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by Garrick Predovic IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

USA Radio Network

This is a daily show provided by Endtime Ministries and End of the Age.

Open Line 457

A way forward for the Israelis and Palestinians. ESG and the SDGs. The need for digital identities to enhance a cashless society. Joe Biden using banks to force his climate change agenda. All prophetic and all in today’s headlines. We will discuss these and many other topics while taking your calls on this edition of End of the Age!

Trudeau Freezes Pro-Trump Bank Accounts

What would you do if the government froze your bank accounts due to your lack of compliance? That’s what is happening in Canada to the Freedom Convoy supporters. Is this the beginning of the Mark of the Beast? Is Justin Trudeau the Antichrist? We’re talking about the two things you’re not supposed to… Politics and Religion.

The War in Heaven Understood

Some teach the War in Heaven occurred millions of years ago, others teach it occurred at the beginning in the garden of Eden. There are even some that claim the Devil and demons became earthbound at the time that the Gospel first went forth.

Why Bible Prophecy is Important?

Have you ever wondered if prophecy is really all that important. Prophecy is a major theme in the Bible and makes up almost one-third of the Bible. Many prophecies have been fulfilled, and most people missed them.

The Potential Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Prophecies foretell the Sixth Trumpet War—WWIII—will be the entrance ramp for the Antichrist. It is because of this fact, we will analyze from a much broader perspective the potential Russia/Ukraine conflict and what it could lead to on this edition of End of the Age!

Open Line 456

World Government—Environmental, social and governance (ESG). Biden using banks to push his climate agenda—even though it is a hoax. The need for digital identities to enhance a cashless society. A European Superstate. All in the news and all prophetic.

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