Podcast FAQ

how to pick a podcast

by Liam Reilly Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Choose an Idea for a Podcast in 10 Steps?

  1. Think About the Goal of Your Podcast
  2. Be Aware of What Interests You When Choosing a Topic
  3. Consider Future Monetization Strategies for Your Podcast
  4. What User Problem Will Your Podcast Solve?
  5. Select a Niche and a Format for Your Podcast
  6. Verify the Popularity of Your Niche
  7. Analyze Average Spend in the Category
  8. Avoid Niches With Too Much Competition
  9. Have Room to Go Broad in 2-3 Years Time
  10. Include Keywords That Many Users Search

As you're figuring out a podcast topic, start your research by listening to your favorite shows. Identify how the host unravels the story and what emotions bubble up as you listen. No matter which idea you choose, it's this passion and enthusiasm radiating from the host that makes for a great podcast.

How do I start a small podcast?

Plan your podcast, from listener, to problem, to unique solution. Name your podcast – and don’t take long to do it! Plan initial episodes to get a feel for your topic and its longevity. Choose a format which balances quality and sustainability. Choose your equipment and use it to record a show.

What's the best way to listen to podcasts?

First, you'll need to pick a podcast player. Here are four suggestions that will get you in the door and straight to listening. If you have an iPhone, this app comes built into your phone. It might not have the biggest feature set, but it offers a quick and easy way to jump into the world of podcasts.

How do I choose a name for my podcast?

Before choosing a name, just make sure there aren't any other shows already using it. A quick search in your podcast app will let you know what's available and what isn't. Go further too, though, and do a search on Google for <your keyword> + “Podcast”. Need Help Launching Your Podcast?

Can you download podcasts to your phone?

However, you can stream and download shows, skip ahead or rewind in 15 second intervals, and set your favorite shows to download automatically as soon as a new episode is released. Free If you're on Android, Google's music streaming app, which comes preinstalled on your phone, also supports podcasts.


Which podcast is best for beginners?

Top 5: Podcasts for beginners1. “ You're Wrong About”2. “ Revisionist History” ... 3. “ 99% Invisible” ... 4. “ This American Life” ... 5. “ The Daily” The first podcast I would recommend is “The Daily.” Presented by “The New York Times,” the daily is exactly what it sounds like: a daily news update. ...

What are the 3 types of podcasts?

Panel. Nonfiction narrative story-telling. Fictional story-telling. Hybrid.

What is the most popular type of podcast?

comedyIn October 2020, it was found that the most popular podcast genre in the United States was comedy, with 22 percent of respondents to a survey stating that they were very interested in podcasts designed to make them laugh. News podcasts and those based on true crime were also popular choices, as well as sport and health ...

What kind of podcast should I do?

24 Podcast topic ideas to start with todaySpeak about some cool countries or cities.Tell biographical facts about famous people.Do book or film reviews.Make a coaching podcast and teach your audience something.Start series of interviews with intriguing guests.Tell about your daily chores.More items...•

What different types of podcasts are there?

There's always room to put your unique spin on these 8 major types of podcasts:Interview Podcasts. ... Conversational Podcasts. ... Monologue Podcasts. ... Storytelling / Investigative Podcasts. ... Roundtable Podcasts. ... Theatrical Podcasts. ... Repurposed Content Podcasts. ... Hybrid Podcasts.

How many types of podcast are there?

Nonfiction narrative podcasts. Interview and/or conversational podcasts. Hybrid podcasts. Scripted fiction podcasts.

How many different podcasts are there?

In 2020 there were 700,000 podcasts. This is truly a huge rate of growth: 150,000 more podcasts than the year before, which is the exact same number of new podcasts that appeared in 2019.

How many podcast genres are there?

12 Types of Podcast Genres.

A brief history of podcasts

Before being granted its own noun, podcasting was originally known as “audio blogging” which dates all the way back to the 1980s but really got a foothold in 2004.

An indicator of what you value

Podcasts we listen to can generally be grouped into two categories: education or entertainment.

How to choose podcasts worth listening to. Should you subscribe?

When I first began filling my feed with podcast suggestions from friends and other connections, they were all I listened to. But I got overwhelmed quickly. So I enlisted a three episode rule. If listening didn’t motivate me to take action or enliven my day by the third try, it got eliminated.

What makes a podcast worthwhile?

There are too many options to choose from and only limited human bandwidth to listen. What leads you to add a podcast episode to your feed? Or to jump to the next level of commitment and subscribe?

