Podcast FAQ

joanna penn podcast

by Hellen Schowalter Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is the creative Penn podcast?

The Creative Penn Podcast: Writing, Publishing, Book Marketing, Making A Living With Your Writing Podcast episodes are posted every Mondayand include interviews, inspiration and informationon writing and creativity, publishing options, book marketing and creative entrepreneurship. All the backlist episodes are listed below.

Who is Joanna Penn?

I'm Joanna Penn. I'll teach you how to write, publish and market your book — and make a living with your writing. I'm an award-nominated, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author with over 30 books.

What is every Monday with Joanna Penn?

Every Monday with bestselling author, Joanna Penn. Interviews, inspiration and information on writing, publishing options, book marketing, and making a living with your writing. For writers, authors, and creative entrepreneurs. Every Monday with bestselling author, Joanna Penn.

What are the best podcasts to listen to when writing?

Listen to The Creative Penn Podcast every Monday for information and inspiration on writing, publishing, book marketing and making a living with your writing. Subscribe in your favorite podcast app, or check out the backlist.


Get started right now with your free Author Blueprint

Tips and resources on writing, publishing, book marketing, and making a living with your writing.

Tools, Tutorials and Useful Resources

My list of the best writing and editing, publishing and marketing software for writers, plus in-depth tutorials on how to use them.

Check out my Books and Audiobooks for Writers

Including How to Make a Living with Your Writing, How to Market a Book, Successful Self-Publishing, How to Write Non-Fiction, and many more.

Get started right now!

This site has hundreds of articles, audio podcast episodes, videos and resources. To help you get started with the most useful content for your author journey, go straight to Start Here!

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