Podcast FAQ

lum and abner podcast

by Prof. Rene Gottlieb Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why does Lum get onto Abner?

Lum gets onto Abner for his interference that caused the explosion of pest control chemicals. They…

What does Lum call a meeting?

After moving town records to their hilltop camp site, Lum calls a meeting to discuss the victory, and possible set backs of the deed. Dick Huddleston isn't concerned over the…

What does Lum decide to do?

Being kicked out of town, and forced to camp on a near by hilltop, Lum decides to act on Caleb Wehandt's plan. The exiled men plan to raid the government…

What store does Abner hold down the fort in?

Audio is a bit jumpy. Abner holds down the fort in the Jot 'Em Down store , and Lum returns to tell how it went at the city counsil meeting. He…

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Don’t forget to sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting e-mail mailing list . I want to be able to reach out to you if there’s a problem with the website and the best way to do that is by using a mailing list. Don’t worry, I won’t be filling your mailbox with e-mail but I would like to have a way to say “hey” if the need arises.

Contact Info

Follow me on Twitter if you use twitter. I’ve been posting Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Sign up for the Two Chairs E-mail Mailing List

Don’t forget to sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting e-mail mailing list . I want to be able to reach out to you if there’s a problem with the website and the best way to do that is by using a mailing list. Don’t worry, I won’t be filling your mailbox with e-mail but I would like to have a way to say “hey” if the need arises.

Contact Info

Follow me on Twitter if you use twitter. I’ve been posting Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

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