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intuitive eating podcast

by Graciela Greenholt Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Is intuitive eating better than dieting?

This is what intuitive eating does and why it’s much safer than dieting. Maintaining a consistent weight is healthier than experiencing the fluctuations associated with extreme dieting. Intuitive eating may not offer the drastic changes in appearance dieting does, but it leads to a healthier lifestyle. When we accept our natural body type, we can let all negative influences go and learn to love ourselves.

Is intuitive eating unhealthy?

We need more studies on intuitive eating. But some research has found that while those who consistently eat intuitively may not lose weight, they tend to have lower BMIs (body mass indexes) and better mental health. It may not be for everyone.

What are the benefits of Intuitive Eating?

  • Eggs contain choline, a little-known but essential nutrient for healthy brain function.
  • The protein in eggs keeps you full for longer and can help with weight-loss goals.
  • Antioxidants found in eggs can reduce the risk of age-related eye disorders.

Is intuitive eating right for me?

The Benefits of Intuitive Eating. Intuitive eating has been shown to help: Lower instances of emotional and disordered eating; Increase self-esteem; Bolster body image; Raise metabolism; Lessen anxiety and depression; A review of 24 studies confirmed that intuitive eating leads to less disordered eating, boosts body image, and supports emotional regulation .


How do you intuitively eat podcast?

25 Best Intuitive Eating PodcastsFood Psych Podcast.Intuitive Bites Podcast.Pursuing Private Practice.The Love Food Podcast.The SociEATy Podcast.Get INTUIT with Gila | Intuitive Eating and Personal Growth.Intuitive Eating for Christian Women.More Than What You Eat.More items...

Is intuitive eating a fad?

It seems every year there's a new fad diet that everyone is talking about. But recently non-diet approaches like “Intuitive Eating” or “Mindful Eating” have gained in popularity.

Does intuitive eating cause weight loss?

Intuitive Eating doesn't revolve around weight loss. "Intuitive Eating is not a weight-loss tool or diet. It is not intended for this use. Rather, it's a tool to improve health behaviors and to focus on the things you can control, letting weight settle in its natural and healthy place for you."

Can you be healthy with intuitive eating?

Intuitive eating is a healthy way of eating, Cassidy said. It's good for you in three ways: It leads you to a healthy body weight. “You are restoring your natural hunger and fullness cues, which will eventually get you to the healthiest weight for your body and your genetics.” Cassidy said.

What's wrong with intuitive eating?

Hunger is Affected by What You Eat The other problem with intuitive eating is that what you eat can also perpetuate hunger. In particular, refined carbs and processed foods with lots of sugar will mess up my hunger cues.

Who is intuitive eating not for?

Intuitive eating is not a means to weight loss or weight management. It's not about weight at all. Intuitive eating is not anti-health, anti-nutrition, anti-exercise, etc. Intuitive eating, while encompassing parts of mindful eating, is not just mindful eating.

How long does it take to eat intuitively?

It can be anywhere from 3 months to a year. Each person's journey is individual, there is no “right” or “wrong” way to eat intuitively. You can't fail, you can only learn.

How do I learn to eat intuitively?

The 10 principles of intuitive eating focus on breaking down dieting cycles and reconnecting with the body's natural signals around food.Reject the diet mentality. ... Recognise your hunger. ... Make peace with food. ... Challenge the 'food police' ... Feel your fullness. ... Discover the satisfaction factor.More items...

Can you do intuitive eating and count calories?

As Intuitive Eating is an anti-diet approach, it does not involve counting calories, focusing on losing weight, restricting or micromanaging food intake or labelling foods as 'good or bad'.

What is an Orthorexic?

What Is Orthorexia? Orthorexia is an unhealthy focus on eating in a healthy way. Eating nutritious food is good, but if you have orthorexia, you obsess about it to a degree that can damage your overall well-being. Steven Bratman, MD, a California doctor, coined the term in 1996.

Is mindful eating the same as intuitive eating?

Intuitive Eating is an anti-diet, weight- inclusive model and is aligned with the Health at Every Size movement. Unlike Mindful Eating, IE includes physical activity, body respect, rejecting the diet mentality and using nutrition principles, but without judgment, to help with food decisions and wellbeing.

What does intuitive eating look like?

Intuitive eaters choose foods based on hunger, fullness and enjoyment instead of long-held food rules, restrictions or other external factors. They trust their bodies to tell them when to eat, what to eat and exactly how much. It's a non-judgment approach that removes guilt and shame around eating.

Where is the Speaking of Hungry podcast?

Garden City, New York, United States About Podcast Time to stop obsessing over food, weight, diets, scales, exercise, and start getting back to the basics of eating intuitively. Welcome to the Speaking of Hungry podcast, Host Alison Barkman, a registered dietitian, certified intuitive eating counselor. On this podcast, she offers both her personal and professional insight on ditching diets, ending disordered eating, and provide tips on how to navigate the intuitive eating process. She answers listener's questions and interviews some of the top experts in the intuitive eating field. Frequency 3 episodes / month , Average Episode Length 42 min Since Mar 2019 Podcast alisonbarkman.com/podcast#N#Facebook fans 11 ⋅ Twitter followers 1.1K ⋅ Domain Authority 14 ⓘ ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

What is the Pursuing Private Practice podcast?

If you want to make an impact on client's lives and support yourself as a business owner, this podcast is for you. Frequency 1 episode / week , Average Episode Length 44 min Since Aug 2019 Podcast pursuingprivatepractice.com/. .#N#Facebook fans 529 ⋅ Twitter followers 766 ⋅ Domain Authority 25 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.4M View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

What is Stephanie Dodier's podcast about?

