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lions led by donkeys podcast

by Karina Adams Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The Lions Led By Donkeys podcast is a military history podcast for laughing at the worst military failures, inept commanders, and crazy stories from throughout the history of human conflict.…


We dragged you out of your home and forced you to fight for us. They wouldn't let us pick less than a dollar as an option. You get access to 1 bonus episode a month as well as an invite to our discord chat.


You enlisted under your own free will to drag you and your family out of crushing poverty. You get access to 1 bonus episode a month plus access to our discord chat.

Legion Of The Old Crow

You've sworn allegiance to our noble God King Old Crow. It was an oath made in blood and you stand ready to die for the honor of cheap, dollar store Whiskey. You get a free digital copy of Joe's book The Hooligans of Kandahar, 2 Bonus episodes a month, and access to our discord chat.

Lions Led By Donkeys

The Lions Led By Donkeys podcast is a military history podcast for laughing at the worst military failures, inept commanders, and crazy stories from throughout the history of human conflict. Our podcast will always be free, but if you think what we do is worth a buck you can throw us one here: https://www.patreon.com/lionsledbydonkeys

Episode 173 - The 4th Crusade

A bunch of christian knights get hijacked to knee cap some people over boat debt.

Episode 172 - The Battle of Sarikamish

The Ottoman Empire trips over its own dick into WWI, orders an army to attack up a mountain in the middle of winter without shoes, and commits a genocide.

Episode 165 - The Namibian Genocide Part 1: The Scramble For Atrocities

Germany unifies and colonizes Namibia, is shocked to find out this is unpopular to the people who live there.

Episode 164 - The Pancho Villa Expedition Part 2: No Nicknames Given

The US invades Mexico, gets lost, commits crimes against humanity, goes home.

Episode 161 - The First Chechen War Part 3: Welcome to Hell

Russians invade the Chechen capital of Grozny, sparking one of the most devastating urban battles in modern military history.

Episode 160 - The First Chechen War Part 2: So You've Accidentally Killed Your Own Conscripts

Part 2 of our 4 part series. Russia invades the breakaway Chechen Republic of Ichkeria and promptly bombs and shells themselves without mercy.

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