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howard hughes podcast

by Prof. Soledad Halvorson Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Who is the author of the book 568?

Edition 568 - James Parris. James Parris in the UK with the amazing and little-told story of how the British hired an astrologer to try to get into the mind of Adolf Hitler in World War Two... It's a dark story of prediction and propaganda...

Who is Jeffrey Long?

Leading NDE researcher Dr Jeffrey Long - founder of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation - has done decades of diligent and detailed research and thousands of case studies of near death experiencers (NDE'ers) and their accounts - hear his conclusions on this edition...

Who is the author of Edition 545?

Edition 545 - Jacques Vallee And Paola Harris. Sunday 16 May, 2021. An exclusive and extended conversation with world-renowned investigators Jacques Vallee and Paola Harris together on their deep research into a UFO crash in 1945 - two years before Roswell...

Who wrote the Virgin Galactic test flight?

In light of the latest Virgin galactic test flight news a conversation with New Yorker writer Nicholas Schmidle - who has written the full, behind the scenes story of Virgin Galactic and its people "Test Gods"...

Who is the actor who created the documentary The Phenomenon?

A new and important conversation with James Fox, who created acclaimed documentary "The Phenomenon", world-famous investigator/film-maker Jeremy Corbell and Sean Cahill - who was serving aboard USS Princeton in 2004 at the start of the "tic tac" UFO revelations... T. The Unexplained With Howard Hughes.

Who is Michal Goleniewski?

Acclaimed investigative journalist and author Tim Tate has researched the astonishing life and career of Michal Goleniewski - a high ranking Eastern Block intelligence chief who risked his life to feed the West with deep secrets that exposed many agents and spy-rings... T. The Unexplained With Howard Hughes.

When was the Washington intelligence report released?

A short special - reaction from Nick Pope to the just-released Washington intelligence report on UFOs, released to media on Friday, June 25... T. The Unexplained With Howard Hughes.

Who is the actor who created the documentary The Phenomenon?

Edition 547 - James Fox, Jeremy Corbell & Sean Cahill. A new and important conversation with James Fox, who created acclaimed documentary "The Phenomenon", world-famous investigator/film-maker Jeremy Corbell and Sean Cahill - who was serving aboard USS Princeton in 2004 at the start of the "tic tac" UFO revelations...

Who is the author of Trinity the Best Kept Secret?

An exclusive and extended conversation with world-renowned investigators Jacques Vallee and Paola Harris together on their deep research into a UFO crash in 1945 - two years before Roswell... They've done extensive new research and spoken to living witnesses for their book "Trinity - The Best Kept Secret "...

Who is the author of the book 558?

Edition 558 - James Parris. James Parris in the UK with the amazing and little-told story of how the British hired an astrologer to try to get into the mind of Adolf Hitler in World War Two... It's a dark story of prediction and propaganda...

Who is Michal Goleniewski?

Acclaimed investigative journalist and author Tim Tate has researched the astonishing life and career of Michal Goleniewski - a high ranking Eastern Block intelligence chief who risked his life to feed the West with deep secrets that exposed many agents and spy-rings...

Who wrote the Virgin Galactic test flight?

In light of the latest Virgin galactic test flight news a conversation with New Yorker writer Nicholas Schmidle - who has written the full, behind the scenes story of Virgin Galactic and its people "Test Gods"...

Who is the author of Trinity the Best Kept Secret?

An exclusive and extended conversation with world-renowned investigators Jacques Vallee and Paola Harris together on their deep research into a UFO crash in 1945 - two years before Roswell... They've done extensive new research and spoken to living witnesses for their book "Trinity - The Best Kept Secret "...

Who wrote the Virgin Galactic test flight?

In light of the latest Virgin galactic test flight news a conversation with New Yorker writer Nicholas Schmidle - who has written the full, behind the scenes story of Virgin Galactic and its people "Test Gods"...

What to Do if a Cop Tries to Scan Your Face During a Traffic Stop

Law enforcement’s use of facial recognition technology during investigations has blossomed in recent years thanks in no small part to a booming surveillance industry built on the back of an ever-expanding buffet of publicly available biometric data. The limits on where and how that technology can be used though remain…

Earliest evidence of ear surgery 5,300 years ago

A team of several researchers from the University of Valladolid, in Spain and one from the Spanish National Research Council in Italy, has found evidence of the earliest ear surgery performed on a human being.

They Did the Thing

Hey, remember in Spider-Man: No Way Home, when they did the Thing? Well, they did the Thing again in a clearer, more convenient form for all your Thing-based posting needs. But you’ll finally get a chance to own the first version of the Thing when No Way Home gets its home release next month.

Rsearchers verify relationship between rate of a nonequilibrium process and the rate at which it creates entropy

A team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions in China has verified the relationship between the rate at which a nonequilibrium process happens and the rate at which it creates entropy.

Exploring the mysterious source of fast radio bursts

The phenomenon of fast radio bursts is one of the greatest mysteries of modern astrophysics. Until now it has been believed that their source is magnetars. The latest discovery, in which dr Marcin Gawroński from the NCU Institute of Astronomy played a large part, may partially revise this view.

Global warming suppresses shrub recruitment in Arctic and Tibet

A new study led by Prof. Liang Eryuan from the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research (ITP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) shows that global warming has suppressed shrub recruitment in Greenland and the Tibetan Plateau.

Researchers develop large-field-of-view and high-resolution two-photon microscope

Two-photon microscopy (TPM) enables the observation of cellular and subcellular dynamics and functions in deep nervous tissues, providing critical in situ and in vivo information for understanding neurological mechanisms.

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