability. 8. Create additional content.

How to get a group of listeners on a podcast?

Another way to get a group of listeners naturally is by inviting high profile guests on your podcast. Doing this allows you to leverage the listener base of your guest. However, it is important to know that while this approach can work very well it is not guaranteed. Not every guest listener will gravitate to your podcast. So try different guests and see what works.

How to grow your podcast audience?

Another excellent way to grow your podcast audience is by creating additional content. For example, create engaging videos and upload them on YouTube. You can also create a blog and populate it with content daily or weekly. Besides, you can use show notes, episode descriptions, or transcripts.

Why is networking important?

Networking is crucial. You build new relationships when you network. You can attend podcast events or conferences where you introduce yourself and your podcasts. Just remember to be careful when networking to avoid getting caught up in selling potential listeners rather than building relationships.

How to grow your listeners?

To grow your listeners, you need to first understand them. Research your audience to find out more about them, such as preferences, why they exist online, demographics, interests, places to find them, and so on. Once you have finer details, it will be easier to create engaging and enticing podcasts for your audience. 4.

How to grow your podcast?

For example, ask them to be specific about what they love about your podcasts. You can even ask them to leave reviews , which will also help to grow your podcast as others will see them and want to listen.

What to do if you don't work on podcasts?

If you don’t work on producing quality podcasts, your other efforts, no matter how good they are, they will not pay off. Setting up a fully equipped podcast studio and partnering with great podcast hosting services are excellent ways that will help you improve the quality of your podcasts.

How to increase credibility on Apple Podcasts?

To increase your show’s credibility come launch time, ask friends, family, your entire company, and your network to check out the show. Encourage them to leave a rating in Apple Podcasts if possible. You could even try giving away a prize like Airpods or a book to a few of the people that leave a rating.

Why is it important to make funny videos for podcasts?

Producing funny videos helps to grow your podcast audience because they’re memorable and make viewers feel good about your brand. If you can make a funny, relatable video, people will be looking for more content from you. YouTube. James Carbary.

What does it mean when a podcast has long tail keywords?

That means all the research has already been done.

Why do you have to be a guest on podcasts?

Being a guest on the right podcasts will increase your show’s exposure to people already listening to similar shows.

How to find other shows related to yours?

To find other shows related to yours, use something like SparkToro. This tool makes it easy to plug in keywords and find related shows, blogs, and media channels.

Can you use a podcast as a stage to sell stuff?

Very important: Do not — I repeat — do NOT use your podcast as a stage to sell stuff. “Sales-y” is an adjective you want to avoid like the coronavirus. People won’t subscribe to your show because they don’t want to listen to an infomercial. They want real insights and real advice that they can use in their real jobs and life.

Can you grow your podcast audience through email?

Growing your podcast audience through email is possible, but you gotta get creative.

What is ImprovePodcast?

I'm the owner and creator of ImprovePodcast.com, the site dedicated to providing actionable solutions for podcast creators. My goal is helping people to develop their podcasts into effective marketing and sales tools.

How to grow a podcast?

To effectively grow a podcast, simply: record in a quiet, soundproofed home studio, remove all distractions and background noises, invest in some good podcasting equipment. Good sounding audio is easy to achieve, but actually, not many people chose to do it. Most people are looking for a cheap set up that will just work.

What is the best place to see people's questions?

Quora is another great place to see people’s questions regarding a specific topic. Quora has over 190 million monthly users, discussing over 400,000 topics. It’s a goldmine for any researcher determined to grow a podcast. A glance at Google’s most searched queries regarding a topic can also be a great place to start.

How to get people to click on your podcast?

So use things like your podcast logo or a motto to catch their attention quickly. Give them an eye-catching visual, so they will be encouraged to click.

What is the mistake people make when starting a podcast?

A mistake many people make when starting a podcast is creating a very general topic in the hopes of attracting more subscribers.

What are the best channels to hang out with your audience?

Analyze and see where your audience is most likely to hang out, where do they look for answers to their problems. Google, YouTube, and Pinterest are 3 channels that can be good for most because people look directly for the topic that interests them.

How to build trust with your audience?

This is done by simple things such as publishing episodes regularly, interacting with your audience, asking for their opinions, and creating content for them.

What is the best way to start a podcast?

Ideally, the person has three things: A successful show with a decent size audience. An audience that shares a common interest with your listeners. A willingness to accept guests and do guest spots. Now make a list of every podcast in your niche (and those that are about one step outside your niche).

How to market a podcast?

This might seem obvious, but social media is one of the most accessible ways to market your podcast. That’s why every big podcast you listen to has an active social strategy.

How many people listen to podcasts in 2019?

Edison Research reports the podcast industry commands an audience of roughly 90 million Americans in 2019. That’s 32% of everyone 12 or older in the U.S. That number was 57 million in 2018. Obviously, more and more people are listening to podcasts. On the other hand, big numbers mean lots of competition.

What does it mean to subscribe to a podcast?

Subscribing obviously means someone will see your podcast in their feed whenever you post a new episode. Ratings and reviews convince anyone who’s considering your show to give it a try.

How to find collaborators on Anchor?

Another option for finding collaborators is to join Anchor ’s Facebook group. Every week they invite members of the group to cross promote on the Anchor podcast.

Can I increase my podcast listener count?

I’m here to tell you that yes, it’s still possible. In fact, there are tried and true steps you can take to increase your podcast listeners and turn them into loyal followers.

Can you build an audience if you keep getting ghosted?

You can’t build an audience if you keep getting ghosted. To sustainably grow your audience, you need people to do three things: Whenever someone does one of these three things, it provides a boost for your growth. Subscribing obviously means someone will see your podcast in their feed whenever you post a new episode.

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