Podcast FAQ

mark hoffman podcast

by Colt Hermann Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the title of a podcast?

The title of all your shows are the names of the people you talk to. When someone is coming to your podcast to see what it is all about, we don’t know these people, and seeing their name doesn’t make us want to necessarily listen to your show. If you were to instead title your show with what your listener will learn, I bet the listener rate will go up. And therefore, more people will be familiar with who you are talking to :)

What is Karen Tiber Leland's spiritual connection?

Listen in as Karen Tiber Leland shares with us about the power of being tapped into your Spiritual Self. Karen went through a very rough time after doing the Process. Through this time, she realized that her connection to her Spiritual Self was "hardwired in." She realizes how this being so helped her to navigate such a hard time in her life.

What is Love's everyday radius?

Our aim is to highlight how the Process enhances reciprocity, gratitude, and responsibility toward the whole. The Hoffman Process is about more than individuals healing themselves . When you change yourself from within, your actions change and you become an integral part of the healing of the world through your own “everyday radius.”

Who is Lorenzo Jones?

Listen in as Lorenzo Jones, business coach, facilitator, and speaker shares his Process experience with Sharon. Through the dialogue he had with his Mother at the Process, Lorenzo experienced deep healing. She's a very private person, he says, so through dialogue, he was able to answer questions he'd always held. Lorenzo also speaks to the power of forgiveness. He says that "forgiveness is like an arrow that goes both ways." To forgive requires one to also release oneself.

Who is Elizabeth Kapu’uwailani Lindsey?

Dr. Elizabeth Kapu’uwailani Lindsey is our guest today. Listen in as she articulates, in breathtaking ways, what it means to be human, to be sovereign, and to be one's own authority . A Polynesian explorer, Elizabeth has spent her life exploring some of the world’s most remote regions. She shares with us just how important it is to also courageously explore one's internal terrain.

Jasper Hoffman

Jasper is the founder and producer of The Plain People’s Podcast as well as a dedicated creativity coach based in North Carolina and the greater Nashville area. She enjoys helping people realize their creative calling, and works with clients to launch products and programs so they can effectively grow their business.

Ryan Higgs

Ryan is joining us for Season Five as our official Savior of Sound! A graduate of Baylor University in Texas, he has worked with many different music venues, theaters, and festivals since then. Over the last few years, Ryan has shifted his creative focus to recorded music and podcast post-production work, and he now freelances full-time.

Krisann McElvain

Krisann is a part of our Ministry of Operations and is the owner/operator of Surefire Collaboration, LLC. She provides virtual assistance and manages all things paperwork, scheduling, social media, etc. for our listeners and guests.

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