Podcast FAQ

how to start a podcast network

by Jeffry Mante MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Establishing Your Own DIY Podcast Network

  • Original Content Creation. While they have several member shows they also create some original shows. ...
  • Monetizing Podcasts. Podglomerate works with member shows in a variety of ways to help monetize their podcasts. ...
  • Distribution. Once the content has been created and a monetization plan is in place the next step is to organize the best way to grow the show’s audience.

Part of a video titled How to Start a Podcast Network - YouTube
Fit consideration number three have a plan creating a podcast network is very much so like creatingMoreFit consideration number three have a plan creating a podcast network is very much so like creating a business and so you want to make sure that you have a plan where you get down the nitty-gritty.

Full Answer

How to launch a podcast network?

  • Publicity – getting your show listed on “Best of” lists and in other online sources relevant to your show and your ideal listeners.
  • Marketing – Utilizing your existing social media and web properties. ...
  • Cross-promotion of member shows on other podcasts in their space. ...

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How to create your first podcast?

  • Set a definite date and time for publishing
  • Have one evergreen recorded podcast (As a backup plan)
  • Mention Website link at the start & end of Show notes
  • Use an animated video overlay and publish your podcast on YouTube.
  • Connect with best minds in your industry by inviting them to be a guest on your podcast show.

How to start a profitable podcast?

Take a look at several out-of-the-box podcast money-making ideas below:

  • Advertisements-Podcasts that have a vast following are highly sought by advertisers. ...
  • Rely on sponsorships-You can generate thousands of dollars a month if you can find sponsors. ...
  • Establish relationships-When you are able to establish good relationships; you make your podcasts more profitable. ...

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How to start you own podcast?

How to Start a Podcast: Every Single Step for 2021

  1. What's Your Podcast For? So firstly, why do you want to make a podcast? ...
  2. Who is Your Podcast For? So first day, get the big question in: Who are you making this podcast for? ...
  3. Give Them a Reason to Listen Whether you're providing information that will help someone to lose weight (in the case of our personal trainer), or doing a really entertaining ...

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How much does it cost to start a podcast network?

In fact, if you already have a computer and you're operating on a shoestring budget, you can record, edit, and launch a podcast for less than $200. On the other hand, if you want to use higher-end equipment, starting a podcast can cost a few thousand dollars.

How do I create a podcast network?

Requirements to join podcast networksNumber of downloads: usually at least 1,000 per episode, or at least 5,000 per month. The bigger networks will require higher numbers.Frequency of podcasts: at least one per week.Revenue sharing: you'll have to agree to share revenue with the network, usually 70/30.

Do podcast networks make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

Are podcasts profitable?

Do podcasts make money? Of course they do! Big names are getting large amounts of listeners and large amounts of ad revenue in return. According to AdvertiseCast, average 30-second CPM (cost per 1K listeners) rates are $18, while 60-second CPMs are $25.

Which platform is best for podcast?

What are the Best Podcast Hosting Platforms?Fusebox. ... Blubrry Podcasting. ... Spreaker. ... PodcastWebsites. ... Audioboom. Best hosting platform for taking your podcast to the next level. ... Libsyn. The most reliable podcast hosting site. ... Soundcloud. Best platform for audio content creators. ... Podomatic. Best freemium podcast hosting platform.More items...•

Do you need a podcast network?

They'll also help market your podcast, so you should also see your audience increase. Basically, you can leave some of the marketing and monetising legwork to them, leaving you with more time to create great content. For some podcast hosts, joining a network is definitely worth the effort.

Does Spotify pay you for podcasts?

Streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts pay out for streams, but the payout tends to be very low. Podcast sponsorships are one way, but for new podcasts, the likelihood of finding a high-paying sponsorship is slim unless you're already a well-established figure.

How do you start a podcast with no money?

How to Start a Podcast With Almost No MoneyWhy do you want to start a podcast? ... The first step: Start talking! ... Listen to similar podcasts. ... Get (cheap) recording equipment. ... Download audio editing software and learn how to use it. ... Get a logo and a theme song. ... Name your podcast. ... Get a web site.More items...•

How do I get sponsors for my podcast?

4 Strategies to Get Podcast SponsorsReach Out to Sponsors Directly. The simplest strategy? ... Partner With a Hosting Service. Podcast hosting services give your podcast a home on the internet. ... Join a Podcast Network. Some networks let you list your show (sometimes for free) on their platform. ... Use a Directory.

Are podcasts still popular 2022?

Yes, podcasts are still popular in 2022. The number of active podcasts and podcast listeners is increasing daily. As of April 2021, there are a total number of 850,000 active podcasts with more than 48 million episodes in total.

What makes a podcast successful?

A podcast with focus is going to be much easier for potential listeners to understand. You might think a wide appeal will get a wider audience but more often a narrow appeal means there's less likelihood others are doing the same thing. And the listeners you get will be very excited to find you.

How long does it take for a podcast to make money?

Relying on the experience of Marc Clair, a podcast host, and producer, it may take as long as 18 months before you start seeing results. That's if you produce a show weekly. In his words, things can be faster than stated if you have luck, a marketing budget, and irresistible content.

How do podcasters support each other?

The easiest way podcasters in a network can support each other is by reading ads for each other, or having hosts do guest spots on the other podcasts in the network. Some podcasts trade trailers and embed them in their episodes. It’s an easy way to help visibility for all the podcasts involved. You don’t need a network to do any of that, though.

What is Radiotopia podcast?

Let’s look first at Radiotopia. Radiotopia has many shows, but if we just focus on 99% Invisible, a podcast about design; The Allusionist, a podcast about linguistics , and Everything Is Alive, a fiction podcast of interviews with inanimate objects.

Do podcasts need a network?

