Podcast FAQ

ian masters podcast

by Alex Weimann Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is spin golf?

The Spin is the one-stop golf podcast fuelling your hunger for eye-opening conversations and industry insight, and offering backstage passes to the inner mechanics of the global game. The show includes three topics - ‘Spin-Off’ episodes hosted by Ian Randell, educational-focused ‘Development Digest’ episodes and ‘Golf Business Insights’.

What is a lifter podcast?

This is a podcast for lifters by lifters. Our unique episodes feature a combination of industry experts and academics along with world champions and record holders. The intention is to offer listeners advice from some of the most accomplished lifters on the planet, as well as present a scientific approach to training, recovery, nutrition, rehab, and sports psychology. Hope you enjoy it!

What is Sally's job in the UN?

Sally's job as UN Space Commissioner gets quite interesting when a ship full of time-displaced people is discovered in the Atlantic. This also enables Sally to lead an all important peace mission to Baltan. The cold war with Baltan is finally showing signs of ending with the return of Mercy Collins, and Sally spends a year on the city trying to forge a new relationship with Earth. But now her associate commissioner arrives with a new problem. New Ontario, a planet Sally has visited before, i ...

What is sales reinvented?

We at Sales Reinvented are on a mission to change the negative perception of selling. Each week we will be interviewing experts in the field of sales and sharing their knowledge, ideas and expertise with our listeners. They share with us in our vision of a world where selling is profession to be proud of. The aim of our formatted show is to provide ‘snackable’ episodes that are short enough to listen to in one sitting but long enough to provide real value that will help you in your sales car ...

What is second mind?

Second Mind empowers you to become the greatest version of yourself and better the world. To ignite personal growth and intrigue your mind, we showcase the journeys, ideas and mindsets of inspiring people. We broadcast guests who live and think differently to create their mark on the universe. Their messages will challenge your perspectives and give you the fuel to master your potential.

What is the show Arsley sidings about?

arsley Sidings was a BBC Radio sitcom created by Jim Eldridge. It starred Arthur Lowe and Ian Lavender (who were also starring in the television wartime sitcom Dad's Army at that time), together with Kenneth Connor from the Carry On films. The scripts are by Jim Eldridge (who would later go on to write for many more series, the most successful being the BBC's King Street Junior). The show is set in a sleepy out of the way railway station on the main line between London and Birmingham, in the ...

What is background briefing?

Background Briefing goes far beyond the headlines and deep under the radar to bring forward truths unheard elsewhere in American media. Background Briefing features international and national news, expert guests, policymakers, and critics offering analysis and insight on national security, foreign and domestic policy, political, cultural, and social issues. backgroundbriefing.org/donate twitter.com/ianmastersmedia facebook.com/ianmastersmedia


Has Bannon's Precinct Strategy Caught the Democrats Napping? | A Warning From a Scholar of Violent Conflict That the U.S. Is Heading for a Dictatorial Takeover backgroundbriefing.org/donate twitter.com/ianmastersmedia facebook.com/ianmastersmedia

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If you can never get enough true crime... Congratulations, you’ve found your people.

Who is Juan Cole?

An expert on Iraq, Juan Cole, a professor of Modern Middle Eastern and South Asian History at the University of Michigan joins us to discuss how the 2,500 U.S. troops will move from a combat mission to a training mission but not leave the country in order to make sure the Islamic State is not reconstituted.

Who is Terry O'Rourke?

Then finally we speak with Terry O’Rourke, Special Assistant County Attorney for Harris County in Houston who worked on numerous civil and criminal environmental prosecutions for the Texas Attorney General’s Office about the special session of the Texas legislature called by Governor Greg Abbott. Along with the Republican’s determination to pass even more restrictive voting laws, other priorities are focused on hot-button Republican distractions like Critical Race Theory and Transgender athletics, instead of fixing the state’s electricity grid which crashed in last winter’s freeze.

Who is Brian Concannon?

Then we get an update on the killing and capture of suspects behind the assassination of Haiti’s corrupt and illegitimate leader from Brian Concannon, a Human Rights Lawyer and Executive Director of Project Blueprint , which promotes a progressive human rights-based U.S. Foreign Policy. The founder and former director of the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti who was also a Human Rights Officer with the U.N. in Haiti, he joins us to discuss the criminality within the ranks of the police, and police within the ranks of the gangs, and the possibility that the late President Moise’s death might be connected to his alleged money laundering and drug trafficking.

Who is Michael Mann?

Joining us to discuss the new report underway from the IPCC following the last report in 2013 is Michael Mann, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science at Penn State University who along with other IPCC authors won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.

Who is Adam Weinstein?

withdrawal from Afghanistan and the press conference that followed and speak with a former Marine who served in Afghanistan in 2012, Adam Weinstein, who is now a Research Fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. He joins us to discuss how the Afghan government has the military capability to stop a Taliban takeover of the country but not the political leadership, the logistical function nor possibly the will to fight. Adam also argues that we won the war back in 2001 shortly after the 9/11 attacks but made the mistake of keeping American troops in a hostile neighborhood where Islamist holy warriors and anti-American regimes were handed Americans as targets who they would not otherwise have been able to kill.

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