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in layman's terms podcast

by Lelah Lynch Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

A Lutheran Audio Review
His podcast, In Layman's Terms, is dedicated to further shine that light, particularly to those still caught in the teachings that he and his family left. In his show, he features sermons, speakers and popular Christian books with commentary that is always thoughtful and Christ-centered.


Hello all! Finally got a new episode today, and we're sticking to the end times. We talk Kingdom, Lands, Prophecies, and more! Please consider sharing us on the interwebs, it's painless and helps us very much.

Dispensational Premillennialism

Scintillating, sensational premillennial dispensationals! Are you an apoplectic Apocalytic or a copacetic Covenantal? Click to find out!!!


End times, prophecies, timelines, charts...You get the picture. We're diving into Biblical prophecy this week. We discuss the four major eschatological positions and what sets them apart. Hopefully we don't start too many fights!


We start a new series today. Since it's Resurrection Day, we're discussing end times doctrine. What better topic to begin than the resurrection of the dead? This is the first stop in an eschatology packed extravaganza! Share us with your friends on social media and all of your favorite podcast catchers.


Translation de-escalation is what we're about this week. We step into the colosseum just to you ask "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!?" So stop in and listen as we discuss English bibles.

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