Podcast FAQ

learn german by podcast

by Mallie McLaughlin DDS Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the fastest way to learn German?

How to Learn German Fast (But Right): 10 Steps for Smarter StudyingUse Word Frequency Lists to Learn the Most Useful German Vocabulary. ... Learn Modal Verbs: Say More with Fewer Conjugations. ... Make a German-speaking Friend for Constant Speaking Practice. ... Learn German Syntax: Make Sure Every Word Has Its Place.More items...•

How can I memorize German fast?

Here are a few of my favourite language hacks that can help you learn German fast:Use Spaced Repetition Systems (SRS). SRS is a great method for memorizing vocabulary and phrases. ... Use mnemonics. Mnemonics help you create associations to easily recall German words. ... Focus your study with the Pomodoro Technique.

How can I learn German fast by myself?

8 Simple Solo Steps to Speak GermanHear and Repeat German Letter Sounds. ... Stockpile Some Easy “Framework Words” ... Expand Your Vocabulary with Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives. ... Start Putting Sentences Together. ... Memorize Reusable German Phrases. ... Watch Movies and Videos in German (Dubbed, Then Authentic) ... Read the News in German.More items...•

Where can I listen to German podcasts?

Spotify has been investing heavily in podcasts for a few years now, and it's not only focussing on English. There are now dozens of German Spotify Original podcasts, including ones that are translations of English Spotify Originals.

How long learn German fluently?

According to the U.S. Foreign Service Institute (FSI), you'll need about 750 hours of study to become fluent in German. This means that if you study 12-15 hours a week, you'll be able to speak like a pro in just a year!

Can I learn German in 1 month?

German is a difficult language! Within a month, you should be able to get a hang of most of the basics, such as haben and sein and using the Perfekt tense, enough to where you'll be able to navigate your daily life with relative ease.

Can I learn German in 3 months?

You can learn be fluent in German in 3 months. If you, like me, follow the works of the productivity gurus on the internet you might be under the impression, as I once was, that you can learn a language in as little as three months.

Is Duolingo good for German?

The app guides you to learn in a natural way through exposure, which works well for English native speakers who are studying German because the two languages are quite closely related. Duolingo German is also good for those who like to jump in at the deep end.

Which is the best app to learn German?

Eight Free Apps to Teach You GermanAnki. This app is designed to help you master new vocabulary through flashcards that you can work with anytime on your smart phone. ... Memrise. ... WordPic. ... Babbel. ... DeutschAkademie. ... MindSnack's Learn German. ... Busuu. ... Duolingo.More items...•

Can you learn German by listening?

If you take care to consciously listen to your German audio, you'll quickly start to pick up new German skills through osmosis, also known as “passive listening.” This is when you absorb new vocabulary and grammar concepts just by being exposed to the language.

How can I learn German for free?

My Free German Tool RecommendationsDuolingo.Memrise.Lingvist.DeutschAkademie's German Audio Course.Easy German.Extr@Deutsche Welle.FSI German Courses.More items...•

Is Babbel good for German?

Babbel German is a good option for beginning or low intermediate German students. Their courses teach vocabulary and are also good for memorizing some of the tougher parts of German grammar.

20 'Shall we go out this evening?'

It's often the case that we make suggestions to each other - to go to the cinema, to go out for something to eat, to go for a drink. That's the focus of our discussion in this lesson.

19 Talking about the weather

A common topic of conversation is the weather. That will be our focus in this lesson. We'll begin with a conversation between Frau Meier and Herr Mueller who are neighbours but who, nonetheles…

18 'What would you like to eat this evening?...'

In this lesson, Martin and Stefanie are discussing what to eat this evening. The possibilities are endless. Let's consider some of those possibilities in this lesson.

16 A trip to the baker's

When away on a trip, chances are that you'll pay a visit to a bakery to sample some fine local patisseries. Let's do just that in this lesson. We'll start with a dialogue between the shop assistant an…

15 Buying something at the pharmacy

If you're on vacation or on business abroad, it's almost a given that, at some stage you'll need to pay a visit to the local pharmacy. That's the focus of our attention in this lesson.

How many GermanPod101 podcasts are there?