Enters Intuitive Eating, Body Neutrality, and Mindset, host Stephanie Dodier is a Clinical Nutritionist Emotional Eating & Intuitive Eating Expert. She would love to teach you how to go Going Beyond The Food. This podcast is about empowering women to live their life confidently right now through learning to trust and respect their body, transforming their relationship to food and themselves & to make peace with food and their body using Intuitive Eating & Body Neutrality as the foundation. Frequency 1 episode / day , Average Episode Length 36 min Since Nov 2016 Podcast stephaniedodier.com/podcast-..#N#Facebook fans 6.4K ⋅ Twitter followers 5.3K ⋅ Domain Authority 33 ⓘ ⋅ Alexa Rank 1.3M ⓘ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

Who hosts Food Freedom podcast?

Food Freedom is available for all of us, so come with an open mind and take a listen. This podcast is hosted by registered dietitian Christyna Johnson. Intuitive eating, eating disorders, and joyful movement & helping you recover from diet culture and disordered eating.

Where is Laura Thomas podcast?

Leeds, England, United Kingdom About Podcast Join Registered Nutritionist and Wellness Advocate Laura Thomas, PhD for conversations with game-changers. Laura talks to people in wellness, foodies, bloggers, entrepreneurs from cool brands, creatives, nutritionists, doctors, body positivity people, mindfulness experts, and anyone else who is shaking up the wellness world, to find out how they stay on top of their game and to help you do you, but better. It's not all headstands and courgetti though, she and her guests aren't afraid to dig deep into the darker side of wellness. Fresh pods every Friday. Frequency 14 episodes / year , Average Episode Length 42 min Since May 2016 Podcast laurathomasphd.co.uk/categor..#N#Facebook fans 2.6K ⋅ Twitter followers 11K ⋅ Domain Authority 42 ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact

Who hosts the Anti Diet podcast?

is hosted by Christy Harrison who is also the author of Anti Diet. A unique feature of this pod is she bleeps out diet trigger words instead of curse words. This is tastefully done to help encourage her listeners to “make peace with food and break free of diet culture”. Christy has on a variety of health care professionals and anti-diet activists that will inspire you on your journey towards food freedom. This pod is on Apple’s top 100, has been seen in the New York Times, and featured in Shape magazine. To see more of Christy Harrison, give her a follow @chr1styharrison on instagram.

What is Food Heaven podcast?

This podcast focuses on helping others live a more balanced and healthy lifestyle. They talk to a variety of health experts who focus on HAES, Intuitive eating, body positivity, and mental health. These ladies are not afraid to hit hard topics and go into great detail on them. In the episode linked they are speaking to Evelyn Tribole who Co-authored the book Intuitive Eating which details studies on dieting and their after effects on participants on their overall health and wellbeing. To see more of Wendy and Jenna, follow them on instagram @foodheaven. As a disclaimer, this podcast does contain some politically charged talk for those who are turned off by political bias.

What is a podcast?

Podcasts are a great way to expand your knowledge! You can relate to others while listening in the car, during a workout, or while doing housework. If you love any of these resources be sure to give them a follow and share their pod. Tag rdrxnutrition and thelittlemuscle in your IG stories, we would love to know your thoughts!

Who is the host of the podcast "The F*ck It Diet"?

Hosted by Caroline Dooner who is also the author of The F*ck It Diet. Her book is a relatable and revolutionary piece on how she dropped dieting and started following the research behind intuitive eating. She is not a nutrition professional, but she provides valuable insight to the damage that diet culture has on society. In this podcast she talks to a variety of health care professionals to help you on your journey to recovery from chronic dieting. This podcast does have the explicit warning on it, so I would recommend listening to it away from young ears. Be prepared to get vulnerable, to learn, and relate with Caroline Dooner on your journey towards food freedom. Caroline is on Instagram, and you can follow her @thef*ckitdiet and be prepared for 2022 where her second book Tired as F*ck is set to come out.

Who is the host of Body Love Project?

hosted by a certified intuitive eating, weight inclusive RDN and certified personal trainer Jessi Haggerty. This podcast is not only rich in HAES and Intuitive eating content, but also has information on healthy movement. In this linked podcast episode she is talking to Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch about their research in intuitive eating and how it is not just an “eat whatever you want” form of eating. They also get into movement amongst other things. This is her very first episode in the body love project, so you can keep listening from the beginning OR start from her most recent episode on sharing your recovery. Jessi Haggerty is on instagram and you can follow her @jessihaggertyrd.

Who is the host of the show "The Eating Disorder"?

In each episode, the host Christy Harrison, a registered dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor, interviews different experts, starting with their relationship with food growing up, and eventually making their way to a discussion of topics related to eating disorder recovery, intuitive eating and weight stigma.

Who hosts Nutrition Matters?

Hosted by dietitian Paige Smathers, Nutrition Matters is my favorite podcast for people to listen to if they’re new to intuitive eating and health at every size. She does a fantastic job anticipating listeners concerns and questions, and addressing them with thoughtfulness and compassion for anyone who is new on this journey.

Who is Julie from Love Food?

Julie is a non-diet registered dietician, eating disorder specialist, and food behavior expert partnering with people on PCOS on their food peace journey. She hosts the podcast Love Food. What you’ll learn listening to this episode: What is PCOS and how does it intersect with diet culture.

How are food and trauma linked?

It’s not only in the context of sexual violence but also in various forms of trauma where food is often used as safety, comfort, avoidance of pain, numbing of suffering, buffering, etc. And then body-shaming gets layered in this already very difficult emotional situation.

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