How to choose podcasts worth listening to

It may be helpful to define your interest level and reason for giving it bandwidth:

Krystal Lorenzo

Krystal lives with her handy Honduran husband and two rescue kitties in their fixer-upper house o' dreams in the making. She balances the nagging pressures of full-time corporate hustle with making the most of every opportunity by pairing work travel and adventure to foster connection with story-filled people in everyday places.

How to do a podcast?

You need to plan the value and effort podcasting will require of you. Do primary research and know about the preferences or concerns of your target audience. Talk to your business team or people that know your niche. You will be able to come up with podcast topic ideas that people will take an interest in. 2.

Why is it important to pick a topic for a podcast?

Selecting a topic for a podcast is very important. A good idea for a podcast will be attractive for your audience but also will be interesting for you and allow you to work on your show with passion and enthusiasm.

How many people listen to podcasts a week?

Podcasting requires a lot of effort. According to Edison Research and Triton Digital, every week are 62 million Americans who listen to podcasts. This number will shortly surpass 70 million listeners.

What is a podcast listener?

Podcasts listeners are an attractive segment for sellers of goods and services. Podcasts listeners tend to be a loyal audience, unlike people who are scrolling down Facebook feed. If you make a sales pitch to your listeners on our podcast, they are likely to trust you.

How much does a podcast commercial cost?

They are selling commercials at the rate of $25 to $50 for every thousand downloads. Podcasts’ ad revenue is estimated to be $679 million in 2019 and is expected to rise to $863 million in 2020 and over $1 billion by 2021, according to the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PWC.

Why do you want to make a podcast?

You need to be clear on why you want to make a Podcast. A Podcast might be a platform to express your creativity or support a cause. It can also be a medium to generate business leads.

Who are the sales chats?

The Sales Chat show is a podcast run by Graham Jones, Simon Hazeldine, and Phil Jesson, who happen to be three sales experts. Their podcast helps other professionals get ahead in their sales pursuits. While these three experts share their knowledge and experiences with salespeople, sales managers, and sales directors, they have also acquired clients for themselves. They have successfully promoted themselves as sales experts, consultants, and speakers. Companies are hiring them for their services and paying them big bucks. And they are podcasting about the challenges they faced and the solutions provided while they were helping out these clients.

What is the difference between a niche and a niche?

You won't have a unique selling point for your audiences, whereas a niche will show that you have greater expertise and deeper knowledge of a certain topic. People who are curious about the subject will then listen to your podcast knowing you have something insightful to share.

What is a podcast?

A podcast is not just about what you want to talk about; it's also about what people want to listen to. The best podcasts out there understand their intended audience and know what their listeners want to know.

What happens when you carry out a podcast?

When you carry out the podcast, you can begin to understand the sort of content that your followers enjoy. This will provide you with more ideas to diversify the focus.

When will podcasting be available in 2021?

Podcasting. Last Updated on March 17, 2021. Everyone has a different creative hobby that appeals to them. Some people paint, others write, and others create podcasts. Are you considering launching your own podcast. Before you do so, you'll have to choose a podcast niche, which is a specialized topic or genre that your project will cover.

Is niche competition saturated?

Some niches are just saturated with competition. If this is the case, it may be harder for you to establish your uniqueness and will mean you have to work harder to succeed.

What happens if you don't analyze what you need?

If you don’t analyze what you need, you will end up with a podcast hosting provider that has the best marketing, most beautiful website, or simply that was recommended by a friend or someone random online. There are many things you will want to analyze, but few things definitely stand out.

How long should an episode of a podcast be?

Length of your episodes – your episode should be between 10 and 60 minutes, depending on the type of content you create.

Is there a free podcast hosting account?

On top of that, there are free hosting accounts and even providers offering all unlimited offers, that lure beginners and additionally complicate comparison. Because, how can you easily compare a provider that has a free account and few paid options to a podcast hosting that gives everything for free. Let’s quickly analyze what steps you should ...

Do podcasts have a website?

It will help you get discovered in Google and will build you a bigger audience over time. Some podcast hostings also offer a free website in the package. Most hosts usually provide this, but you should skip it and set up an independent site. When it comes to players, all of the media hosts offer embeddable players.

Do podcasts have more downloads?

A number of episodes – in many cases, podcast hosting count downloads so more episodes will mean more downloads in the case of the same audience size. In some cases, hosts give you unlimited storage, but their accounts differ in the number of downloads they will serve during a month.

Is 24/7 mail enough?

In most cases, 24/7 mail or chat service should be enough for most people. If you are a person that prefers phone contact, look for hosting that gives you an option to contact them over the phone. Phone service usually costs a bit more, so you need to be prepared for a bit more expensive plan than average.

What is the best podcast app for iOS?

