Podcast FAQ

how to upload podcast to apple podcast

by Bonita Skiles Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to upload a podcast to Apple Podcasts (iTunes)

  1. Create a new Apple ID. To use Apple's Podcast Connect, you'll need an Apple ID. Do not use your personal Apple account! ...
  2. Get a podcast hosting account. Podcast hosting is similar to website hosting. ...
  3. Publish at least one episode. You'll need at least one episode recorded (and uploaded to your podcast host) before you submit to the Apple Podcasts directory.
  4. Check your show settings. You'll want to make sure your podcast is configured properly. Make sure you've chosen at least one category (up to 3 max).
  5. Log in to Apple Podcast Connect. Once you have your new Apple ID, head over to Apple's Podcast Connect.
  6. Copy & paste your RSS feed URL into Podcast Connect. Now, you'll need to log into your podcast hosting account and get your RSS feed URL. ...
  7. Review your Apple Podcast submission. Apple will give you a preview of your podcast's information, including any episodes you have in the feed.
  8. Start promoting your show! Once Apple approves your podcast, you can share the show with others, and add an Apple Podcast badge on your website.

How to distribute your podcast to Apple Podcasts and iTunes?

Uploading your podcast to Apple Podcasts (iTunes)

  1. Publish your podcast First things first, do you already have a podcast published? If you are beginning your podcasting journey, start by picking a podcast host. ...
  2. Create an Apple Podcasts Connect account Apple Podcasts Connect is the place for you to submit and manage your shows. How do you create your account? ...
  3. Add your show to Apple Podcasts Connect:

How to manually subscribe to podcast feed in Apple Podcasts?

In iTunes in macOS 10.14 Mojave and earlier:

  • Select File > Subscribe to Podcast.
  • Paste the URL into the field.
  • Click OK.

How to send podcasts to Your Apple TV?

  • Open Control Center on your iPhone or iPad by swiping down from the top-right corner (iPhone X or newer, iPads running iOS 12) or swiping up from the bottom of ...
  • Press firmly (or press and hold) on the audio playback widget to expand it.
  • Tap on the AirPlay button.
  • Tap on the Apple TV to which you want to send the podcast.

Which app is best to upload podcasts?

iOS Podcast Apps

  • Overcast. Overcast is ad-supported, but the ads are other podcasts you might be interested in, and are targeted by category.
  • Castro 3. Castro 3 is a unique iOS podcast player – in a good way. ...
  • ListenApp. ListenApp is an ad-free podcast app. ...
  • Downcast. ...
  • PodCruncher. ...
  • iCatcher. ...
  • Castaway 2. ...
  • Apple Podcasts. ...


How do I upload podcasts to Apple?

Go to Podcasts Connect (https://podcastsconnect.apple.com), Apple's podcast management area.Login to the Apple ID, if you don't have one, you need to create one at first. You can view and manage all the podcasts you've submitted there.Click on the "+" button the submit a new podcast feed. Validate and submit.

Is uploading a podcast to Apple free?

While it's free to sign up and submit a podcast to Apple, you do have to pay $19.99 per year if you'd like to access extra benefits through the Apple Podcasters Program.

How much does it cost to post on Apple podcast?

The Apple Podcasters Program, which includes all of the tools needed to offer premium subscriptions on Apple Podcasts, is available to creators in over 170 countries and regions for $19.99 (US) per year. Creators can enroll in the Apple Podcasters Program today through Apple Podcasts Connect.

Does Apple podcast pay?

You receive 70% of the subscription price at each billing cycle, minus applicable taxes. After a subscriber accumulates one year of paid service, your net revenue increases to 85% of the subscription price, minus applicable taxes. Your other podcast revenue — including any ads — will stay 100% yours.

How long does it take to get a podcast on Apple?

It can take 'up to 5 business days' for Apple to process the submission, in our experience. If a few days have passed and your podcast still is not active in Apple Podcasts Connect, then you should contact Apple. We have observed significant delays in Apple's processing of podcasts—as long as 10 days.

How to upload your podcast to Apple Podcasts (iTunes)

How To Upload A Podcast (To iTunes Or Any Other Directory)

2. Create an Apple Podcasts Connect account

Apple Podcasts Connect is the place for you to submit and manage your shows. How do you create your account?

3. Add your show to Apple Podcasts Connect

Click on the Add (+) button and select New Show on Apple Podcasts Connect.

