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by Carolyne Powlowski PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago


If you can organize your life so that you do one useful thing a day you can do incredible things. Obviously, you’re going to do more than one thing in a day. The chores have to get done and you have to eat food and take a shower and do all the things you do.… Continue reading ONE THING


Imagine your life story is like a rubber band pulled tight. Your life story is everything about the way you are, how much money you make, how much you weigh, and what kind of friends you have. And if you gain weight, or go into debt past what’s acceptable according to the story you believe… Continue reading RUBBER BAND


If you’re struggling with self doubt don’t waste time trying to believe in yourself. Just do something that gives you a clear positive result. The way to do that is pick an action that’s smaller and humbler than you think you should do. If you have self doubt and feel like you’re running against things… Continue reading SELF DOUBT


Your life will have less panic in it if you set internal limitations instead of battling external ones. Spending less money than you make is setting an internal limitation that stops you from running against the defeating reality that you can’t afford something.


Money is a human invention. But that doesn’t mean it’s meaningless. Many ideas have created unimaginable positive effects over history and money is an idea. It’s an idea of using an object that’s limited enough to be scarce, but common enough to be owned by anyone to represent value. You can argue all day whether… Continue reading MONEY IS AN IDEA


If you’re having trouble moving from the planning phase to the action phase, consider that you might be assuming that you need to have everything figured out ahead of time. Not even rocket launches are done with everything figured out ahead of time. This is a really bad assumption.


If you’re unable to say ‘no’ to someone in your life it might be happening for several reasons. One, is that it might be making you nervous. And if it’s too scary then the solution is to say no more often to smaller things that don’t feel like a big deal. You need practice. Another… Continue reading SAYING NO

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