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by Donnell Bogisich Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

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What does Savage say about losing faith?

Savage speaks to mystic about losing faith in God. Savage reads a simple prayer to remind us about connecting head, heart and hands to work as one for God each day. What Dems are doing to Trump mirrors what the Romans did to Tibeirus Gracchus, a populist Roman politician who was killed by the Ancient Roman “swamp”.

What does Savage say in the interview?

Savage says goodbye to his audience, takes calls from listeners, interview with his son Russ. A great show and full of sweet moments. Savage breaks a lot of hearts when he says “And now I pass the burden I’ve been carrying, to all of you.”

What did Savage dream about?

Savage describes his dream about the Last Elephant, Biden’s first actions: appointing transgender to Dept. of HHS, and bringing in a bust of Hugo Chavez, monologue on the Inauguration of Fear and Loathing, Savage breaks down the 17 executive orders signed by Biden yesterday. Savage reads analysis from special forces soldier titled Winter is Coming, Savage describes what life is like under communist rule by reading from Life and Death in Shanghai by Nien Cheng

What is cancel culture?

The Terror of Cancel Culture and how it’s coming for you; ‘Cancel culture’ is a descendant of the Maoist murderers in China, the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, the Young Pioneers in Russia.

Is Pelosi stoking a mass hysteria?

LISTEN AT MEGAPHONE. Impeachment Hysteria, Pelosi is stoking a mass hysteria in this country over impeachment, News of the Day; Savage goes over the important headlines of the day, Savage explains the man in charge of impeachment, the night school nebbish.

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