I like most of the languages they teach, but their German lessons were pretty disappointing, often feeling uninspiring to listen to. There are over 1,000 podcasts already at around 15 minutes each.

What is authentic German learning?

Authentic German Learning is another intermediate podcast that requires you to have some basic understanding of grammar and vocabulary but is suitable for new learners. There are transcripts and translations on the website to help you out.

What is the story behind "Deutsch Warum Nicht"?

Deutsch Warum Nicht? is a classic audio series that students have been using since 1991 – before podcasts were even a thing! Some of the references may be a little dated, but the story will keep you intrigued, as it follows the tale of Andreas, a student who meets a Heinzelmädchen, a creature from German folklore.

What is a sozusagen?

Bayern 2 – Sozusagen! Sozusagen is a podcast that explores the German language in more depth, including grammar quirks and regional dialects. Produced by the Bayern 2 public radio station, this is a great way to understand the nuances of the language.

What is Twilingo podcast?

Twilingo is a unique podcast that proposes to teach German via “neuro-based speed learning.” On this podcast, you’ll hear a story in German, and then you’ll hear it repeated in German and in English at the same time. It’s like an instant translation.

What is Zeitsprung podcast?

The Zeitsprung podcast, which translates to “time jump,” dives deep into German history, with episodes exploring everything from German immigrants in New York City to the revolutionary history of Bavaria. Not for newbies, these 1 to 2-hour episodes will give you a crash course in German history in the mother tongue.

How long are elementarfragen episodes?

Elementarfragen is an advanced podcast intended for German audiences that features in-depth interviews on particular topics. Episodes run for one to two hours and are free wherever you listen to podcasts.

Why learn German using podcasts?

Just like reading is integral to learning a language, so too is listening to native speakers. Podcasts are a great way to gain a better grasp of German and can help you sound more natural when speaking. Listening to German will help improve your understanding and pronunciation.

Best German podcasts for beginners

If you’re a beginner German learner looking to get into podcasts, Coffee Break German is for you.

Best German podcasts for intermediate learners

This podcast’s episodes can be pretty long, but Auf Deutsch gesagt! is a great resource for intermediate learners.

Best German podcasts for advanced learners

If you’re looking to increase your speaking and listening skills, Der Anruf is a great podcast for advanced learners. The host of the podcast calls different people with interesting stories from all over Germany to speak on the show, exposing listeners to a wide range of dialects.

Topic-specific German podcasts

This podcast is tons of fun because the host will teach you things about the German language while also talking about current events and business etiquette.

Tips for learning with German podcasts

Now that you know the best podcasts to learn German, let’s see how to make the best of them.

1. Coffee Break German

This podcast is a pre-packaged delight for all levels, and it’s as ready to go as your take away coffee. Coffee Break German offers a slow, coffee break length language lesson for those in a rush (though, as you progress through the series, I believe that bean grinding, brewing time and slow sugar stirring are included as part of your break time).

2. The Easy German Podcast

This channel’s philosophy is all about learning from real people and natural conversation. The channel began its journey back in 2005 when the creator, Janusz, recorded a video in which he greeted people on the streets of Münster. The video was created as a gift to help two Vietnamese students who were learning German.

3. Warum nicht?

Brought to us by Deutsche Welle and the Goethe-Institut, this podcast series is specifically designed to help you progress through the standardized language learning levels of the Common European Framework for Languages.

4. News in Slow German

It may have the word “slow” in its name, but this pick brings a welcome, bite-size piece of language learning in your day. As short as an afternoon-coffee biscuit dunk, you really have no reason not to listen to this regularly.

5. Slow German with Annik Rubens

Another “slow” one, Slow Germanhas a surprisingly fast-paced way of supercharging your learning. Annik Rubens, German social media expert working for the national radio station service, Bayerischen Rundfunk, set up her own podcast back in 2005.

learn german every week with my Podcast

Become fluent and confident in speaking German with my podcast. The podcast focuses on teaching you German grammar and vocab for daily life and career. The podcast is suitable for beginner and intermediate speakers.

individual or group lessons

Some German words can look intimidating but don’t have to be, especially when placed in a real world context. The new podcast Expertly German includes and explain a lot of economic and business terms from current news stories, and also provide a helpful transcript at the bottom of each episode.

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