It’s an easy way to help visibility for all the podcasts involved. You don’t need a network to do any of that, though. You could just as easily set up quick agreements between all the podcasts to share ads and guests. The other main way podcasts in a network supports each other is financially.

Is it easy to start a network?

But, starting a network isn’t quite as easy or beneficial as it may seem. Using the examples Radiotopia ( 99% Invisible, The Allusionist, Everything Is Alive, etc.) and Multitude ( Spirits, HORSE, Join the Party, etc.), let’s take a look at what makes a network beneficial to you and the listener. There’s no one perfect way to make a network.

What is a podcast host?

Media or Podcast hosts are services that store your audio and allow your listeners to listen, download, and subscribe to your podcast. One common misconception when learning how to start a podcast is that you upload your podcast to places like iTunes. This actually isn’t the case.

What is the point of a podcast?

The whole point of a podcast is that people listen to it, so give them a reason to click on one of your episodes. Make it clear to people what they will get from listening to your show. If you look on any podcast directory you will see shows with titles like “How To…”, “Five Tips For…” etc.

How many episodes of a season of podcast?

When you start a seasonal podcast, each season will usually have a theme. You might create episodes based on that theme or topic for 6-12 episodes, then have a break. After a month or two, you’ll launch a new season (with another theme/topic) and repeat the process.

How to promote podcasts?

Podglomerate runs through a 5 tier process to evaluate and test the best ways to promote its member shows’ podcasts: 1 Publicity – getting your show listed on “Best of” lists and in other online sources relevant to your show and your ideal listeners. 2 Marketing – Utilizing your existing social media and web properties. Conversions to new subscribers and listeners. 3 Cross-promotion of member shows on other podcasts in their space.#N#Hosts of your show guest appearing on other podcasts.#N#A “feed drop” arrangement where they coordinate with other podcasts to have an episode of theirs appear in another show’s feed.#N#Cross Promos – arrangements with other shows to mention your podcast as an “ad” in their podcast. 4 Merchandizing – Getting your show featured in curated lists by platforms like Apple Podcasts. Having your show featured within these podcasting directories reduces friction to getting new listeners. 5 Paid advertising in podcasting apps like Overcast.

What is the middle ground between programmatic ads and selling your own ad space directly to brands?

A middle ground between programmatic ads and selling your own ad space directly to brands is working with a podcast ad agency. These companies do all of the hard work of selling ad time on your show, working with companies to come to ad sales terms, outreach, and all of the fulfillment of helping you sponsor your show.

Why aren't programmatic ads a good fit for my show?

If programmatic ads aren’t a good fit for your show, either because your audience is too small or your niche too narrowly defined to appeal to the broader audience of advertisers such as Squarespace, Casper mattresses, etc. then directly approaching companies in your niche is a great move.

The Show Notes

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Why Our Grandparents Were So Much Cooler Than We Are

Robert Bruce: I’m reading a glossary of hard-boiled slang. This is an age, Brian, when a telephone was called ‘a blower.’ A $100 bill was called ‘a century.’ Death was ‘the big one’ or ‘the big sleep.’ ‘Coffin’ is a Chicago overcoat, ‘gun’ is a heater, and ‘typewriter’ is a mill.

The Critical Components of an Audio-Based Network That Works

Robert Bruce: I’ve broken this down into five basic things that you want to think about, look at. Most of them are going to be, if not all, relevant no matter what size project you’re thinking about in terms of the context of this podcast network. But it’s production, talent, technology, design, and promotion.

How a Smaller Company Might Approach Creating Content Like This

Robert Bruce: Here’s the way to think about it because we’re still in the idea that, especially you and me, our generation, we remember the old days of radio. We remember the professionals of broadcast terrestrial radio, and we can’t get that out of our head.

The Business Model (s) behind Rainmaker.FM

Brian Clark: There’s another aspect of this that’s kind of unique to podcasting, which is why I called the podcast interview an act of curation, that also taps into the audiences of others. How many stories have we read where a podcast starts from nothing, like Jon Nastor, and John Lee Dumas?

Why We Might Accept Outside Sponsors Sooner Rather Than Later

Brian Clark: In the first week we got hit by three major companies trying to sponsor the network. Not us reaching out. Not us saying we want sponsors. They just came to us. Two of them we had to say no to. Third, we may say yes to. That’s a fascinating thing because they’re like, “Do you have a rate card?” I’m like, “A rate card? Yeah.

Why We Developed the Shows We Have (and Will Have)

Robert Bruce: Think about each of the shows, and we did plan this, not perfectly, some kind of perfect master plan, but it was always in our thoughts. Any one of these shows can also become a paid course. Think about Rough Draft with Demian. You can take that in a nice short, crisp writing course. Stefanie Flaxman with Editor-in-Chief.

Why should you join a podcast network?

There are a number of reasons a brand might choose to host more than one podcast. For the team at Drift, it was a no brainer to put out all the great content they wanted to share to multiple audiences.

The riches are (often) in the niches

Why are brands beginning to focus more on niche audiences? The intimacy of conversations in podcasting allows for greater control of the message, allowing brands to better connect with smaller portions of their audience, including potential employees, customers focused on a particular product, and everyone in between.

Expanding your network

Is a podcast network right for everyone? Not necessarily. Like any strategy, it depends on your brand.

Still not sure you're ready for more?

If you’re hesitant to really consider creating a B2B podcast network, Molly suggests doing some research and floating the idea by your company’s influencers.

Katon Zike

If you’re struggling to pronounce her name, she’ll be the first to tell you it rhymes with “Satan”. We have yet to decide if this is a threat or if she’s being helpful, but we do know she is always there for our clients’ needs. When you’re not deciphering her commentary, you can find her cuddling her pup Fudge.

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