How Did Lt. Joe Gliniewicz Die?
Joe Gliniewicz was an Army veteran who joined the Fox Lake Police Department in 1985. He was married to Melodie Gliniewicz. The couple shared four sons and lived in Antioch, Illinois. Joe was also in charge of the Fox Lake Police Explorer program through he which he mentored youngsters who wanted to join the police force.
Who Killed Lt. Joe Gliniewicz?
Initially, law enforcement launched a massive manhunt for the group that Joe had radioed about. There were also reports from various people who claimed to have spotted the group, but the search amounted to nothing. Meanwhile, Joe Gliniewicz had a massive funeral which was attended by thousands of officers from around the country.
Where Is Melodie Gliniewicz Now?
Joe’s wife, Melodie, was also a part of the Fox Lake Police Explorer program and worked as an adult adviser. During the police investigation, the money trail led to Melodie, who was alleged to be involved in the embezzlement.
Where was Joe Gliniewicz born?
Joe Gliniewicz was born in Libertyville, Illinois. He attended Marmion Military Academy before enlisting in the United States Army. In 1985, he joined the Fox Lake Police Department. At the time of his death, he held the rank of lieutenant and was scheduled to retire in approximately one month after a nearly thirty year career.
What did Gliniewicz do in the military?
Gliniewicz was in charge of the Fox Lake Police Explorer program Post 300, an organization mentoring youth interested in law enforcement careers.
Where was the Gliniewicz shooting?
At 8:09 a.m., officers responding to his request for backup discovered his deceased body in a marsh about 50 yards from his vehicle. According to reports, the first bullet from his .40 caliber semi-automatic handgun had struck his mobile phone and ballistic vest while the second pierced his upper chest. His head was scraped and bruised. The swampy terrain was otherwise undisturbed, and his handgun was not found for more than an hour, even though it was less than three feet from his body. Other pieces of his police equipment, including his radio, taser, and pepper spray, were found scattered nearby in the marsh as well.