Step 1: Record and edit your podcast

Well, the first obvious step is to record your podcast and edit the same to the required quality. It may sound too preliminary but is essential to record and edit a professional sounding podcast before you upload it on iTunes / Apple Podcasts.

Step 3: Upload your podcast to your host and generate RSS feed

Once you have recorded and edited your podcast and have the hosting platform selected, the next important step is to upload your podcast to the hosting platform.

Last Step: Wait for Approval!

Once you submit your podcast to iTunes / Apple Podcasts and it gets validated, you have to wait anywhere from 24 hrs. to a few days.

Typical Apple Podcasts Connect Validation Errors

Error: Can’t read your feed: Apple Podcasts is unable to find a podcast feed at the URL specified. We recommend to test the RSS feed in a browser, it must appear in readable way.


There are five main steps to get your podcast into iTunes / Apple Podcast.

Welcome to your podcasting journey with quickstartpodcast team

Below paragraphs have links to all our posts in a logical manner starting from being a podcast listener to being a podcast creator.

The podcast Listener phase

The podcasting journey generally begins with various questions such as what is a podcast , what a podcast is used for ? how to listen to a podcast , what are the best android and iOS apps to listen to podcast .

What is an RSS feed?

An RSS feed contains all of your podcast’s metadata and its location on the internet.

Recent changes to Apple Podcasts and what they mean for podcasters

Apple Podcasts has recently seen a number of exciting updates and additions which all aim to optimize the creator and listener experience.

Apple Podcasters Program

The Apple Podcasters Program costs $19.99 per year and is the gateway to a whole load of benefits, including the ability to offer premium subscriptions to your podcast.

Apple Podcasts Connect

Apple’s designated dashboard for podcasters has undergone some improvements, so creators can access in-depth data about their show, track engagement, and optimize their podcast’s performance.

How to upload your podcast to Apple Podcasts

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through how to upload your podcast to Apple Podcasts.


This could be for a number of reasons, so there’s no single answer. It could be because:

Final thoughts

With all these new changes and improvements, Apple Podcasts is gearing up to be a fantastic platform for creators. You’ll soon be able to harness your podcast to new levels, increase your income streams, and connect with your audience like never before.

How To Submit Your Podcast to Apple Podcasts

Show Settings: Fill in all of the fields as best you can (Title, Description, Show Artwork, Format, Publishing Time Zone, Language, Categories, Author Information Email, etc). This is the main digital metadata about your show and is in the top section of your RSS Feed.

Step 2: Sign in to Apple Podcasts Connect or Create Apple ID

It is recommended you create a new Apple ID for your podcasts instead of using your personal Apple ID that you use for apps, music, games, etc.

Submit an RSS feed

If you use a third-party hosting provider to host your RSS feed, follow these steps:

Create a show in Apple Podcasts Connect

While Apple recommends using a third-party hosting provider, if you’re participating in the Apple Podcasters Program you can create a show with subscriber-only benefits available only to listeners on Apple Podcasts.

Add an RSS feed to your show in Apple Podcasts Connect

The show metadata in your RSS feed will override any show metadata you entered in Apple Podcasts Connect.

Create an episode via RSS feed

If a third-party hosting provider manages your RSS feed, you’ll add your episode content on their platform directly. Episodes must include title and enclosure tags. We recommend adding additional tags that further define your podcast’s episodes, such as the episode type, episode number, and release date.

Create an episode in Apple Podcasts Connect

If you participate in the Apple Podcasters Program, you will submit subscriber audio through Apple Podcasts Connect. You can save your episode at any time and come back later to finish adding show details or audio content.

How to publish podcasts?

There are 3 main steps when it comes to publishing your podcast online and making it available to everyone. Upload your podcast files to a podcast hosting service. Submit your entire show to iTunes/Apple Podcast, Spotify, etc, just once. Publish episode players, from your host, to your own website.

Can you host a podcast on your own website?

They can host your entire podcast website. They can host just your audio files and you have your own website. Option 1 is very easy – the host provides a website with space for shownotes and players that show up automatically. But these sites tend to be relatively simple, and you won't have much control.

Do podcast hosting services grow your show?

It's worth mentioning here that podcast hosting services aren't responsible for actually growing your show. They'll give you the tools to do it, but the rest is up to you. Now, there are two ways to use a Podcast hosting service.

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