Podcast FAQ

jason fung podcast

by Prof. Jedediah Koch DVM Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Does Jason Fung have a podcast?

The Obesity Code Podcast on Apple Podcasts. Every week, a patient story from Intensive Dietary Management. Featuring Dr. Jason Fung and Megan Ramos, and hosted by Carl Franklin from 2 Keto Dudes podcast.

Is Jason Fung a medical doctor?

Jason Fung Medical Director Intensive Dietary Management (IDM) Program. Dr. Jason Fung earned his medical degree at the University of Toronto, where he also completed his internal medicine residency before heading to the University of California, Los Angeles, for his fellowship in nephrology.

What does Jason Fung say about fasting?

Jason says, “We're designed to eat until we're full and then stop.” In our society today, it's so easy to just keep eating and keep eating — just because the food is so readily available to us. But if we break up our meals with periods of fasting, we take our bodies back to that maintenance state.

Does Stevia break a fast Dr Fung?

Stevia alone may actually contribute to superior blood sugar and insulin levels. It doesn't inhibit ketosis or the ability to burn fat, so it likely won't break your fast for the purposes of fat loss and metabolic health.

What diet does Dr Jason Fung recommend?

Fung says he's prescribed intermittent-fasting diets, which restrict eating to a fixed schedule, to thousands of patients at his company, Intensive Dietary Management, where he serves as cofounder and medical director.

What can you eat on Jason Fung diet?

This means eating foods such as:Vegetables that grow above the ground.Legumes, soy, lentils, seeds and nuts.Some fruits, such as apples and berries.Animal protein sources, including full-fat dairy.Unprocessed fats, such as olive oil and butter.

Does lemon water break your fast?

Plain lemon water with only lemon juice is also allowed when following the intermittent fasting method. The drink contains almost zero calories and does not break your fast. Having one or two glasses of lemon drink, when following intermittent fasting can also help you burn fat and curb hunger.

Is 16 hours enough for autophagy?

Furthermore, 16 hours of fasting is just enough to initiate autophagy in many individuals. Therefore, a longer fasting period may be necessary to reap substantial benefits.

Does cinnamon break a fast Dr Fung?

of cinnamon during your fast, cinnamon will not break your fast. However, if you are combining multiple spices, make sure that the total number is less than 1g. For this reason, sticking to around 1/2 or 1/4 tsp. cinnamon is ideal.

Does apple cider vinegar break a fast?

No, drinking apple cider vinegar will not break a fast. Thereby, it consumes the stored body fat as a direct source of fuel for the body instead of carbs. A single tablespoon of apple cider vinegar only contains 0.1g of carbohydrates. Its overall calorie intake also sums up to merely 3 calories.

Will heavy cream in my coffee break my fast?

Coffee with heavy cream However, 1 ounce of heavy cream has only 1 gram of fat and 1 gram of protein. That's why it likely won't break your fast and won't significantly affect your fat burning process, but it may decrease your autophagy. Just remember that everything should be in moderate amounts.

What will stop autophagy?

Glucose, insulin (or decreased glucagon) and proteins all turn off this self-cleaning process. And it doesn't take much. Even a small amount of amino acid (leucine) could stop autophagy cold.

What did Dr Jason and I discuss in our interview?

Dr. Jason and I kicked off our interview by discussing the causes of cancer and how we can decrease our likelihood of developing cancer. Even though there is still some mystery surrounding cancer and its causes, we do know a lot about the disease.

Where did Dr Jason go to school?

After graduating from the University of Toronto and completing his residency at the University of California, Los Angeles, Dr. Jason returned to Toronto to work as a kidney specialist. He began to work with patients to prevent and treat Type 2 diabetes and obesity — both precursors to kidney disease.

What is the Fasting Method?

He’s also the co-founder of The Fasting Method, which is a program to help people lose weight and reverse Type 2 diabetes naturally with fasting. You read that right — fasting. The path to preventing diabetes, obesity, and even cancer may be as simple as that!

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