Podcast FAQ

how to market your podcast

by Easton Hodkiewicz Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • Basic podcast promotion. If you haven’t launched your podcast yet, create at least three episodes before you release. ...
  • Network with your community. Word-of-mouth advertising is one of the most effective marketing strategies available. Finding the right places to spread your message is step one.
  • Social media. Get double the exposure from one episode by repurposing its content for YouTube. ...
  • Your website & newsletter. A podcast website is important. From SEO benefits to being a platform you fully control, all shows should have their own site.

On this page
  1. Leverage your guest's audience.
  2. Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways.
  3. Release at least 3 episodes on launch day.
  4. Convert the audio to a YouTube video.
  5. Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators.
  6. Transcribe the audio.
  7. Throw a two-week ratings party.
  8. Run a giveaway contest.

How do you monetize your podcast?

  • Guest Hosting
  • Sponsored Ad Read
  • Audio Course
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Blog Show-notes
  • Sponsorship
  • Patreon Support / Membership
  • Email Marketing Your Podcast
  • Sell Your Products- E-Commerce

How do you promote your podcast?

This follows on from the collaboration angle, and is also based around creating shareable content. A popular way to promote your podcast is to do a guest post on a site with a similar target audience. With a guest post, you're creating insightful and helpful content for their readers, and in turn, are able to link back to your own content.

How to monetize your podcast effectively?


  • Provide clear direction on subscription. ...
  • Send link email following guest interview. ...
  • Give something in exchange for reviews. ...
  • Get the best of ‘New and Noteworthy’. ...
  • Use CommentCast. ...
  • Prepare attractive artwork. ...
  • Read negative reviews of competitors. ...
  • Include several segments. ...
  • Use a generic name. ...

How to promote your new podcast?

  • Run giveaways (more on this below)
  • Throw a real party on launch day, either in-person or virtually via Facebook Live
  • Publish two weeks of podcast-themed blog content. ...
  • Switch out the email signatures on your personal email and on your team’s support emails
  • Get your teammates and company execs to post and tweet about it
  • Email 10 friends per day


How do I make my podcast popular?

🤑 Podcast marketingEncourage reviews from your listeners. ... Share your podcast on social media. ... Repurpose your podcast as a YouTube video. ... Prepare three episodes for your podcast launch. ... Host a contest to get reviews and subscribers. ... Collaborate with other podcasters. ... Enroll in HARO. ... Buy paid ads.More items...•

How do I get my podcast noticed?

So, to help increase your podcast listeners, below are six crucial tips that can help people find you.Create a Podcast trailer.Use Call to Actions.Promote your Podcast on social media.Repurpose your Podcast content.Podcast SEO.Invite guests and star as a guest.

How can I promote my podcast for free?

Podcast Promotion: 13 Marketing Tactics To Get More Podcast ListenersAsk People To Subscribe. ... Submit To Podcast Directories. ... Leverage Existing Assets. ... Share Reviews & Testimonials. ... Create A Website. ... Apple Smart Banner. ... Create An Email List. ... Be A Guest On Other Shows.More items...•

How do I promote my podcast 2021?

Submit to Podcast Directories Another quick and easy way to market your podcast is by adding it to podcast directories and aggregators. There are several podcast directories and aggregators to choose from: Google Play. Apple Podcasts.

How do I make my podcast viral?

In SummaryBecome an early mover in a niche.Release frequent content.Use all distribution networks.Create a separate website that captures leads and makes the podcasts available.Grow your mailing lists.Interview guests and send them links to their episodes.Send guests links to their episodes.More items...

Why is my podcast not growing?

So if your show isn't growing, look first to the premise, because it's the first interaction your audience will have with your podcast. If it's too vague or undifferentiated (i.e., “a show about [industry]”), you can't expect listeners to select it.

Do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

Should I pay to promote my podcast?

Podcast advertising is just one of many ways to grow your show's audience. Growing an audience, ultimately, starts with creating good content on a consistent basis though. Then, if you make it easy to find and share, you'll struggle not to grow your audience.

How long does it take a podcast to grow?

How long does it take a podcast to grow? You should start to see podcast growth within the first 30 days of your launch, and your podcast growth should continue indefinitely month over month, even if it's a small amount. Slow and steady growth is a good thing in the podcasting space.

Can you buy podcast listeners?

