Does Joel Salatin have a podcast?
Author, farmer and speaker, Joel Salatin of PolyFace Farms joins us to talk about growing up on a farm and learning about how the Earth will work with us if we let it.
How many cows does Joel Salatin have per acre?
400 cows“At Joel's farm he puts the equivalent of 400 cows on 1 acre of grass. But they key is to move them every day.” Salatin's Virginia farm is well-established with the crème de la crème of pasture for his cows.
What animals does Joel Salatin have?
But he still spends most of his time on his rural Virginia farm—with the chickens, baling hay, moving cows from one paddock to another. He is a self-described “Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic” and has a penchant for perplexingly long catchphrases.
What type of farming does Joel Salatin do?
This farm is where Salatin developed and put into practice many of his most significant agricultural methods. These include direct marketing of meats and produce to consumers, pastured-poultry, grass-fed beef and the rotation method which makes his farm more like an ecological system than conventional farming.
How many pigs does Joel Salatin have per acre?
So, what we've done as a starting point, is to scale down Joel Salatin's stocking rates for his rotational pig set up. Joel raises 50 pigs per 5 acres, using half acre paddocks, thus 10 rotations.
Is Polyface Farm Organic?
Polyface Farm is a diversified, grass-based, beyond organic, direct marketing farm. We produce salad bar beef, pigaerator pork, pastured poultry and eggs, forage based rabbits, and forestry products.
What kind of chickens does Joel Salatin raise?
These Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, New Hampshire Reds, Black Australorps and White Rocks were the mainstay of both broiler and egg production.
How many acres is Polyface Farms?
The effusive and opinionated Mr. Salatin owns and operates the 550 acre Polyface Farm near the Blue Ridge Mountains in western Virginia.
Does Polyface Farm ship their products?
Most of our sales on our site we deliver to customers within 4 hours of our farm. We don't imbed the cost of UPS shipping into the price of our products because so many customers are local.
How many books has Joel Salatin written?
Pastured Poultry Profits1993Polyface Designs: A Comprehe...2021Salad bar beef1995Folks, This Ain't Normal: A Farmer's...2011You Can Farm: The Entrepren...1998Polyface Micro: Success w...2022Joel Salatin/Books
Why do Joel Salatin and Johnny Glosson get such a different amount of your food dollar?
3) Why do Joel Salatin and Johnny Glosson get such a different amount of your food dollar? Joel does every aspect of raising, slaughtering, and distributing so he gets the entire dollar, Johnny only raises the chickens, so he only gets a percentage of the sale.
What are the disadvantages of organic agriculture?
Disadvantages Of Organic FarmingOne: Organically Farmed Produce Costs More. ... Two: Organic Farming Requires Well Designed Methods To Compete With Conventional Farming. ... Three: Organic Farming Requires A Buffer Zone With Neighboring Conventional Farms. ... Four: Organic Farming Is Generally More Labor Intensive.More items...
Why do the cows change pastures?
Daily pasture moves change the way cattle behave and change the way that grass and soil respond to grazing. As a result cattle get consistent high-quality pasture every single day.
What are the benefits of rotational grazing?
Increased forage production. ... Increased soil fertility. ... Increased resistance to drought. ... Less wasting of forage. ... Soil compaction. ... Control less desirable plants. ... Extending the grazing season by limit feeding dry ewes or early gestation ewes. ... Saving the best forage for the class of sheep that needs it the most.More items...•
Is not the cow is the how?
We want to eat healthily and ethically – what choices should we make? '” Hahn Niman's argument is summarised by a slogan T-shirt she likes to wear: “It's not the cow, it's the how.” A cow is not an innate eco-devil, but how they are farmed is often fiendishly damaging.
Why is a pasture better than a plowed field in terms of global warming?
A conventionally farmed corn or soybean field is a major source of greenhouse gases, air and water pollution either way. But a permanent pasture is a biodiverse, ever-cycling pump that continuously pushes carbon back into the soil where it increases fertility and builds topsoil.
Joel Salatin
If you don’t know who Joel Salatin is, let me quote here a short bio I received from Joel.
The Farm
When Joel’s dad set out to work his farm, he asked the experts for advice. He pretty much was told to plow it all up, buy plenty of fertilizer, build farm buildings and go deep into debt. The debt is a natural consequence of investing in so much infrastructure and of course the continual need of buying fertilizer.
NPK Fertilizer
As with so many other things we use in our everyday life, NPK was originally needed for war. World War I and World WarII. Bombs and explosives needed NPK and lots of money was spend to make that happen. Now, it was available and plentiful. And it seemed the answer to end the backbreaking labor which used to be the reality of farm life.
Highlights from the Podcast
The deep soils of this planet did not develop under forests and bushes. They developed under grasses.