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last podcast on the left men in black

by Candace Hahn Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Episodes 323-325 - "The Men In Black"

The paranormal phenomena of "Men In Black" has become a staple cliche of the conspiracy science fiction genre. However, in their three-part series about the "Men In Black," Last Podcast explored the modern mythology of the phenomena as well as the historical references to similar sightings.

Episodes 352-354 - "Skinwalker Ranch"

The notorious parcel of land in the American west known as Skinwalker Ranch has become a bastion of paranormal activity and is the source of numerous books and podcasts.

Episodes 335-337 - "The West Memphis Three"

Though Last Podcast On The Left has covered their fair share of true crime stories over the years, few were as uniquely frightening as that of the West Memphis Three. The three-part series covers the events of a real life murder in West Memphis Arkansas and three teenage boys who were railroaded into prison for a crime they didn't commit.

Episodes 169-170 - "Betty And Barney Hill"

Usually, the UFO stories covered on Last Podcast have a rather innocuous feeling. Though the supposed witness is shaken by their experience, they are largely left unharmed, but the case of Betty and Barney Hill was different. The two-part series covers the experiences of a real life couple whose supposed abduction ruined their lives.

Episodes 50-60 - "BTK"

It took a while for Last Podcast to find its footing but their BTK series was the first glimpse of what the show would become in the future. While most of their early series were brief explorations of topics, their two-part series on the BTK killer showed a new depth of research for the fledgling podcast.

Episodes 331-332 - "The Donner Party"

Over the years, Last Podcast On The Left has shown growth as a show and has progressed into more historical topics. One of their first forays into history was their harrowing two-part series on the Donner Party and the various calamities that befell the travelers.

Episodes 300-304 - "Jonestown"

One of the other areas explored by Last Podcast is the strange and terrifying world of cults. In their extensive five-part series, Last Podcast tackled one of the world's most famous cults, the People's Temple, and followed the story from the humble beginnings to the gruesome end.

What makes the Last Podcast on the Left funny?

It’s the humor. What makes Last Podcast on the Left ‘s (or LPOTL’s) humor work is the host’s clear affinity for the subjects they’re talking about. The subjects aren’t funny. It’s the boys, Ben, Marcus, and Henry who we trust to see something in their subjects and sense something a little unmoored in the audience.

How many episodes of The Guys are there?

The guys have demonstrated, over the course of well over 400 episodes, how close we all might be to the edge. That’s scary. It’s dangerous. It’s relatable on a level deep enough to elicit chuckles we know full well shouldn’t have escaped our lips.

How often should I check in on the Illuminati?

That’s why it’s good to check in on them every once in a while. If you’ve got things to do, and you should, you can rest easy knowing the guys from LPOTL are on the case.

Is there a connection between LPOTL and the murder of hip hop stars?

Two of the biggest hip hop innovators and mega stars murdered back to back. There’s a connection. But how big a connection? It’s never been solved. Well, LPOTL dives deep into the evidence, and, more importantly, the non-evidence to kick off another of their stellar comedic series.

Was David Berg a manipulator?

Cultist David Berg was a magnificent manipulator of the hippies. It’s unclear if that had to do with their taking too many drugs and being susceptible already, or if he was really just that good. Well, since it begged an investigation, LPOTL took up the mantle and examined the profits of the prophet of the Children of God. This episode is gross. And raucous. And creepy. So creepy.

Is it necessary to watch LOPTL?

You don’t have to be a conspiracy theory enthusiast to enjoy LOPTL. It’s not remotely necessary. But if you want to pull extra layers and threads of empathy out of these episodes… to feel better about laughing about these subjects, it helps to understand something about what makes these mental aberrations take hold. The story of Bill Cooper is just such an illuminating story.

Is Charles Manson a polarizing figure?

Charles Manson is a polarizing figure in Americana. And, to some extent, it’s all Brian Wilson’s fault. But once old Charlie was brought up on charges, a completely bonkers plot to rescue him unfolded, ending in a shootout with the local Hawthorne police department. There’s very little that could be considered “pro social” about Manson and his family, but this is one of the more outlandish, cartoonish, schemes they cooked up.

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