Media Mister is a really good option as a place to buy Podcast listeners from, because they have been helping clients with social media engagement in general for a few years at this point.

How do I get my podcasts noticed on Spotify?

You'll need to include a Spotify link, so your podcast must be available on Spotify, in the U.S. Only submit the same podcast once a month and only re-submit if you have at least 2 new episodes in your feed. We look at every submission. All genres, lengths, and formats (including video) are welcome.

How do you engage a podcast audience?

How To Create Interesting Podcast EpisodesTalk about things you're interested in. ... Focus on your target audience. ... Tell lots of stories. ... Help your audience take the next step. ... Ask your listeners questions and report their responses. ... Stay on topic and don't wander too much. ... Invite unique experts onto your show.More items...•

How to repurpose podcasts?

Here are a few ideas for repurposing podcast episodes: 1 Turn notable quotes into quote graphics for social media 2 Create a short blog post about a recent podcast topic you published 3 Make infographics that highlight main points in your podcast episodes 4 Chop full episodes into soundbites and publish them as social media videos

Why is optimizing your podcast important?

Even if people have never heard of your podcast, optimizing your podcast for search engines makes sure you can reach potential audiences who might be looking for content like yours.

What should a podcast page contain?

Your podcast page or site should contain all the important information that interested listeners need to be able to hit Subscribe. While many podcast listeners use smartphone apps to access episodes, it’s best practice to host your individual episodes together with some show notes that are search engine-optimized.

What streaming services have podcasts?

Some popular podcast streaming services include Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and now even mega music-streaming service Spotify. To make sure you’re reaching as many of your target customers as possible, aim to publish your podcast episodes across as many platforms as possible.

How to pitch for podcast?

These are some things you should prepare when making a pitch to get on someone’s podcast: Pitch 1-2 topics you can talk about in your episode. If it’s a similar topic to any episode the host has done before, explain what will make your episode different. Promote yourself.

Is podcasts easier to find on Google?

While Google is currently implementing ways to make podcasts easier to find on search, it’s important to note that video is still favored over audio content when a user types in a certain keyword phrase. So unless the user types in “podcast” in their search query, your podcast might not show up as a search result.

How to market a podcast?

Word-of-mouth advertising is one of the most effective podcast marketing strategies available. Finding the right places to spread your message is step one. Your audience congregates in certain places in the real world so it’s your job to find them and attend as well. Research conferences, meet ups, or local events in your area that relate to your podcast. Then when you go, have a plan ahead of time to make the most of the event.

Why is a podcast website important?

A podcast website is important. From SEO benefits to being a platform you fully control, all shows should have their own site. But what good is a website if you’re not regularly updating it with your freshest content?

What is a podcatcher?

A podcast aggregator, called a podcatcher, is an app that plays podcasts. The most well known podcatcher is Apple Podcasts, the default podcast app that comes with iOS. But there are plenty more, including:

Why do you pitch yourself as a guest on another podcast?

Similarly, including interesting guests on your own show produces more engaging episodes and adds a unique point of view for your listeners. Be sure to create a podcast press kit for guests to easily share the episode.

How do paid ads work?

Paid ads are great ways to collect traffic by connecting with your target audience. Facebook ads display to people whose interests align with your targeting. There are two ways to go about this:

Why do hosts use social media?

They simply announce their new episodes, promote their promotions, push their merchandise, and advertise for their sponsors.

Does Twitter work on Facebook?

What works on Facebook doesn’t necessarily work on Twitter. People expect different types of content on those platforms. Facebook, for example, tolerates longer posts and deeper discussions. Twitter is for short updates. Your Instagram posts will only do well if there’s a strong photo attached.

What is Podcast Marketing?

There are types of Podcast Marketing: You market your own podcast or you market within someone else podcasts. Even if you market your podcast you need to know the passive podcast marketing (marketing within a podcast) to monetize your audio streaming.

How to market your podcast to get more reach?

Before you ask yourself how to market your podcast, you need to ask whom to market to?

Podcast advertising: Market your podcast and earn money

Podcast advertising is a way to earn money with your podcast. Any time someone earns money from advertising, someone else needs to pay for it. Podcast marketing is a great way for advertisers without their own podcast to tap into that engaged audience. They gladly promote their services and products through various podcast advertising formats.

Should you start a corporate podcast?

