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landline now podcast

by Loyal Ernser Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

1. April 27, 2021 – Congressman: Higher minimum insurance bad for rail, good for trucks

A member of the U.S. House of Representatives signed a letter complaining about difficulties that local commuter railroads have finding and paying for liability insurance. However, at the same time, he introduced a bill that would do exactly the same thing to the liability insurance requirements for trucking operations.

2. Feb. 17, 2021 – OOIDA to Congress: Truckers need help NOW

Lewie Pugh of OOIDA is rapidly developing a “tell-it-like-it-is” reputation. He added to that when he told Congress all the ways they let truckers down during the pandemic, and what the federal government both should have done, and can still do. Terry Scruton brought us some highlights in this Land Line Now podcast.

3. May 11, 2021 – An 11-day wait to unload

Waiting at the dock to unload your truck can be one of the most frustrating parts of the job – but there are limits to anyone’s patience. An OOIDA senior member discussed being forced to wait 11 days at a distribution center.

4. Sept. 27, 2021 – FMCSA nominee answers tough questions about trucking

Meera Joshi was in the hot seat at her confirmation hearing for the top job at FMCSA. And while she shared the stage with three nominees for other positions, Joshi got the most questions. News Anchor Scott Thompson reported on her answers.

5. Feb. 12, 2021 – FMCSA letter? Probably not, and it could cost you money

Most junk mail or spam is an irritant, but it isn’t really harmful. However, some truckers have received messages that caused them to spend hundreds of dollars unnecessarily. So how do you tell what is and is not something you should respond to? In this Land Line Now podcast, we offered a scam alert, and some advice. LL

Land Line Now is the official radio program of OOIDA. Join the Association here

Mark Reddig had more than two decades of award-winning writing, editing and photography experience before the 2005 launch of Land Line Now. In the radio show’s first 12 years, Mark and the staff have been honored with awards from regional, national and international media organizations.


Feb. 17, 2021 – OOIDA to Congress: Truckers Need Help Now

  • Lewie Pugh of OOIDA is rapidly developing a “tell-it-like-it-is” reputation. He added to that when he told Congress all the ways they let truckers down during the pandemic, and what the federal government both should have done, and can still do. Terry Scruton brought us some highlights in this Land Line Now podcast.
See more on landline.media

May 11, 2021 – An 11-Day Wait to Unload

  • Waiting at the dock to unload your truck can be one of the most frustrating parts of the job – but there are limits to anyone’s patience. An OOIDA senior member discussed being forced to wait 11 days at a distribution center.
See more on landline.media

Sept. 27, 2021 – FMCSA Nominee Answers Tough Questions About Trucking

  • Meera Joshi was in the hot seat at her confirmation hearing for the top job at FMCSA. And while she shared the stage with three nominees for other positions, Joshi got the most questions. News Anchor Scott Thompson reported on her answers.
See more on landline.media

Feb. 12, 2021 – FMCSA Letter? Probably Not, and It Could Cost You Money

  • Most junk mail or spam is an irritant, but it isn’t really harmful. However, some truckers have received messages that caused them to spend hundreds of dollars unnecessarily. So how do you tell what is and is not something you should respond to? In this Land Line Now podcast, we offered a scam alert, and some advice. LL
See more on landline.media

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