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losing our religion podcast

by Brennon Haag Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

EPISODE 234: HBO's Alabama Snake Film: Bryan Storkel

Bryan Storkel! Bryan is a director and producer known for his featured works on Netflix, HBO, ESPN, Fox, and more. Most recently, Netflix’s THE LEGEND OF COCAINE ISLAND (2019), which is now being made into a narrative film at Netflix with Will Ferrell and Bryan serving as Executive Producer.

What Happened to the Podcast?: Zac Gandara

There hasn’t been a new podcast episode for six months. What happened? Where is the show going now? Will it continue? How is Zac doing? What has Zac been doing? There is a lot to catch up on.

THINKING THURSDAY: Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable: Luvvie Ajayi: Zac Gandara

Thinking Thursday’s are about critically thinking, breaking out of boxes, and discussing new ways we could live this life together.

MONDAY MELTDOWN: Where Does Empathy Come From?: Zac Gandara

I am not the first person to reiterate that we have an empathy crisis in our world. We’ve created walls of privilege to shielded ourselves from the pain and struggles of humanity. The only way to understand is to embrace, and listen while feeling uncomfortable.

THINKING THURSDAY: The First Step to Becoming an Ally to Fighting Racial Injustice: Zac Gandara

Thinking Thursday’s are about critically thinking, breaking out of boxes, and discussing new ways we could live this life together.

Best Of Episode: White People Homework for Black Lives Matter Allies: Tori Glass

In place of our regularly scheduled episode, due to current events around George Floyd's murder, I want to reintroduce Tori Glass. Tori is an anti-racist educator, writer, content creator, and prolific tweeter. She is teaching people Dr. King called, “People of Goodwill,” how to do the work that is theirs, in their communities.

MONDAY MELTDOWN: Why Are Christians Finally Speaking Up About George Floyd and Black Lives Matter: Zac Gandara

Racism has been prominent in America for centuries. But when Colin Kaepernick kneeled at football games most of American Christianity mocked him in anger.

About The Host

As a young child, my mom would catch me perched on top of the backyard fence, looking to the sky, moving my lips. When asked what I was doing up there I responded, "Talking to Jesus."


As a young child, my mom would catch me perched on top of the backyard fence, looking to the sky, moving my lips. When asked what I was doing up there I responded, "Talking to Jesus."

As Social Issues Drive Young From Church, Leaders Try To Keep Them

January 18, 2013 • Morning Edition wraps up its weeklong look at the growing number of people who say they do not identify with a religion. In the final conversation, two religious leaders describe what they do to attract young people to the church.

Making Marriage Work When Only One Spouse Believes In God

January 17, 2013 • Every couple has differences and disagreements to navigate. But what happens when the couple disagrees on the fundamental question of faith? Maria Peyer is a church-attending Lutheran; her husband, Mike Bixby, is an atheist. But they've found ways to accept and support each other's beliefs.

On Religion, Some Young People Show Both Doubt And Respect

January 17, 2013 • NPR's David Greene talks with a group of young adults who've struggled with the role of faith and religion in their lives. They do not speak of emptiness without religion, but recognize that it fills needs. They talk of having respect for religion, but say that it's not something they identify with now.

After Tragedy, Nonbelievers Find Other Ways To Cope

January 16, 2013 • Many have long turned to religion for solace in the aftermath of a tragedy, but that's not an option for the nonreligious or those whose faith is destroyed by the event. For the nonreligious, dealing with trauma and loss often requires forging one's own path.

More Young People Are Moving Away From Religion, But Why?

January 15, 2013 • One-fifth of Americans are religiously unaffiliated, and those younger than 30 especially seem to be drifting from organized religion. Six young adults — some with Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Seventh-day Adventist backgrounds — explore their struggle with faith and religion.

Losing Our Religion: The Growth Of The 'Nones'

January 13, 2013 • As religious as this country may be, many Americans are not religious at all. The group of religiously unaffiliated – dubbed "nones"-- has been growing. One-fifth of Americans say they're nones, as are one in three under 30. They're socially liberal and aren't looking for an organized religion.

Comedy Podcasts

Losing Our Religion with host Zac Gandara is a wild often comedic ride alongside a community of diverse humans each seeking their desired life and ideal experience away from the dogma and exclusivities they may have been raised to believe.

EPISODE 234: HBO's Alabama Snake Film: Bryan Storkel

Bryan Storkel! Bryan is a director and producer known for his featured works on Netflix, HBO, ESPN, Fox, and more. Most recently, Netflix’s THE LEGEND OF COCAINE ISLAND (2019), which is now being made into a narrative film at Netflix with Will Ferrell and Bryan serving as Executive Producer.

What Happened to the Podcast?: Zac Gandara

There hasn’t been a new podcast episode for six months. What happened? Where is the show going now? Will it continue? How is Zac doing? What has Zac been doing? There is a lot to catch up on.

THINKING THURSDAY: Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable: Luvvie Ajayi: Zac Gandara

Thinking Thursday’s are about critically thinking, breaking out of boxes, and discussing new ways we could live this life together. This is an excerpt from TEDWomen Talk in 2017. Luvvie Ajayi isn't afraid to speak her mind or to be the one dissenting voice in a crowd, and neither should you.

MONDAY MELTDOWN: Where Does Empathy Come From?: Zac Gandara

I am not the first person to reiterate that we have an empathy crisis in our world. We’ve created walls of privilege to shielded ourselves from the pain and struggles of humanity. The only way to understand is to embrace, and listen while feeling uncomfortable.

THINKING THURSDAY: The First Step to Becoming an Ally to Fighting Racial Injustice: Zac Gandara

Thinking Thursday’s are about critically thinking, breaking out of boxes, and discussing new ways we could live this life together. It seems like so many people are finally waking up to the reality that has been going on for centuries. We have a big problem with institutional racism. How can you help? It begins with one thing...

Best Of Episode: White People Homework for Black Lives Matter Allies: Tori Glass

In place of our regularly scheduled episode, due to current events around George Floyd's murder, I want to reintroduce Tori Glass. Tori is an anti-racist educator, writer, content creator, and prolific tweeter. She is teaching people Dr. King called, “People of Goodwill,” how to do the work that is theirs, in their communities.

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