Before starting a podcast you need to be aware that podcasting is a long-term marketing strategy. It will take time and commitment before the first results can be seen.

Who are podcasts looking for?

Podcasts are always looking for good guests – thought leaders, authors, executives, and creative visionaries. So if you or your business has something of unique value to offer, then go to iTunes and search for podcasts you think you’d be a good guest on! For authors, the podcast tour has replaced the book tour.

Why is it important to start a podcast?

It is great for funneling in leads so you can sell them something. Here’s a recipe for success that will help you execute and market your podcast effectively. 1.

How long will my podcast be on iTunes?

If you can come out with fresh content every day, there’s a good chance your podcast will be featured for as long as two months.

What is the best platform to distribute podcasts?

iTunes is the largest and most effective platform to distribute podcasts, but there are others out there that will give your podcast even more publicity. All you have to do is create a profile and submit your RSS podcast feed to get your podcast into each platform’s system for distribution.

What is transcription in podcasts?

Transcriptions are GREAT for content generation. You can pick specific segments from your podcasts and post their transcriptions on your website’s blog. You can also turn good portions of a podcast into blog posts. Let’s say, for example, you host a podcast dedicated to the movie and book Fight Club.

How to make your podcast more engaging?

One of the surefire ways that can make your podcast more engaging is through interviews. These are more relatable and can help forge real personal connections between you, your guest, and your podcast community.

Can you publish podcasts?

Your content can also be published in avenues other than your podcast such as vlog or blog posts. This isn’t to divert people’s attention from your podcast, but the other way around. In the other forms of your content, you can incorporate direct links to your podcast episode, where they can listen to or even download the whole thing.

How much of a podcast is on iTunes?

iTunes is responsible for as much as 70% of a podcast’s listens and downloads. In the process of researching how to promote a podcast, much of the advice kept centering on iTunes as the key channel for growth and attention. I hadn’t realized just how key iTunes really was!

What is a podcatcher?

Podcatchers — a pretty cool name, right? — are simply apps that play podcasts. The most popular one is the main podcast app in iOS; it’s the one with the purple icon and a picture of a microphone.

How long does it take to get to the new and noteworthy section of iTunes?

The New & Noteworthy section of iTunes is one of the most highly visible spots within the iTunes podcast area. You have two months (eight weeks) to get there before your podcast joins back with the rest of the podcast listings.

How many followers does Rand have on Hubspot?

Rand has over 335,000 Twitter followers. HubSpot has over 1 million Facebook fans. What we’d love to do is make it easy for our guests to share and promote their podcast episode. One idea is to send them a note on the day their podcast goes live and include a series of shareable media: Pullquotes. Images.

How much does it cost to advertise a podcast?

But most podcasters are podcast listeners too, and you can advertise your podcast to them here for $25 a day. You can write your ad, choose the dates you want to run it, and pay online. With Podnews advertising you can promote your show to over 9,000 subscribers every weekday.

What is Podnews newsletter?

Podnews is an essential daily email newsletter. It's predominantly aimed at keeping podcasters up-to-date with the latest industry news. But most podcasters are podcast listeners too, and you can advertise your podcast to them here for $25 a day.

How many people listen to Spotify ads?

Currently, the app boasts a whopping 116 million “ad supported” listeners. These are folks who obviously enjoy listening to audio. Spotify ads are predominantly audio, though there’s a visual element too. They display your logo on screen with a “Learn More” button, whilst the ad is playing.

What is the biggest listening app?

Podcast Addict is another of the biggest listening apps in the world. Recently, Podcast Addict created a podcast advertising feature. Podcast Addict's ad setup is similar to Overcast in many ways, in terms of how it works, and its benefits. One slight variation is that there are 2 different ad placements available.

How long does an overcast ad last?

The pricing varies from category to category, which is likely due to demand and popularity. Once live, your ad will then run for 30 days.

What is Reddit?

Reddit is described as a “social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website.” On top of that, it's one of the most visited websites in the world – and it's yet another place you can run paid ads to promote your content.

Do podcast ads always translate to listeners?

But, these don't always translate to listens. In fact, there's no guarantee the folks you'll reach with your ads are podcast listeners – or even know what a podcast is. That's where a second layer of targeting fits. Target those who like BOTH space AND podcasting. Then, you'll reach folks who are more likely to listen.

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