Overcast is often considered the gold standard of iOS podcast apps, and for good reason. The clean interface is easy to thumb and swipe around in. It also has the advanced features like voice boost and silence trimming. Overcast supports playlists, so you can make lists of your favorite episodes, or a list of podcasts you want to listen to on a long trip. It'll notify you of new episodes for your favorite shows, and if you're low on storage you can set limits for how many episodes the app will download for offline listening. These features are all free, but for $10 per year you'll be able to remove ads, upload your own audio files to Overcast 's servers, and change the color of the icon on your home screen, if you're into that. Free, with premium features for $10/year

Does Google Play have podcasts?

Like Apple's Podcasts app, Google Play takes a simplistic approach to podcasts. It lets you subscribe to podcasts, download episodes, and skip and rewind during playback, but that's about it.

Does Spotify have podcasts?

Spotify. Spotify's mainly known as a music streaming service, but in 2015, the company added support for podcasts. Again, you'll just get the basics, but that's enough to get you started. If you're a regular Spotify user already, this option gives you a podcast player with a familiar interface.

How much money do I need to start a podcast?

You don’t need a lot of money to start a podcast. However, if you want to keep things as affordable as possible, set aside around $100 for a high-quality podcast microphone and $200 for an annual hosting subscription. As for recording/editing software, use a free option like Audacity.

How does a co-host help?

For instance, a co-host can bring in new listeners by introducing your show to their followers. It’s one more person to help promote by, say, sharing a teaser episode to social media. A co-host also takes a lot of the pressure off of you.

Why is video important for podcasts?

Video opens you up to more listeners who prefer this form of media. It also makes your content more engaging by allowing listeners to see you, your co-host, and your guests talking and laughing. If you choose to go this route, make sure you choose a podcast hosting platform compatible with video.

Is it worth starting a podcast?

So much goes into creating a podcast, and it’s certainly no easy feat. However, hosting a podcast is absolutely worth it if you’re dedicated to your craft.

Can you use a microphone for podcasts?

Without it, people won’t be able to hear what you have to say. We recommend getting a simple USB microphone that you can plug into your computer. In addition to being cheap and easy to use, most USB microphone models sound great. The best microphones for podcasting depend on your needs and budget.

Do I need a pro to start a podcast?

In today’s world, you don’t need to be a pro to launch your own podcast. It’s easier for anyone to launch a successful podcast more than ever before. But that doesn’t mean the process is easy. There’s a LOT that goes into starting a show. After chugging through the planning stages, you must write scripts, record, edit, ...

Who should a podcast host ask?

Podcast hosts should ask themselves who they’re trying to reach. If you’re a hobbyist, you’ll want to find people who are interested in your hobby. If you’re a business, your target audience might be your current customers, new customers looking for your products, or other industry experts.

What is a podcast host?

Media or Podcast hosts are services that store your audio and allow your listeners to listen, download, and subscribe to your podcast. One common misconception when learning how to start a podcast is that you upload your podcast to places like iTunes. This actually isn’t the case.

What is the point of a podcast?

The whole point of a podcast is that people listen to it, so give them a reason to click on one of your episodes. Make it clear to people what they will get from listening to your show. If you look on any podcast directory you will see shows with titles like “How To…”, “Five Tips For…” etc.

How long is Zoom free?

A popular option is Zoom.us, which is a video conferencing tool that's free to use for 2 people, and free for up to 40 minutes for a group of people. Read the pros and cons of Zoom in podcasting here. A much better option is to opt for a dedicated ‘double-ender' call recorder.

How many episodes of a season of podcast?

When you start a seasonal podcast, each season will usually have a theme. You might create episodes based on that theme or topic for 6-12 episodes, then have a break. After a month or two, you’ll launch a new season (with another theme/topic) and repeat the process.

What happens when a listener searches for a term or keyword in a podcast directory?

When a listener searches for a term or keyword in a podcast directory, they'll be presented with a “ranked” number of options. Most podcast directories (including iTunes/Apple Podcasts, which is comfortably bigger than all the rest combined) won't search through your shownotes, subtitles, etc.

Why are descriptive podcast names so easy to find?

Descriptive podcast names are immediately identifiable to their target audience. And they're easier to find because they perform better in searches.

Is it bad to call a podcast a preexisting podcast?

Even using a very similar name to a pre-existing podcast can be a bad call, regardless of whether that show's still active or not.

Can you put podcast in your name?

Using the Word “Podcast” in Your Name. There's no harm in putting the word “podcast” in your show title. But it can be a little redundant. When someone is searching a podcast directory for new content, every result they get is a podcast. Of course, a name like “The [your topic] Podcast” can still work really well.

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