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joe rogan podcast guests by category

by Mr. Stevie Schulist I Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Who is Joe Rogan's most common guest?

When Fight Companions are excluded, the most frequent JRE guest is Joey Diaz with 56 appearances. Ari Shaffir, Duncan Trussell, Bryan Callen, and Brian Redban round out the top 5 for most JRE appearances.

Who was Joe rogans first big guest?

The show developed with Rogan having friends as guests and having lengthy conversations with them regarding various subjects; comedian Ari Shaffir was the first guest, who appeared on episode No. 3 on January 6, 2010.

What is Joe Rogan's most viewed podcast?

1. Elon Musk – #1169. This episode of the Joe Rogan Experience with Elon Musk is Rogan's most popular podcast episode on YouTube. It aired in September of 2018 and has since gained over 39 million views.

How much does Joe Rogan make from podcast?

According to Forbes, Joe Rogan podcast income was $30m in 2019. And that's not counting YouTube revenue which also contributes to the amount. In spring 2019, Rogan mentioned in one of the interviews that his show records over 190 million monthly downloads.

Does Jamie still work for Joe Rogan?

Jamie Vernon, also known as Young Jamie, is the producer of The Joe Rogan Experience (JRE) podcast. He has been working alongside Joe Rogan since 2013. Vernon is responsible for the sound, cameras, and other essential parts of one of the world's most popular podcasts.

What happened to Brian Redban?

Redban was also a co-host of the podcast during its early years. However, things didn't work out well with the two and Joe Rogan eventually decided to fire Brian Redban. Redban wasn't able to keep up with the show and lacked what Rogan required to make his show a success.

What is Joe rogans funniest podcast?

In this article, I will be listing the best episodes of the Joe Rogan Podcast that feature a comedian. Episode #990 – Jamie Foxx. Episode #1647 – Dave Chappelle. Episode #1161 – Jerrod Carmichael. Episode #1490 – Jimmy O. ... Episode #1505 – Hannibal Buress. Episode #1286 – Anthony Jeselnik.More items...

Who has the number 1 podcast?

The Joe Rogan ExperienceWeekly Podcast ListenersRankPodcastNetwork1The Joe Rogan ExperienceSpotify2The DailyThe New York Times3Crime Junkieaudiochuck4This American LifeThis American Life46 more rows•Feb 7, 2022

Do Podcasters pay guests?

Typically, podcasts do not pay their guests. Their “Payment” comes from exposure to the audience as well as highlights to their services, e-books, products, etc. Even if a podcast is small now, there is an assumption by host and guests that the show will grow, and the exposure will increase.

Does Joe Rogan have a wife?

Jessica DitzelJoe Rogan / Wife (m. 2009)

Who has the most watched podcast?

The 10 Most Popular Podcasts 2022THE JOE ROGAN EXPERIENCE. Hosted by Joe Rogan.CRIME JUNKIE. Hosted by Ashley Flowers & Brit Prawat.CRIME JUNKIE. Hosted by Ashley Flowers & Brit Prawat.CALL HER DADDY. Hosted by Alexandra Cooper.MY FAVORITE MURDER. ... THE BEN SHAPIRO SHOW. ... THE DAILY. ... THE DAILY.More items...•

How much Joe Rogan per episode?

On top of the $200 million deal, Rogan is also able to earn a lot of revenue with each episode, which is roughly based on his listener's count. According to a report by Wealthy Gorilla, Rogan is pulling in $100k with each episode that he uploads on the platform.

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