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la catholic morning podcast

by Vinnie Kovacek Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

This Week's Lineup

Monday - Johnathan Liedl-Article on Cardinal Hollerich; Edward Pentin-Movement to destroy Benedict's life and work; Rob McFarland-update on vaccination mandate in Alabama

Next Week's Lineup

Friday - Tom McDonald-Film or tv show TBD; Guest TBD; Fr Andrew Jones-Sunday Gospel reflection.

Meet the Team

Todd has been a long-time host at Archangel Radio all while being involved in youth ministry and parish life. He’s the father of ten and the first to tell you he’s a Catholic geek.


Tom McDonald previewed Pensacon. Kari Stender shared about the mission of Con-solatio. Fr Andrew Jones provided our Sunday Gospel reflection.

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Topic: Is Boxing Immoral as a Sport?

A Moral Analysis of the Goals and Ends of the Sport of Boxing. In this segment, Todd and Michelle discuss with Father Tad the serious concerns surrounding a sport which has as its stated purpose the goal of inducing a state of temporary unconsciousness, via a concussion, in one's opponent.

Topic: Should I Get Married and Have Kids?

What Young People Could Most Profit From Hearing About Marriage. In this inspiring segment, Todd Sylvester and Father Tad discuss the beauties and joys of family life, and look at the modern cultural need for strong messaging around the enduring blessings of marriage and children as a fulfilling pathway for young people.

Topic: Childhood Gender Transitions

Keira Bell Challenges the Establishment on Childhood Gender Transitions. In today's show Todd, Michelle, and Father Tad discuss the story of Keira Bell, who sued the Tavistock clinic in London after she claimed the medical staff failed to challenge her seriously about her decision as a teenager to transition to a male.

Topic: Should We Take Whatever Vaccine is Offered?

The Importance of Discerning Our Options.

Topic: Vaccines and Other Entanglements with Abortion

Clarifying the Ethical Questions Around “An Association with Abortion.” In today's episode Father Tad discusses many issues concerning the development of vaccines in general as well as the new COVID-19 vaccines.

Topic: Vaccinations

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate. In today's show Father Tad addresses the idea of vaccinations broadly, including risks and benefits, and then discusses the new Covid-19 vaccines. He stresses the importance of proper clinical trials before vaccines are made available to the public to verify their safety.

Topic: The Vatican's Statement on Euthanasia

Assuring the Dignity of the Dying Process. Father Tad and the hosts review the Vatican's 2020 statement on Euthanasia “Samaritanus bonus” from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which deals with the care of persons in the critical and terminal phases of life.

Topic: The Dignity of the Human Person

Human Beings are not Lab Rats.

Topic: The Weight of Our Moral Words

Language and Veiling and Unveiling Moral Truth. In this show, the focus is on the importance of words and how they are used. Over the time there has been an attempt to commandeer language when it comes to moral disputes and disagreements. This is often done in a subtle effort to make the intolerable palatable.

Topic: Spiritual Lessons from the Pandemic

Sub Specie Aeternitatis. In today's show Father Tad discusses concerns of the soul during the pandemic including the rampant fear and uncertainty that is invariably a part of any new pandemic.

Topic: The Challenges of Making New Vaccines

Ethical Risks in the Scramble for a COVID Vaccine. In today's show Father Tad and the hosts discuss the typical timeline for producing a new vaccine as well as the need for proper and transparent testing.

Topic: Ventilator Rationing

Triage and Rationing in the Midst of a Pandemic. Father Tad discusses the ethical issues around removing a ventilator from one person who has been using it, resulting in their death, and passing it onto another who would be expected to benefit from it.

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